2023-04-16 17:39:53 +02:00

701 lines
24 KiB

import random
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import List, Optional, Dict, Tuple
import pycountry
from .album import AlbumType, AlbumStatus
from .collection import Collection
from .formatted_text import FormattedText
from .lyrics import Lyrics
from .metadata import (
Mapping as id3Mapping,
from .option import Options
from .parents import MainObject
from .source import Source, SourceCollection
from .target import Target
from ..utils.string_processing import unify
from ..utils.shared import SORT_BY_ALBUM_TYPE, SORT_BY_DATE
All Objects dependent
CountryTyping = type(list(pycountry.countries)[0])
class Song(MainObject):
Class representing a song object, with attributes id, mb_id, title, album_name, isrc, length,
tracksort, genre, source_list, target, lyrics_list, album, main_artist_list, and feature_artist_list.
"lyrics_collection", "album_collection", "main_artist_collection", "feature_artist_collection",
"title": None,
"unified_title": None,
"isrc": None,
"length": None,
"tracksort": 0,
"genre": None,
"notes": FormattedText()
def __init__(
_id: int = None,
dynamic: bool = False,
title: str = None,
unified_title: str = None,
isrc: str = None,
length: int = None,
tracksort: int = None,
genre: str = None,
source_list: List[Source] = None,
target_list: List[Target] = None,
lyrics_list: List[Lyrics] = None,
album_list: List['Album'] = None,
main_artist_list: List['Artist'] = None,
feature_artist_list: List['Artist'] = None,
notes: FormattedText = None,
) -> None:
MainObject.__init__(self, _id=_id, dynamic=dynamic, **kwargs)
# attributes
self.title: str = title
self.unified_title: str = unified_title
if unified_title is None and title is not None:
self.unified_title = unify(title)
self.isrc: str = isrc
self.length: int = length
self.tracksort: int = tracksort or 0
self.genre: str = genre
self.notes: FormattedText = notes or FormattedText()
self.source_collection: SourceCollection = SourceCollection(source_list)
self.target_collection: Collection = Collection(data=target_list, element_type=Target)
self.lyrics_collection: Collection = Collection(data=lyrics_list, element_type=Lyrics)
self.album_collection: Collection = Collection(data=album_list, element_type=Album)
self.main_artist_collection = Collection(data=main_artist_list, element_type=Artist)
self.feature_artist_collection = Collection(data=feature_artist_list, element_type=Artist)
def _build_recursive_structures(self, build_version: int, merge: bool):
if build_version == self.build_version:
self.build_version = build_version
album: Album
for album in self.album_collection:
album.song_collection.append(self, merge_on_conflict=merge, merge_into_existing=False)
album._build_recursive_structures(build_version=build_version, merge=merge)
artist: Artist
for artist in self.feature_artist_collection:
artist.feature_song_collection.append(self, merge_on_conflict=merge, merge_into_existing=False)
artist._build_recursive_structures(build_version=build_version, merge=merge)
for artist in self.main_artist_collection:
for album in self.album_collection:
artist.main_album_collection.append(album, merge_on_conflict=merge, merge_into_existing=False)
artist._build_recursive_structures(build_version=build_version, merge=merge)
def indexing_values(self) -> List[Tuple[str, object]]:
return [
('title', self.unified_title),
('isrc', self.isrc),
*[('url', source.url) for source in self.source_collection]
def metadata(self) -> Metadata:
metadata = Metadata({
id3Mapping.TITLE: [self.title],
id3Mapping.ISRC: [self.isrc],
id3Mapping.LENGTH: [self.length],
id3Mapping.GENRE: [self.genre],
id3Mapping.TRACKNUMBER: [self.tracksort_str]
metadata.merge_many([s.metadata for s in self.source_collection])
metadata.merge_many([a.metadata for a in self.album_collection])
metadata.merge_many([a.metadata for a in self.main_artist_collection])
metadata.merge_many([a.metadata for a in self.feature_artist_collection])
metadata.merge_many([lyrics.metadata for lyrics in self.lyrics_collection])
return metadata
def get_artist_credits(self) -> str:
main_artists = ", ".join([ for artist in self.main_artist_collection])
feature_artists = ", ".join([ for artist in self.feature_artist_collection])
if len(feature_artists) == 0:
return main_artists
return f"{main_artists} feat. {feature_artists}"
def __str__(self) -> str:
artist_credit_str = ""
artist_credits = self.get_artist_credits()
if artist_credits != "":
artist_credit_str = f" by {artist_credits}"
return f"\"{self.title}\"{artist_credit_str}"
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"Song(\"{self.title}\")"
def option_string(self) -> str:
return f"{self.__repr__()} " \
f"from Album({OPTION_STRING_DELIMITER.join(album.title for album in self.album_collection)}) " \
f"by Artist({OPTION_STRING_DELIMITER.join( for artist in self.main_artist_collection)}) " \
f"feat. Artist({OPTION_STRING_DELIMITER.join( for artist in self.feature_artist_collection)})"
def options(self) -> Options:
Return a list of related objects including the song object, album object, main artist objects, and
feature artist objects.
:return: a list of objects that are related to the Song object
options = self.main_artist_collection.shallow_list
return Options(options)
def tracksort_str(self) -> str:
if the album tracklist is empty, it sets it length to 1, this song has to be on the Album
:returns id3_tracksort: {song_position}/{album.length_of_tracklist}
if len(self.album_collection) == 0:
return f"{self.tracksort}"
return f"{self.tracksort}/{len(self.album_collection[0].song_collection) or 1}"
All objects dependent on Album
class Album(MainObject):
COLLECTION_ATTRIBUTES = ("label_collection", "artist_collection", "song_collection")
"title": None,
"unified_title": None,
"album_status": None,
"album_type": AlbumType.OTHER,
"language": None,
"date": ID3Timestamp(),
"barcode": None,
"albumsort": None,
"notes": FormattedText()
def __init__(
_id: int = None,
title: str = None,
unified_title: str = None,
language: pycountry.Languages = None,
date: ID3Timestamp = None,
barcode: str = None,
albumsort: int = None,
dynamic: bool = False,
source_list: List[Source] = None,
artist_list: List['Artist'] = None,
song_list: List[Song] = None,
album_status: AlbumStatus = None,
album_type: AlbumType = None,
label_list: List['Label'] = None,
notes: FormattedText = None,
) -> None:
MainObject.__init__(self, _id=_id, dynamic=dynamic, **kwargs)
self.title: str = title
self.unified_title: str = unified_title
if unified_title is None and title is not None:
self.unified_title = unify(title)
self.album_status: AlbumStatus = album_status
self.album_type: AlbumType = album_type or AlbumType.OTHER
self.language: pycountry.Languages = language ID3Timestamp = date or ID3Timestamp()
find out the id3 tag for barcode and implement it
maybe look at how mutagen does it with easy_id3
self.barcode: str = barcode
implement a function in the Artist class,
to set albumsort with help of the release year
self.albumsort: Optional[int] = albumsort
self.notes = notes or FormattedText()
self.source_collection: SourceCollection = SourceCollection(source_list)
self.song_collection: Collection = Collection(data=song_list, element_type=Song)
self.artist_collection: Collection = Collection(data=artist_list, element_type=Artist)
self.label_collection: Collection = Collection(data=label_list, element_type=Label)
def _build_recursive_structures(self, build_version: int, merge: bool):
if build_version == self.build_version:
self.build_version = build_version
song: Song
for song in self.song_collection:
song.album_collection.append(self, merge_on_conflict=merge, merge_into_existing=False)
song._build_recursive_structures(build_version=build_version, merge=merge)
artist: Artist
for artist in self.artist_collection:
artist.main_album_collection.append(self, merge_on_conflict=merge, merge_into_existing=False)
artist._build_recursive_structures(build_version=build_version, merge=merge)
label: Label
for label in self.label_collection:
label.album_collection.append(self, merge_on_conflict=merge, merge_into_existing=False)
label._build_recursive_structures(build_version=build_version, merge=merge)
def indexing_values(self) -> List[Tuple[str, object]]:
return [
('title', self.unified_title),
('barcode', self.barcode),
*[('url', source.url) for source in self.source_collection]
def metadata(self) -> Metadata:
return Metadata({
id3Mapping.ALBUM: [self.title],
id3Mapping.COPYRIGHT: [self.copyright],
id3Mapping.LANGUAGE: [self.iso_639_2_lang],
id3Mapping.ALBUM_ARTIST: [ for a in self.artist_collection],
id3Mapping.DATE: [],
id3Mapping.ALBUMSORTORDER: [str(self.albumsort)] if self.albumsort is not None else []
def __repr__(self):
return f"Album(\"{self.title}\")"
def option_string(self) -> str:
return f"{self.__repr__()} " \
f"by Artist({OPTION_STRING_DELIMITER.join([ for artist in self.artist_collection])}) " \
f"under Label({OPTION_STRING_DELIMITER.join([ for label in self.label_collection])})"
def options(self) -> Options:
options = self.artist_collection.shallow_list
return Options(options)
def update_tracksort(self):
This updates the tracksort attributes, of the songs in
`self.song_collection`, and sorts the songs, if possible.
It is advised to only call this function, once all the tracks are
added to the songs.
if self.song_collection.empty:
tracksort_map: Dict[int, Song] = {
song.tracksort: song for song in self.song_collection if song.tracksort is not None
# place the songs, with set tracksort attribute according to it
for tracksort, song in tracksort_map.items():
index = tracksort - 1
I ONLY modify the `Collection._data` attribute directly,
to bypass the mapping of the attributes, because I will add the item in the next step
but for some reason, neither
get the right object.
But I just implemented it myself.
for old_index, temp_song in enumerate(self.song_collection._data):
if song is temp_song:
# the list can't be empty
del self.song_collection._data[old_index]
self.song_collection._data.insert(index, song)
# fill in the empty tracksort attributes
for i, song in enumerate(self.song_collection):
if song.tracksort is not None:
song.tracksort = i + 1
def compile(self, merge_into: bool = False):
compiles the recursive structures,
and does depending on the object some other stuff.
no need to override if only the recursive structure should be built.
override self.build_recursive_structures() instead
self._build_recursive_structures(build_version=random.randint(0, 99999), merge=merge_into)
def copyright(self) -> str:
if is None:
return ""
if or len(self.label_collection) == 0:
return ""
return f"{} {self.label_collection[0].name}"
def iso_639_2_lang(self) -> Optional[str]:
if self.language is None:
return None
return self.language.alpha_3
def is_split(self) -> bool:
A split Album is an Album from more than one Artists
usually half the songs are made by one Artist, the other half by the other one.
In this case split means either that or one artist featured by all songs.
return len(self.artist_collection) > 1
All objects dependent on Artist
class Artist(MainObject):
"name": None,
"unified_name": None,
"country": None,
"formed_in": ID3Timestamp(),
"notes": FormattedText(),
"lyrical_themes": [],
"general_genre": ""
def __init__(
_id: int = None,
dynamic: bool = False,
name: str = None,
unified_name: str = None,
source_list: List[Source] = None,
feature_song_list: List[Song] = None,
main_album_list: List[Album] = None,
notes: FormattedText = None,
lyrical_themes: List[str] = None,
general_genre: str = "",
country: CountryTyping = None,
formed_in: ID3Timestamp = None,
label_list: List['Label'] = None,
MainObject.__init__(self, _id=_id, dynamic=dynamic, **kwargs) str = name
self.unified_name: str = unified_name
if unified_name is None and name is not None:
self.unified_name = unify(name)
TODO implement album type and notes
""" CountryTyping = country
self.formed_in: ID3Timestamp = formed_in
notes, general genre, lyrics themes are attributes
which are meant to only use in outputs to describe the object
i mean do as you want but there is no strict rule about em so good luck
self.notes: FormattedText = notes or FormattedText()
implement in db
self.lyrical_themes: List[str] = lyrical_themes or []
self.general_genre = general_genre
self.source_collection: SourceCollection = SourceCollection(source_list)
self.feature_song_collection: Collection = Collection(data=feature_song_list, element_type=Song)
self.main_album_collection: Collection = Collection(data=main_album_list, element_type=Album)
self.label_collection: Collection = Collection(data=label_list, element_type=Label)
def compile(self, merge_into: bool = False):
compiles the recursive structures,
and does depending on the object some other stuff.
no need to override if only the recursive structure should be built.
override self.build_recursive_structures() instead
self._build_recursive_structures(build_version=random.randint(0, 99999), merge=merge_into)
def update_albumsort(self):
This updates the albumsort attributes, of the albums in
`self.main_album_collection`, and sorts the albums, if possible.
It is advised to only call this function, once all the albums are
added to the artist.
if len(self.main_album_collection) <= 0:
type_section: Dict[AlbumType] = defaultdict(lambda: 2, {
AlbumType.OTHER: 0, # if I don't know it, I add it to the first section
AlbumType.STUDIO_ALBUM: 0,
AlbumType.EP: 0,
AlbumType.SINGLE: 1
}) if SORT_BY_ALBUM_TYPE else defaultdict(lambda: 0)
sections = defaultdict(list)
# order albums in the previously defined section
album: Album
for album in self.main_album_collection:
def sort_section(_section: List[Album], last_albumsort: int) -> int:
# album is just a value used in loops
nonlocal album
_section.sort(key=lambda _album:, reverse=True)
new_last_albumsort = last_albumsort
for album_index, album in enumerate(_section):
if album.albumsort is None:
album.albumsort = new_last_albumsort = album_index + 1 + last_albumsort
_section.sort(key=lambda _album: _album.albumsort)
return new_last_albumsort
# sort the sections individually
_last_albumsort = 1
for section_index in sorted(sections):
_last_albumsort = sort_section(sections[section_index], _last_albumsort)
# merge all sections again
album_list = []
for section_index in sorted(sections):
# replace the old collection with the new one
self.main_album_collection: Collection = Collection(data=album_list, element_type=Album)
def _build_recursive_structures(self, build_version: int, merge: False):
if build_version == self.build_version:
self.build_version = build_version
song: Song
for song in self.feature_song_collection:
song.feature_artist_collection.append(self, merge_on_conflict=merge, merge_into_existing=False)
song._build_recursive_structures(build_version=build_version, merge=merge)
album: Album
for album in self.main_album_collection:
album.artist_collection.append(self, merge_on_conflict=merge, merge_into_existing=False)
album._build_recursive_structures(build_version=build_version, merge=merge)
label: Label
for label in self.label_collection:
label.current_artist_collection.append(self, merge_on_conflict=merge, merge_into_existing=False)
label._build_recursive_structures(build_version=build_version, merge=merge)
def indexing_values(self) -> List[Tuple[str, object]]:
return [
('name', self.unified_name),
*[('url', source.url) for source in self.source_collection]
def metadata(self) -> Metadata:
metadata = Metadata({
id3Mapping.ARTIST: []
metadata.merge_many([s.get_artist_metadata() for s in self.source_collection])
return metadata
def __str__(self):
string = or ""
plaintext_notes = self.notes.get_plaintext()
if plaintext_notes is not None:
string += "\n" + plaintext_notes
return string
def __repr__(self):
return f"Artist(\"{}\")"
def option_string(self) -> str:
return f"{self.__repr__()} " \
f"under Label({OPTION_STRING_DELIMITER.join([ for label in self.label_collection])})"
def options(self) -> Options:
options = [self]
return Options(options)
def country_string(self):
def feature_album(self) -> Album:
return Album(
def get_all_songs(self) -> List[Song]:
returns a list of all Songs.
probably not that useful, because it is unsorted
collection = self.feature_song_collection.copy()
for album in self.discography:
return collection
def discography(self) -> List[Album]:
flat_copy_discography = self.main_album_collection.copy()
return flat_copy_discography
class Label(MainObject):
COLLECTION_ATTRIBUTES = ("album_collection", "current_artist_collection")
"name": None,
"unified_name": None,
"notes": FormattedText()
def __init__(
_id: int = None,
dynamic: bool = False,
name: str = None,
unified_name: str = None,
notes: FormattedText = None,
album_list: List[Album] = None,
current_artist_list: List[Artist] = None,
source_list: List[Source] = None,
MainObject.__init__(self, _id=_id, dynamic=dynamic, **kwargs) str = name
self.unified_name: str = unified_name
if unified_name is None and name is not None:
self.unified_name = unify(name)
self.notes = notes or FormattedText()
self.source_collection: SourceCollection = SourceCollection(source_list)
self.album_collection: Collection = Collection(data=album_list, element_type=Album)
self.current_artist_collection: Collection = Collection(data=current_artist_list, element_type=Artist)
def _build_recursive_structures(self, build_version: int, merge: False):
if build_version == self.build_version:
self.build_version = build_version
album: Album
for album in self.album_collection:
album.label_collection.append(self, merge_on_conflict=merge, merge_into_existing=False)
album._build_recursive_structures(build_version=build_version, merge=merge)
artist: Artist
for artist in self.current_artist_collection:
artist.label_collection.append(self, merge_on_conflict=merge, merge_into_existing=False)
artist._build_recursive_structures(build_version=build_version, merge=merge)
def indexing_values(self) -> List[Tuple[str, object]]:
return [
('name', self.unified_name),
*[('url', source.url) for source in self.source_collection]
def options(self) -> Options:
options = [self]