feature/artwork_gallery #41
@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ from pathlib import Path
import re
import logging
from PIL import Image
from . import FetchOptions, DownloadOptions
from .results import SearchResults
from ..objects import (
@ -17,6 +19,7 @@ from ..objects import (
from ..objects.artwork import ArtworkVariant
from ..audio import write_metadata_to_target, correct_codec
from ..utils import output, BColors
from ..utils.string_processing import fit_to_file_system
@ -29,9 +32,11 @@ from ..utils.support_classes.download_result import DownloadResult
from ..utils.exception import MKMissingNameException
from ..utils.exception.download import UrlNotFoundException
from ..utils.shared import DEBUG_PAGES
from ..connection import Connection
from ..pages import Page, EncyclopaediaMetallum, Musify, YouTube, YoutubeMusic, Bandcamp, Genius, INDEPENDENT_DB_OBJECTS
artwork_connection: Connection = Connection()
ALL_PAGES: Set[Type[Page]] = {
# EncyclopaediaMetallum,
@ -162,11 +167,64 @@ class Pages:
return False
def download_artwork_variant_to_target(self, artwork_variant: ArtworkVariant, target: Target):
r = artwork_connection.get(
temp_target: Target = Target.temp()
with temp_target.open("wb") as f:
converted_target: Target = Target.temp(file_extension=main_settings["image_format"])
with Image.open(temp_target.file_path) as img:
# crop the image if it isn't square in the middle with minimum data loss
width, height = img.size
if width != height:
if width > height:
img = img.crop((width // 2 - height // 2, 0, width // 2 + height // 2, height))
img = img.crop((0, height // 2 - width // 2, width, height // 2 + width // 2))
# resize the image to the preferred resolution
img.thumbnail((main_settings["preferred_artwork_resolution"], main_settings["preferred_artwork_resolution"]))
# https://stackoverflow.com/a/59476938/16804841
if img.mode != 'RGB':
img = img.convert('RGB')
img.save(converted_target.file_path, main_settings["image_format"])
def _fetch_artist_artwork(self, artist: Artist, naming: dict):
naming: Dict[str, List[str]] = defaultdict(list, naming)
naming["label"].extend([l.title_value for l in artist.label_collection])
# removing duplicates from the naming, and process the strings
for key, value in naming.items():
# https://stackoverflow.com/a/17016257
naming[key] = list(dict.fromkeys(value))
artwork: Artwork = artist.artwork
for image_number, variant in enumerate(artwork):
naming["image_number"] = [str(image_number)]
url: str = variant["url"]
target = Target(
file_path=Path(self._parse_path_template(main_settings["artist_artwork_path"], naming=naming))
self.download_artwork_variant_to_target(variant, target)
def download(self, data_object: DataObject, genre: str, **kwargs) -> DownloadResult:
# fetch the given object
output(f"\nDownloading {data_object.option_string}...", color=BColors.BOLD)
# fetching all parent objects (e.g. if you only download a song)
if not kwargs.get("fetched_upwards", False):
to_fetch: List[DataObject] = [data_object]
@ -185,7 +243,17 @@ class Pages:
to_fetch = new_to_fetch
kwargs["fetched_upwards"] = True
naming = kwargs.get("naming", {
"genre": [genre],
"audio_format": [main_settings["audio_format"]],
"image_format": [main_settings["image_format"]]
# download artist artwork
if isinstance(data_object, Artist):
self._fetch_artist_artwork(artist=data_object, naming=naming)
# download all children
download_result: DownloadResult = DownloadResult()
for c in data_object.get_child_collections():
@ -203,10 +271,7 @@ class Pages:
I am able to do that, because duplicate values are removed later on.
self._download_song(data_object, naming={
"genre": [genre],
"audio_format": [main_settings["audio_format"]],
self._download_song(data_object, naming=naming)
return download_result
@ -325,4 +390,6 @@ class Pages:
_actual_page = self._source_to_page[source.source_type]
return _actual_page, self._page_instances[_actual_page].fetch_object_from_source(source=source, stop_at_level=stop_at_level)
return _actual_page, self._page_instances[_actual_page].fetch_object_from_source(source=source, stop_at_level=stop_at_level)
@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ from .metadata import Mapping as id3Mapping
from .metadata import Metadata
from .parents import OuterProxy as Base
class ArtworkVariant(TypedDict):
url: str
width: int
@ -76,3 +75,8 @@ class Artwork:
if not isinstance(other, Artwork):
return False
return any(a == b for a, b in zip(self._variant_mapping.keys(), other._variant_mapping.keys()))
def __iter__(self) -> Generator[ArtworkVariant, None, None]:
yield from self._variant_mapping.values()
@ -239,6 +239,11 @@ class Bandcamp(Page):
for subsoup in html_music_grid.find_all("li"):
artist.album_collection.append(self._parse_album(soup=subsoup, initial_source=source))
# artist artwork
artist_artwork: BeautifulSoup = soup.find("img", {"class":"band-photo"})
if artist_artwork is not None:
artist.artwork.append(artist_artwork.get("data-src", artist_artwork.get("src")))
for i, data_blob_soup in enumerate(soup.find_all("div", {"id": ["pagedata", "collectors-data"]})):
data_blob = data_blob_soup["data-blob"]
@ -316,7 +321,6 @@ class Bandcamp(Page):
artwork.append(url=_artwork_url, width=350, height=350)
for i, track_json in enumerate(data.get("track", {}).get("itemListElement", [])):
dump_to_file(f"album_track_{i}.json", json.dumps(track_json), is_json=True, exit_after_dump=False)
@ -1,11 +1,8 @@
from typing import Tuple
from .config import Config
from .config_files import (
from .config_files import main_config, logging_config, youtube_config
_sections: Tuple[Config, ...] = (
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ config = Config((
AudioFormatAttribute(name="audio_format", default_value="mp3", description="""Music Kraken will stream the audio into this format.
You can use Audio formats which support ID3.2 and ID3.1,
but you will have cleaner Metadata using ID3.2."""),
Attribute(name="image_format", default_value="jpg", description="This Changes the format in which images are getting downloaded")
Attribute(name="image_format", default_value="jpeg", description="This Changes the format in which images are getting downloaded"),
Attribute(name="result_history", default_value=True, description="""If enabled, you can go back to the previous results.
The consequence is a higher meory consumption, because every result is saved."""),
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ The further you choose to be able to go back, the higher the memory usage.
Attribute(name="preferred_artwork_resolution", default_value=1000),
Attribute(name="download_artist_artworks", default_value=True, description="Changes if the artists Profile picture is being downloaded."),
Attribute(name="download_artist_artworks", default_value=True, description="Enables the fetching of artist galleries."),
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ This means for example, the Studio Albums and EP's are always in front of Single
- album_type
The folder music kraken should put the songs into."""),
Attribute(name="download_file", default_value="{song}.{audio_format}", description="The filename of the audio file."),
Attribute(name="artist_artwork_path" default_value="{genre}/{artist}/{artist}.{image_format}", description="The Path to download artist images to."),
Attribute(name="artist_artwork_path", default_value="{genre}/{artist}/{artist}_{image_number}.{image_format}", description="The Path to download artist images to."),
SelectAttribute(name="album_type_blacklist", default_value=[
"Compilation Album",
"Live Album",
Reference in New Issue
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