WIP: feature/cleanup_programming_interface #40

Hazel wants to merge 35 commits from feature/cleanup_programming_interface into experimental
4 changed files with 177 additions and 154 deletions
Showing only changes of commit 49145a7d93 - Show all commits

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@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
import random
import re
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, List, Set, Type
from typing import Dict, Generator, List, Set, Type
from .. import console
from ..download import Downloader, Page
from ..download.results import GoToResults, Option, PageResults, Results
from ..download import Downloader, Page, components
from ..download.results import GoToResults
from ..download.results import Option as ResultOption
from ..download.results import PageResults, Results
from ..objects import Album, Artist, DatabaseObject, Song
from ..utils import BColors, output
from ..utils.config import main_settings, write_config
@ -17,7 +19,7 @@ from ..utils.string_processing import fit_to_file_system
from ..utils.support_classes.download_result import DownloadResult
from ..utils.support_classes.query import Query
from .options.first_config import initial_config
from .utils import cli_function
from .utils import ask_for_bool, cli_function
EXIT_COMMANDS = {"q", "quit", "exit", "abort"}
ALPHABET = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
@ -25,50 +27,19 @@ PAGE_NAME_FILL = "-"
def get_existing_genre() -> List[str]:
gets the name of all subdirectories of shared.MUSIC_DIR,
but filters out all directories, where the name matches with any patern
from shared.NOT_A_GENRE_REGEX.
existing_genres: List[str] = []
# get all subdirectories of MUSIC_DIR, not the files in the dir.
existing_subdirectories: List[Path] = [f for f in main_settings["music_directory"].iterdir() if f.is_dir()]
for subdirectory in existing_subdirectories:
name: str = subdirectory.name
if not any(re.match(regex_pattern, name) for regex_pattern in main_settings["not_a_genre_regex"]):
return existing_genres
def get_genre():
existing_genres = get_existing_genre()
for i, genre_option in enumerate(existing_genres):
print(f"{i + 1:0>2}: {genre_option}")
select_genre = components.GenreSelect()
select_genre._ask_for_creating_option = lambda key: ask_for_bool(f"Create the genre \"{key}\"")
while True:
genre = input("Id or new genre: ")
genre: Optional[components.Option] = None
if genre.isdigit():
genre_id = int(genre) - 1
if genre_id >= len(existing_genres):
print(f"No genre under the id {genre_id + 1}.")
while genre is None:
for genre in select_genre:
return existing_genres[genre_id]
genre = select_genre.choose(input("Id or new genre: "))
new_genre = fit_to_file_system(genre)
agree_inputs = {"y", "yes", "ok"}
verification = input(f"create new genre \"{new_genre}\"? (Y/N): ").lower()
if verification in agree_inputs:
return new_genre
return genre.value
def help_message():
@ -111,7 +82,7 @@ class CliDownloader:
page_count = 0
for option in self.current_results.formatted_generator():
if isinstance(option, Option):
if isinstance(option, ResultOption):
r = f"{BColors.GREY.value}{option.index:0{self.option_digits}}{BColors.ENDC.value} {option.music_object.option_string}"

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@ -39,4 +39,8 @@ def print_cute_message():
AGREE_INPUTS = {"y", "yes", "ok"}
def ask_for_bool(msg: str) -> bool:
i = input(msg + " (Y/N):").lower()
return i in AGREE_INPUTS

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@ -453,113 +453,3 @@ class Page:
def download_song_to_target(self, source: Source, target: Target, desc: str = None) -> DownloadResult:
return DownloadResult()
class Option:
This could represent a data object, a string or a page.
def __init__(
value: Any,
text: Optional[str] = None,
keys: List[Any] = None,
hidden: bool = False,
parse_key: Callable[[Any], Any] = lambda x: x,
self._parse_key: Callable[[Any], Any] = parse_key
self.value = value
self.text = text or str(value)
self.hidden = hidden
self._raw_keys = set(keys or [])
self.keys = set(self.parse_key(key) for key in self._raw_keys)
def register_key(self, key: Any):
def parse_key(self) -> Callable[[Any], Any]:
return self._parse_key
def parse_key(self, value: Callable[[Any], Any]):
self._parse_key = value
self.keys = set(self._parse_key(key) for key in self._raw_keys)
def __str__(self):
return self.text
class Select:
def __init__(
options: List[Option] = None,
option_factory: Callable[[Any], Option] = None,
raw_options: List[Any] = None,
parse_option_key: Callable[[Any], Any] = lambda x: x,
ask_for_creating_option: Callable[[Option], bool] = lambda x: True,
self._parse_option_key: Callable[[Any], Any] = parse_option_key
self._ask_for_creating_option: Callable[[Option], bool] = ask_for_creating_option
self._key_to_option: Dict[Any, Option] = dict()
self._options: List[Option] = []
options = options or []
self.option_factory: Optional[Callable[[Any], Option]] = option_factory
if self.can_create_options:
for raw_option in raw_options or []:
elif raw_options is not None:
raise MKComposeException("Cannot create options without a factory.")
def can_create_options(self) -> bool:
return self.option_factory is not None
def append(self, option: Option):
option.parse_key = self._parse_option_key
for key in option.keys:
self._key_to_option[key] = option
def extend(self, options: List[Option]):
for option in options:
def __iter__(self) -> Generator[Option, None, None]:
for option in self._options:
if option.hidden:
yield option
def __contains__(self, key: Any) -> bool:
return key in self._key_to_option
def __getitem__(self, key: Any) -> Option:
return self._key_to_option[key]
def create_option(self, key: Any, **kwargs) -> Option:
if not self.can_create_options:
raise MKComposeException("Cannot create options without a factory.")
option = self.option_factory(key, **kwargs)
return option
def choose(self, key: Any) -> Optional[Option]:
if key not in self:
if self.can_create_options and self._ask_for_creating_option(key):
return self.create_option(key)
return None
return self[key]

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@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
import re
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Generator, List, Optional
from ..utils.config import main_settings
from ..utils.exception import MKComposeException
from ..utils.string_processing import unify
class Option:
This could represent a data object, a string or a page.
def __init__(
value: Any,
text: Optional[str] = None,
keys: List[Any] = None,
hidden: bool = False,
parse_key: Callable[[Any], Any] = lambda x: x,
self._parse_key: Callable[[Any], Any] = parse_key
self.value = value
self.text = text or str(value)
self.hidden = hidden
self._raw_keys = set(keys or [])
self.keys = set(self.parse_key(key) for key in self._raw_keys)
def register_key(self, key: Any):
def parse_key(self) -> Callable[[Any], Any]:
return self._parse_key
def parse_key(self, value: Callable[[Any], Any]):
self._parse_key = value
self.keys = set(self._parse_key(key) for key in self._raw_keys)
def __str__(self):
return self.text
class Select:
def __init__(
options: Generator[Option, None, None] = None,
option_factory: Callable[[Any], Option] = None,
raw_options: List[Any] = None,
parse_option_key: Callable[[Any], Any] = lambda x: x,
ask_for_creating_option: Callable[[Option], bool] = lambda x: True,
sort: bool = False,
self._parse_option_key: Callable[[Any], Any] = parse_option_key
self._ask_for_creating_option: Callable[[Option], bool] = ask_for_creating_option
self._key_to_option: Dict[Any, Option] = dict()
self._options: List[Option] = []
options = options or []
self.option_factory: Optional[Callable[[Any], Option]] = option_factory
if self.can_create_options:
_raw_options = raw_options or []
if sort:
_raw_options = sorted(_raw_options)
for raw_option in _raw_options:
elif raw_options is not None:
raise MKComposeException("Cannot create options without a factory.")
def can_create_options(self) -> bool:
return self.option_factory is not None
def append(self, option: Option):
option.parse_key = self._parse_option_key
for key in option.keys:
self._key_to_option[key] = option
def extend(self, options: List[Option]):
for option in options:
def __iter__(self) -> Generator[Option, None, None]:
for option in self._options:
if option.hidden:
yield option
def __contains__(self, key: Any) -> bool:
return key in self._key_to_option
def __getitem__(self, key: Any) -> Option:
return self._key_to_option[key]
def create_option(self, key: Any, **kwargs) -> Option:
if not self.can_create_options:
raise MKComposeException("Cannot create options without a factory.")
option = self.option_factory(key, **kwargs)
return option
def choose(self, key: Any) -> Optional[Option]:
if key not in self:
if self.can_create_options and self._ask_for_creating_option(key):
return self.create_option(key)
return None
return self[key]
class StringSelect(Select):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self._current_index = 0
kwargs["option_factory"] = self.next_option
kwargs["parse_option_key"] = lambda x: unify(str(x))
def next_option(self, value: Any) -> Optional[Option]:
o = Option(value=value, keys=[self._current_index], text=f"{self._current_index:0>2}: {value}")
self._current_index += 1
return o
class GenreSelect(StringSelect):
def is_valid_genre(genre: Path) -> bool:
gets the name of all subdirectories of shared.MUSIC_DIR,
but filters out all directories, where the name matches with any Patern
from shared.NOT_A_GENRE_REGEX.
if not genre.is_dir():
return False
if any(re.match(regex_pattern, genre.name) for regex_pattern in main_settings["not_a_genre_regex"]):
return False
return True
def __init__(self):
super().__init__(sort=True, raw_options=(genre.name for genre in filter(self.is_valid_genre, main_settings["music_directory"].iterdir())))