Switch TTS from mimic to flite

This commit is contained in:
Elara 2021-04-22 20:10:40 -07:00
parent ffec012ca0
commit dabe5b0fe2
5 changed files with 22 additions and 21 deletions

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@ -8,13 +8,15 @@ Personal voice assistant written in go using DeepSpeech. This was mainly created
The prerequisites for trident are:
- libdeepspeech and DeepSpeech models (speech to text)
- mimic (text to speech)
- flite (text to speech)
- go
`libdeepspeech` along with its models can be found in [its github releases](https://github.com/mozilla/DeepSpeech/releases/). Be sure to download the `native_client` tarball for your platform and the `.pbmm` and `.scorer` files.
`mimic` can be installed via an [install script](https://github.com/MycroftAI/mycroft-core/blob/dev/scripts/install-mimic.sh) or its AUR package if using Arch Linux or its derivatives.
`flite` can be installed via your distribution's repositories:
- Debian/Ubuntu: `sudo apt install flite-dev`
- Fedora: `sudo dnf install flite-devel`
- Arch: `sudo pacman -S flite festival-us`
### Installation
Move the previously downloaded models (`.pbmm` and `.scorer`) into this repo as `deepspeech.pbmm` and `deepspeech.scorer`. Then, follow the next steps.

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@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ go 1.16
require (
github.com/asticode/go-astideepspeech v0.10.0
github.com/gen2brain/flite-go v0.0.0-20170519100317-f4df2119132c
github.com/gen2brain/malgo v0.10.29
github.com/pelletier/go-toml v1.9.0
github.com/rs/zerolog v1.21.0

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@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ github.com/coreos/go-systemd v0.0.0-20190321100706-95778dfbb74e/go.mod h1:F5haX7
github.com/cryptix/wav v0.0.0-20180415113528-8bdace674401/go.mod h1:knK8fd+KPlGGqSUWogv1DQzGTwnfUvAi0cIoWyOG7+U=
github.com/davecgh/go-spew v1.1.0 h1:ZDRjVQ15GmhC3fiQ8ni8+OwkZQO4DARzQgrnXU1Liz8=
github.com/davecgh/go-spew v1.1.0/go.mod h1:J7Y8YcW2NihsgmVo/mv3lAwl/skON4iLHjSsI+c5H38=
github.com/gen2brain/flite-go v0.0.0-20170519100317-f4df2119132c h1:JBlwZJSYopoPXh0dLN9GGw750uhU08VjKKpl+uX5pE4=
github.com/gen2brain/flite-go v0.0.0-20170519100317-f4df2119132c/go.mod h1:Wv0H30ZpZPf4CrBNqgiG2S4G0CDtZWS2i87JnPtv9LI=
github.com/gen2brain/malgo v0.10.29 h1:bTYiUTUKJsEomNby+W0hgyLrOttUXIk4lTEnKA54iqM=
github.com/gen2brain/malgo v0.10.29/go.mod h1:zHSUNZAXfCeNsZou0RtQ6Zk7gDYLIcKOrUWtAdksnEs=
github.com/pelletier/go-toml v1.9.0 h1:NOd0BRdOKpPf0SxkL3HxSQOG7rNh+4kl6PHcBPFs7Q0=

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@ -21,18 +21,21 @@ package shell
import (
func RunPlugin(program string, data map[string]interface{}) {
var shell string
var ok bool
// Attempt to get shell from config, asserting as string
shell, ok = data["shell"].(string)
shell, ok := data["shell"].(string)
// If unsuccessful
if !ok {
// Set shell to default (/bin/sh)
shell = "/bin/sh"
sayOutput, ok := data["sayOutput"].(bool)
if !ok {
sayOutput = false
// Create command using configured shell or default (/bin/sh)
cmd := exec.Command(shell, "-c", program)
// Set command environment to system environment
@ -40,5 +43,8 @@ func RunPlugin(program string, data map[string]interface{}) {
// Set command's standard error to system standard error
cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
// Run command, ignoring error
_ = cmd.Run()
output, _ := cmd.Output()
if sayOutput {

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@ -18,8 +18,8 @@
package main
import (
@ -29,17 +29,7 @@ var tridentSymbols = interp.Exports{"trident": {
// Function to say text using mimic text-to-speech
func Say(text string, args ...string) {
// If mimic exists in PATH
if _, err := exec.LookPath("mimic"); err == nil {
// Set initial argument slice to contain text
argSlice := []string{"-t", text}
// Add any additional arguments to slice
argSlice = append(argSlice, args...)
// Create and run command
exec.Command("mimic", argSlice...).Run()
} else {
// If mimic does not exist in PATH, warn user
log.Warn().Err(err).Str("text", text).Msg("Cannot perform text to speech")
func Say(text string) {
voice, _ := flite.VoiceSelect("slt")
flite.TextToSpeech(text, voice, "play")