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title: "Build Files"
draft: false
description: "Understanding AdvMake Build Files"
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## Format
AdvMake uses [Starlark]( as the format for its build files.
Modules are also defined for both convenience and extra functionality.
Starlark is a Python-like language meant for configuration files.
## Configuration
Build files are by default called `AdvMakefile`, but that can be set via `-f`
An AdvMakefile example can be found at AdvMake's repo as it uses AdvMake itself.
AdvMake runs functions exposed by starlark in the format `<name>_<target>`.
To set the default name and target, the global variables `defaultName`, and `defaultTarget` must be set.
Here is an example from AdvMake's AdvMakefile:
defaultName = "advmake"
defaultTarget = "build"
This will tell AdvMake to run the function `advmake_build()` when run with no arguments.
If AdvMake is run with one argument (such as `advmake install`), it will use the default name with the specified target,
so in that case, it would run `advmake_install()`.
If run with two arguments, AdvMake will use the first argument as the name and the second as the target.
So, running `advmake hello world` would run the function `hello_world()`.
## Modules
As previously mentioned, AdvMake comes with modules. Those are as follows:
### `runtime`
The runtime module exposes some of golang's runtime methods and variables.
#### `runtime.GOOS`
Stores a string denoting the operating system being used.
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#### `runtime.GOARCH`
Stores a string denoting the CPU architecture being used.
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#### `runtime.NumCPU()`
Get the number of logical CPUs available to the current process
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#### `runtime.GOMAXPROCS()`
Definition: `runtime.GOMAXPROCS(n)`
Get or set the value of the GOMAXPROCS environment variable. This variable controls the maximum number of CPUs that can execute. This function will set GOMAXPROCS to n and then return the previous value. If `n<1`, this function will not set the variable and will instead return the current setting
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### `encoding`
The strings module contains functions for encoding and decoding various formats. This module contains submodules for the various formats
Available submodules:
- `Json`
- `Yaml`
- `Toml`
- `Hex`
#### `encoding.<Submodule>.Load()`
Load a string formatted as the submodule format into a dictionary or string.
x = encoding.Json.Load('{"encoding": "json"}')
# x["encoding"] == "json"
y = encoding.Hex.Load('546573740a')
# y == "Test"
#### `encoding.<Submodule>.Dump()`
Dump a string formatted as the submodule format from a dictionary or string
xDict = {"encoding": {"type": "toml"}}
x = encoding.Toml.Dump(xDict)
# x == '''
# [encoding]
# type = "toml"
# '''
y = encoding.Hex.Dump("Test")
# y = "546573740a"
### `file`
The file module contains functions for manipulation and checking of files
#### `file.Expand()`
Definition: `file.Expand(file, mappings)`
Expand any instances of `$VAR` in a file according to provided mappings.
`file.txt` before:
I am running on $OS and architecture $arch
file.Expand("file.txt", {"OS": runtime.GOOS, "arch": runtime.GOARCH})
`file.txt` after:
I am running on linux and architecture x86_64
#### `file.Exists()`
Definition: `file.Exists(filepath)`
Check whether a file exists
file.Exists("/etc/fstab") # True
#### `file.Content()`
Definition: `file.Content(filepath)`
Returns contents of a file as a string
This is a file
file.Content("file.txt") # "This is a file"
### `strings`
The strings module contains functions for the manipulation of strings
#### `strings.Regex()`
Definition: `strings.Regex(string, pattern, regex)`
Parse a string using a regular expression and return the result in the specified format.
x = strings.Regex("Hello, World", "$2, $1", "(.+), (.+)")
# x == "World, Hello"
y = strings.Regex("Hello, World", "$y, $x", "(?P<x>.+), (?P<y>.+)")
# y == "World, Hello"
z = strings.Regex("Hello, World", "$match, $2, $1", "(.+), (.+)")
# z == "Hello, World, World, Hello"
#### `strings.HasSuffix()`
Definition: `strings.HasSuffix(string, suffix)`
Check whether a string ends with a suffix.
strings.HasSuffix("doc.pdf", ".pdf") # True
strings.HasSuffix("doc.pdf", ".md") # False
#### `strings.HasPrefix()`
Definition: `strings.HasPrefix(string, prefix)`
Check whether a string starts with a prefix.
strings.HasPrefix("doc.pdf", "doc") # True
#### `strings.TrimSuffix()`
Definition: `strings.HasSuffix(string, suffix)`
Remove suffix from string if it exists. If it does not exist, the string is returned unchanged.
strings.TrimSuffix("doc.pdf", ".pdf") # "doc"
#### `strings.TrimPrefix()`
Definition: `strings.TrimPrefix(string, prefix)`
Remove prefix from string if it exists. If it does not exist, the string is returned unchanged.
strings.TrimPrefix("doc.pdf", "doc") # ".pdf"
#### `strings.TrimSpace()`
Definition: `strings.TrimSpace(string)`
Trim leading and trailing white space, as defined by Unicode
strings.TrimSpace(" Hi ") # "Hi"
### `input`
The input module prompts the user for input
#### `input.Prompt()`
Definition: `input.Prompt(prompt)`
Print prompt and wait for input, returning on newline
input.Prompt("Enter number: ")
#### `input.Choice()`
Definition: `input.Choice(prompt, choices)`
Assign number to each choice and prompt user to choose one
input.Choice("Choose greeting", ["Hi", "Hello", "Good morning"])
The above example looks like this to the user:
[1] "Hi"
[2] "Hello"
[3] "Good Morning"
Choose greeting:
When the user chooses a number, the function will return the associated string. So, if the user chooses 1, `"Hi"` will be returned.
### `url`
The url module contains functions for the manipulation of URLs
#### `url.Parse()`
Definition: `url.Parse(urlString)`
Parses a URL and returns its components
parsed = url.Parse("")
# parsed.Scheme == "https"
# parsed.Host == ""
# parsed.Path == "/docs/advmake/build-files"
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### `shell`
The shell module contains functions for accessing and utilizing the shell.
#### `shell.Exec()`
Definition: `shell.Exec(command, output?, concurrent?)`
Runs a command or script using `sh -c`, sending the output to `STDOUT` and returning it unless set otherwise. It can also be concurrent.
x = shell.Exec("date +%r") # "12:00:00 AM"
y = shell.Exec("date +%r", output='return') # "12:00:00 AM"
z = shell.Exec("date +%r | base64", output='stdout') # None
sleep 1
sleep 2
""", concurrent=True) # Sleeps for two seconds
12:00:00 AM
#### `shell.Getenv()`
Definition: `shell.Getenv(key)`
Returns the value of an environment variable
shell.Getenv('TERM') # "xterm"
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#### `shell.Setenv()`
Definition: `shell.Setenv(key, value, onlyIfUnset?)`
Sets the value of an environment variable. It can be configured not to set the value if it is already set
shell.Setenv("X", "x") # $X = x
shell.Setenv("CC", "gcc") # if $CC unset, $CC = gcc
#### `shell.LookPath()`
Definition: `shell.LookPath(command)`
Returns the path to the executable of the specified command. Returns `-1` if the command is not found in `PATH`.
shell.LookPath('sh') # "/bin/sh"
shell.LookPath('nonExistentCommand') # -1
### `net`
The net module contains various network functions
#### `net.Download()`
Download a file from a URL, optionally specifying the filename. It will show progress if the `Content-Length` header is present.
net.Download("", filename="advmake")
### `log`
The log module contains functions to log events at various levels
The available levels are:
- `Info`
- `Debug`
- `Warn`
- `Fatal`
#### `log.<Level>()`
Definition: `log.<Level>(message)`
Logs a message at the specified level. The fatal level quits after logging the message.
log.Info("Test log")
### `fmt`
The fmt module exposes all the text functions from the golang fmt package except for all the `Fprint` and `Fscan` functions.
fmt.Sprintf("Print %s string", "formatted") # "Print formatted string"
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