# Python Sponsorblock python-sponsorblock logo This is a wrapper for the sponsorblock api, enabling you to get the timestamps of sponsor segments from Youtube videos. ## Installation ```bash # using this gitea repository (recommended) pip install --index-url https://gitea.elara.ws/api/packages/music-kraken/pypi/simple/ music-kraken ``` ```bash # using pip pip install python-sponsorblock ``` ## Why does this exist? I decided against using the already existing [sponsorblock.py](https://github.com/wasi-master/sponsorblock.py) for one main reason. It sometimes throws exceptions that do not belong to the project itself. An example for this are request exceptions. This is fine, but it shows a diverging philosophy from what I want to achieve with this project. I want to have an wrapper that just gets all data it can in a structured way. I don't want a library that does the requests for you, I want a library that gives you the data. **I want to stress, this is not an attack on the [sponsorblock.py](https://github.com/wasi-master/sponsorblock.py) project, it is just a different approach.** My other "_issue_" with the [sponsorblock.py](https://github.com/wasi-master/sponsorblock.py) project is, that it is way to complex. Thus fixing it would require more time than implementing the functionality I need from scratch. I decided to catch all necessary exceptions, that cant be handled and either throw an exception inheriting from one base exception or return empty data. ## Usage Every relevant function can be found in the `Sponsorblock` class. ```python from python_sponsorblock import SponsorBlock import requests # all arguments are optional and are set to the default values in this example sb = SponsorBlock( session=requests.Session(), # a requests session object silent=False, # throw exceptions or return empty data base_url="https://sponsor.ajay.app", # the url of the sponsorblock api, make sure there is no trailing slash ) print(sb.get_segments("https://yt.artemislena.eu/watch?v=w5GmDRW975g")) ``` You can import all of the exceptions that can be thrown like this: ```python from python_sponsorblock import exceptions ``` ### Get the Data Because I don't need much functionality, I havent implemented a lot of api requests. The following list contains every function, that I plan to implement: - [x] Get Segments If you need more functionality, just raise an issue or create a pull request. Here is an [overview for all api endpoints I could write wrappers for](https://wiki.sponsor.ajay.app/w/API_Docs). Every function that requires a video id as input, can also take a full url as input. The function will extract the video id from the url. #### Get Segments This function gets all segments of a video. ```python from python_sponsorblock import SponsorBlock, constants from python_sponsorblock.constants import Segment sb = SponsorBlock() segments: List[Segment] = sb.get_segments("https://yt.artemislena.eu/watch?v=w5GmDRW975g") ``` ### Data Objects All Data Classes, Enums and simmilar objects can be found in the `constants` module. ```python from python_sponsorblock import constants ``` #### Segment This is most arguably the most important object in this library. It represents a segment of a video that is a sponsor segment. ```python from python_sponsorblock.exceptions import Segment, Category, ActionType Segment( UUID="uuid", segment=(0.0, 10.0), category=Category.SPONSOR, videoDuration=100.0, actionType=ActionType.SKIP, locked=0, votes=10, description="This is a sponsor segment" ) ``` #### Enums (Types) The enums are just representations of the types that are used in the sponsorblock api. This is the [official documentation of the sponsor block types](https://wiki.sponsor.ajay.app/w/Types).