from enum import Enum from typing import List, Dict, Tuple import from mutagen import id3 import datetime from .parents import ( ID3Metadata ) class Mapping(Enum): """ These frames belong to the id3 standart """ # Textframes TITLE = "TIT2" ISRC = "TSRC" LENGTH = "TLEN" DATE = "TYER" TRACKNUMBER = "TRCK" TOTALTRACKS = "TRCK" # Stored in the same frame with TRACKNUMBER, separated by '/': e.g. '4/9'. TITLESORTORDER = "TSOT" ENCODING_SETTINGS = "TSSE" SUBTITLE = "TIT3" SET_SUBTITLE = "TSST" RELEASE_DATE = "TDRL" RECORDING_DATES = "TXXX" PUBLISHER_URL = "WPUB" PUBLISHER = "TPUB" RATING = "POPM" DISCNUMBER = "TPOS" MOVEMENT_COUNT = "MVIN" TOTALDISCS = "TPOS" ORIGINAL_RELEASE_DATE = "TDOR" ORIGINAL_ARTIST = "TOPE" ORIGINAL_ALBUM = "TOAL" MEDIA_TYPE = "TMED" LYRICIST = "TEXT" WRITER = "TEXT" ARTIST = "TPE1" LANGUAGE = "TLAN" # ITUNESCOMPILATION = "TCMP" REMIXED_BY = "TPE4" RADIO_STATION_OWNER = "TRSO" RADIO_STATION = "TRSN" INITIAL_KEY = "TKEY" OWNER = "TOWN" ENCODED_BY = "TENC" COPYRIGHT = "TCOP" GENRE = "TCON" GROUPING = "TIT1" CONDUCTOR = "TPE3" COMPOSERSORTORDER = "TSOC" COMPOSER = "TCOM" BPM = "TBPM" ALBUM_ARTIST = "TPE2" BAND = "TPE2" ARTISTSORTORDER = "TSOP" ALBUM = "TALB" ALBUMSORTORDER = "TSOA" ALBUMARTISTSORTORDER = "TSO2" TAGGING_TIME = "TDTG" SOURCE_WEBPAGE_URL = "WOAS" FILE_WEBPAGE_URL = "WOAF" INTERNET_RADIO_WEBPAGE_URL = "WORS" ARTIST_WEBPAGE_URL = "WOAR" COPYRIGHT_URL = "WCOP" COMMERCIAL_INFORMATION_URL = "WCOM" PAYMEMT_URL = "WPAY" MOVEMENT_INDEX = "MVIN" MOVEMENT_NAME = "MVNM" UNSYNCED_LYRICS = "USLT" COMMENT = "COMM" @classmethod def get_text_instance(cls, key: str, value: str): return id3.Frames[key](encoding=3, text=value) @classmethod def get_url_instance(cls, key: str, url: str): return id3.Frames[key](encoding=3, url=url) @classmethod def get_mutagen_instance(cls, attribute, value): key = attribute.value if key[0] == 'T': # a text fiel return cls.get_text_instance(key, value) if key[0] == "W": # an url field return cls.get_url_instance(key, value) class ID3Timestamp: def __init__( self, year: int = None, month: int = None, day: int = None, hour: int = None, minute: int = None, second: int = None ): self.year = year self.month = month = day self.hour = hour self.minute = minute self.second = second self.has_year = year is not None self.has_month = month is not None self.has_day = day is not None self.has_hour = hour is not None self.has_minute = minute is not None self.has_second = second is not None if not self.has_year: year = 1 if not self.has_month: month = 1 if not self.has_day: day = 1 if not self.has_hour: hour = 1 if not self.has_minute: minute = 1 if not self.has_second: second = 1 self.date_obj = datetime.datetime( year=year, month=month, day=day, hour=hour, minute=minute, second=second ) def get_timestamp(self) -> str: """ The timestamp fields are based on a subset of ISO 8601. When being as precise as possible the format of a time string is - yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss - (year[%Y], “-”, month[%m], “-”, day[%d], “T”, hour (out of 24)[%H], ”:”, minutes[%M], ”:”, seconds[%S]) - %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S but the precision may be reduced by removing as many time indicators as wanted. Hence valid timestamps are - yyyy - yyyy-MM - yyyy-MM-dd - yyyy-MM-ddTHH - yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm - yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss All time stamps are UTC. For durations, use the slash character as described in 8601, and for multiple non-contiguous dates, use multiple strings, if allowed by the frame definition. :return timestamp: as timestamp in the format of the id3 time as above described """ if self.has_year and self.has_month and self.has_day and self.has_hour and self.has_minute and self.has_second: return self.date_obj.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") if self.has_year and self.has_month and self.has_day and self.has_hour and self.has_minute: return self.date_obj.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M") if self.has_year and self.has_month and self.has_day and self.has_hour: return self.date_obj.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H") if self.has_year and self.has_month and self.has_day: return self.date_obj.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") if self.has_year and self.has_month: return self.date_obj.strftime("%Y-%m") if self.has_year: return self.date_obj.strftime("%Y") return "" @classmethod def strptime(cls, time_stamp: str, format: str): date_obj = datetime.datetime.strftime(time_stamp, format) return cls( year=date_obj.year, month=date_obj.month,, hour=date_obj.hour, minute=date_obj.minute, second=date_obj.second ) @classmethod def now(cls): date_obj = return cls( year=date_obj.year, month=date_obj.month,, hour=date_obj.hour, minute=date_obj.minute, second=date_obj.second ) def strftime(self, format: str) -> str: return self.date_obj.strftime(format) def __str__(self) -> str: return self.timestamp def __repr__(self) -> str: return self.timestamp timestamp: str = property(fget=get_timestamp) class Metadata: """ Shall only be read or edited via the Song object. call it like a dict to read/write values """ def __init__(self) -> None: # this is pretty self-explanatory # the key is a 4 letter key from the id3 standards like TITL self.id3_attributes: Dict[str, list] = {} # its a null byte for the later concatenation of text frames self.null_byte = "\x00" def get_all_metadata(self): return list(self.id3_attributes.items()) def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: list, override_existing: bool = True): if len(value) == 0: return if type(value) != list: raise ValueError(f"can only set attribute to list, not {type(value)}") if override_existing: new_val = [] for elem in value: if elem is not None: new_val.append(elem) if len(new_val) > 0: self.id3_attributes[key] = new_val else: if key not in self.id3_attributes: self.id3_attributes[key] = value return self.id3_attributes[key].extend(value) def __getitem__(self, key): if key not in self.id3_attributes: return None return self.id3_attributes[key] def add_id3_metadata_obj(self, id3_metadata: ID3Metadata, override_existing: bool = True): metadata_dict = id3_metadata.get_id3_dict() for field_enum, value in metadata_dict.items(): self.__setitem__(field_enum.value, value, override_existing=override_existing) def add_many_id3_metadata_obj(self, id3_metadata_list: List[ID3Metadata], override_existing: bool = False): for id3_metadata in id3_metadata_list: self.add_id3_metadata_obj(id3_metadata, override_existing=override_existing) def delete_item(self, key: str): if key in self.id3_attributes: return self.id3_attributes.pop(key) def get_id3_value(self, key: str): if key not in self.id3_attributes: return None list_data = self.id3_attributes[key] # convert for example the time objects to timestamps for i, element in enumerate(list_data): # for performance’s sake I don't do other checks if it is already the right type if type(element) == str: continue if type(element) == ID3Timestamp: list_data[i] = element.timestamp continue """ Version 2.4 of the specification prescribes that all text fields (the fields that start with a T, except for TXXX) can contain multiple values separated by a null character. Thus if above conditions are met, I concatenate the list, else I take the first element """ if key[0].upper() == "T" and key.upper() != "TXXX": return self.null_byte.join(list_data) return list_data[0] def get_mutagen_object(self, key: str): return Mapping.get_mutagen_instance(Mapping(key), self.get_id3_value(key)) def __iter__(self): # set the tagging timestamp to the current time self.__setitem__(Mapping.TAGGING_TIME.value, []) for key in self.id3_attributes: yield key, self.get_mutagen_object(key) def __str__(self) -> str: rows = [] for key, value in self.id3_attributes.items(): rows.append(f"{key} - {str(value)}") return "\n".join(rows)