from typing import List, Dict, Callable, Optional, Set from urllib.parse import urlparse, urlunsplit, ParseResult import logging import requests from .rotating import RotatingProxy from ..utils.shared import PROXIES_LIST class Connection: def __init__( self, host: str, proxies: List[dict] = None, tries: int = (len(PROXIES_LIST) + 1) * 2, timeout: int = 7, logger: logging.Logger = logging.getLogger("connection"), header_values: Dict[str, str] = None, accepted_response_codes: Set[int] = None, semantic_not_found: bool = True ): if proxies is None: proxies = PROXIES_LIST if header_values is None: header_values = dict() self.HEADER_VALUES = header_values self.LOGGER = logger self.HOST = urlparse(host) self.TRIES = tries self.TIMEOUT = timeout self.rotating_proxy = RotatingProxy(proxy_list=proxies) self.ACCEPTED_RESPONSE_CODES = accepted_response_codes or {200} self.SEMANTIC_NOT_FOUND = semantic_not_found self.session = requests.Session() self.session.headers = self.get_header(**self.HEADER_VALUES) self.session.proxies = self.rotating_proxy.current_proxy def base_url(self, url: ParseResult = None): if url is None: url = self.HOST return urlunsplit((url.scheme, url.netloc, "", "", "")) def get_header(self, **header_values) -> Dict[str, str]: return { "user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36", "Connection": "keep-alive", "Host": self.HOST.netloc, "Referer": self.base_url(), **header_values } def rotate(self): self.session.proxies = self.rotating_proxy.rotate() def _update_headers( self, headers: Optional[dict], refer_from_origin: bool, url: ParseResult ) -> Dict[str, str]: if headers is None: headers = dict() if not refer_from_origin: headers["Referer"] = self.base_url(url=url) return headers def _request( self, request: Callable, try_count: int, accepted_response_code: set, url: str, timeout: float, headers: dict, refer_from_origin: bool = True, raw_url: bool = False, **kwargs ) -> Optional[requests.Response]: if try_count >= self.TRIES: return if timeout is None: timeout = self.TIMEOUT parsed_url = urlparse(url) print(url) print(parsed_url) headers = self._update_headers( headers=headers, refer_from_origin=refer_from_origin, url=parsed_url ) request_url = parsed_url.geturl() if not raw_url else url retry = False try: r: requests.Response = request(url=request_url, timeout=timeout, headers=headers, **kwargs) except requests.exceptions.Timeout: self.LOGGER.warning(f"Request timed out at \"{request_url}\": ({try_count}-{self.TRIES})") retry = True except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: self.LOGGER.warning(f"Couldn't connect to \"{request_url}\": ({try_count}-{self.TRIES})") retry = True if not retry: if self.SEMANTIC_NOT_FOUND and r.status_code == 404: self.LOGGER.warning(f"Couldn't find url (404): {request_url}") print(r.headers) print(r.request.headers) return if r.status_code in accepted_response_code: return r if not retry: self.LOGGER.warning(f"{self.HOST.netloc} responded wit {r.status_code} " f"at {url}. ({try_count}-{self.TRIES})") self.LOGGER.debug(r.content) self.rotate() print(r.headers) return self._request( request=request, try_count=try_count, accepted_response_code=accepted_response_code, url=url, timeout=timeout, **kwargs ) def get( self, url: str, refer_from_origin: bool = True, stream: bool = False, accepted_response_codes: set = None, timeout: float = None, headers: dict = None, raw_url: bool = False, **kwargs ) -> Optional[requests.Response]: r = self._request( request=self.session.get, try_count=0, accepted_response_code=accepted_response_codes or self.ACCEPTED_RESPONSE_CODES, url=url, stream=stream, timeout=timeout, headers=headers, refer_from_origin=refer_from_origin, raw_url=raw_url, **kwargs ) if r is None: self.LOGGER.warning(f"Max attempts ({self.TRIES}) exceeded for: GET:{url}") return r def post( self, url: str, json: dict, refer_from_origin: bool = True, stream: bool = False, accepted_response_codes: set = None, timeout: float = None, headers: dict = None, raw_url: bool = False, **kwargs ) -> Optional[requests.Response]: r = self._request(, try_count=0, accepted_response_code=accepted_response_codes or self.ACCEPTED_RESPONSE_CODES, url=url, timeout=timeout, headers=headers, refer_from_origin=refer_from_origin, json=json, stream=stream, raw_url=raw_url, **kwargs ) if r is None: self.LOGGER.warning(f"Max attempts ({self.TRIES}) exceeded for: GET:{url}") self.LOGGER.warning(f"payload: {json}") return r