import logging from pathlib import Path from typing import List import mutagen from mutagen.id3 import APIC, ID3, USLT, Frame from PIL import Image from ..connection import Connection from ..objects import Metadata, Song, Target from ..objects.metadata import Mapping from ..utils.config import logging_settings, main_settings LOGGER = logging_settings["tagging_logger"] artwork_connection: Connection = Connection() class AudioMetadata: def __init__(self, file_location: str = None) -> None: self._file_location = None self.frames: ID3 = ID3() if file_location is not None: self.file_location = file_location def add_metadata(self, metadata: Metadata): for value in metadata: """ """ if value is None: continue self.frames.add(value) def add_song_metadata(self, song: Song): self.add_metadata(song.metadata) def save(self, file_location: Path = None): LOGGER.debug(f"saving following frames: {self.frames.pprint()}") if file_location is not None: self.file_location = file_location if self.file_location is None: raise Exception("no file target provided to save the data to"), v2_version=4) def set_file_location(self, file_location: Path): # try loading the data from the given file. if it doesn't succeed the frame remains empty try: self.frames.load(file_location, v2_version=4) LOGGER.debug(f"loaded following from \"{file_location}\"\n{self.frames.pprint()}") except mutagen.MutagenError: LOGGER.warning(f"couldn't find any metadata at: \"{self.file_location}\"") self._file_location = file_location file_location = property(fget=lambda self: self._file_location, fset=set_file_location) def write_metadata_to_target(metadata: Metadata, target: Target, song: Song): if not target.exists: LOGGER.warning(f"file {target.file_path} not found") return id3_object = AudioMetadata(file_location=target.file_path) if song.artwork.best_variant is not None: best_variant = song.artwork.best_variant r = artwork_connection.get( url=best_variant["url"], name=song.artwork.get_variant_name(best_variant), ) temp_target: Target = Target.temp() with"wb") as f: f.write(r.content) converted_target: Target = Target.temp(name=f"{song.title.replace('/', '_')}") with as img: # crop the image if it isn't square in the middle with minimum data loss width, height = img.size if width != height: if width > height: img = img.crop((width // 2 - height // 2, 0, width // 2 + height // 2, height)) else: img = img.crop((0, height // 2 - width // 2, width, height // 2 + width // 2)) # resize the image to the preferred resolution img.thumbnail((main_settings["preferred_artwork_resolution"], main_settings["preferred_artwork_resolution"])) # if img.mode != 'RGB': img = img.convert('RGB'), "JPEG") # id3_object.frames.delall("APIC") id3_object.frames.add( APIC( encoding=0, mime="image/jpeg", type=mutagen.id3.PictureType.COVER_FRONT, desc=u"Cover", data=converted_target.read_bytes(), ) ) id3_object.frames.delall("USLT") uslt_val = metadata.get_id3_value(Mapping.UNSYNCED_LYRICS) id3_object.frames.add( USLT(encoding=3, lang=u'eng', desc=u'desc', text=uslt_val) ) id3_object.add_metadata(metadata) def write_metadata(song: Song, ignore_file_not_found: bool = True): target: Target for target in if not target.exists: if ignore_file_not_found: continue else: raise ValueError(f"{} not found") write_metadata_to_target(metadata=song.metadata, target=target, song=song) def write_many_metadata(song_list: List[Song]): for song in song_list: write_metadata(song=song, ignore_file_not_found=True)