import gc import musicbrainzngs import logging import re import os from pathlib import Path from typing import List from . import objects, pages from .utils.string_processing import fit_to_file_system from .utils.shared import MUSIC_DIR, MODIFY_GC, NOT_A_GENRE_REGEX, get_random_message if MODIFY_GC: """ At the start I modify the garbage collector to run a bit fewer times. This should increase speed: """ # Clean up what might be garbage so far. gc.collect(2) allocs, gen1, gen2 = gc.get_threshold() allocs = 50_000 # Start the GC sequence every 50K not 700 allocations. gen1 = gen1 * 2 gen2 = gen2 * 2 gc.set_threshold(allocs, gen1, gen2) logging.getLogger("musicbrainzngs").setLevel(logging.WARNING) musicbrainzngs.set_useragent("metadata receiver", "0.1", "") URL_REGEX = 'https?://(?:[-\w.]|(?:%[\da-fA-F]{2}))+' DOWNLOAD_COMMANDS = { "ok", "download", "\\d", "hs" } EXIT_COMMANDS = { "exit", "quit" } def cli(genre: str = None, download_all: bool = False): def get_existing_genre() -> List[str]: """ gets the name of all subdirectories of shared.MUSIC_DIR, but filters out all directories, where the name matches with any patern from shared.NOT_A_GENRE_REGEX. """ existing_genres: List[str] = [] # get all subdirectories of MUSIC_DIR, not the files in the dir. existing_subdirectories: List[Path] = [f for f in MUSIC_DIR.iterdir() if f.is_dir()] for subdirectory in existing_subdirectories: name: str = if not any(re.match(regex_pattern, name) for regex_pattern in NOT_A_GENRE_REGEX): existing_genres.append(name) existing_genres.sort() return existing_genres def get_genre(): existing_genres = get_existing_genre() for i, genre_option in enumerate(existing_genres): print(f"{i+1:0>2}: {genre_option}") while True: genre = input("Id or new genre: ") if genre.isdigit(): genre_id = int(genre) - 1 if genre_id >= len(existing_genres): print(f"No genre under the id {genre_id+1}.") continue return existing_genres[genre_id] new_genre = fit_to_file_system(genre) agree_inputs = {"y", "yes", "ok"} verification = input(f"create new genre \"{new_genre}\"? (Y/N): ").lower() if verification in agree_inputs: return new_genre def next_search(_search: pages.Search, query: str) -> bool: """ :param _search: :param query: :return exit in the next step: """ nonlocal genre nonlocal download_all query: str = query.strip() parsed: str = query.lower() if parsed in EXIT_COMMANDS: return True if parsed == ".": return False if parsed == "..": _search.goto_previous() return False if parsed.isdigit(): _search.choose_index(int(parsed)) return False if parsed in DOWNLOAD_COMMANDS: r = _search.download_chosen(genre=genre, download_all=download_all) print() print(r) print() return not r.is_mild_failure url = re.match(URL_REGEX, query) if url is not None: if not _search.search_url(url.string): print("The given url couldn't be found.") return False page = _search.get_page_from_query(parsed) if page is not None: _search.choose_page(page) return False # if everything else is not valid search return False if genre is None: genre = get_genre() print() print(get_random_message()) print() print(f"Downloading to: \"{genre}\"") print() search = pages.Search() while True: if next_search(search, input(">> ")): break print(search) print() print(get_random_message()) print("Have fun with your music. :3")