import time from typing import List, Dict, Callable, Optional, Set from urllib.parse import urlparse, urlunsplit, ParseResult import logging import requests from tqdm import tqdm from .rotating import RotatingProxy from ..utils.shared import PROXIES_LIST, CHUNK_SIZE from ..objects import Target class Connection: def __init__( self, host: str, proxies: List[dict] = None, tries: int = (len(PROXIES_LIST) + 1) * 2, timeout: int = 7, logger: logging.Logger = logging.getLogger("connection"), header_values: Dict[str, str] = None, accepted_response_codes: Set[int] = None, semantic_not_found: bool = True ): if proxies is None: proxies = PROXIES_LIST if header_values is None: header_values = dict() self.HEADER_VALUES = header_values self.LOGGER = logger self.HOST = urlparse(host) self.TRIES = tries self.TIMEOUT = timeout self.rotating_proxy = RotatingProxy(proxy_list=proxies) self.ACCEPTED_RESPONSE_CODES = accepted_response_codes or {200} self.SEMANTIC_NOT_FOUND = semantic_not_found self.session = requests.Session() self.session.headers = self.get_header(**self.HEADER_VALUES) self.session.proxies = self.rotating_proxy.current_proxy def base_url(self, url: ParseResult = None): if url is None: url = self.HOST return urlunsplit((url.scheme, url.netloc, "", "", "")) def get_header(self, **header_values) -> Dict[str, str]: return { "user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36", "Connection": "keep-alive", # "Host": self.HOST.netloc, "Referer": self.base_url(), **header_values } def rotate(self): self.session.proxies = self.rotating_proxy.rotate() def _update_headers( self, headers: Optional[dict], refer_from_origin: bool, url: ParseResult ) -> Dict[str, str]: if headers is None: headers = dict() if not refer_from_origin: headers["Referer"] = self.base_url(url=url) return headers def _request( self, request: Callable, try_count: int, accepted_response_code: set, url: str, timeout: float, headers: dict, refer_from_origin: bool = True, raw_url: bool = False, wait_on_403: bool = True, **kwargs ) -> Optional[requests.Response]: if try_count >= self.TRIES: return if timeout is None: timeout = self.TIMEOUT parsed_url = urlparse(url) headers = self._update_headers( headers=headers, refer_from_origin=refer_from_origin, url=parsed_url ) request_url = parsed_url.geturl() if not raw_url else url connection_failed = False try: r: requests.Response = request(request_url, timeout=timeout, headers=headers, **kwargs) if r.status_code in accepted_response_code: return r if self.SEMANTIC_NOT_FOUND and r.status_code == 404: self.LOGGER.warning(f"Couldn't find url (404): {request_url}") return None except requests.exceptions.Timeout: self.LOGGER.warning(f"Request timed out at \"{request_url}\": ({try_count}-{self.TRIES})") connection_failed = True except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: self.LOGGER.warning(f"Couldn't connect to \"{request_url}\": ({try_count}-{self.TRIES})") connection_failed = True if not connection_failed: self.LOGGER.warning(f"{self.HOST.netloc} responded wit {r.status_code} " f"at {url}. ({try_count}-{self.TRIES})") self.LOGGER.debug(r.content) if wait_on_403: self.LOGGER.warning(f"Waiting for 5 seconds.") time.sleep(5) self.rotate() return self._request( request=request, try_count=try_count+1, accepted_response_code=accepted_response_code, url=url, timeout=timeout, headers=headers, **kwargs ) def get( self, url: str, refer_from_origin: bool = True, stream: bool = False, accepted_response_codes: set = None, timeout: float = None, headers: dict = None, raw_url: bool = False, **kwargs ) -> Optional[requests.Response]: r = self._request( request=self.session.get, try_count=0, accepted_response_code=accepted_response_codes or self.ACCEPTED_RESPONSE_CODES, url=url, timeout=timeout, headers=headers, raw_url=raw_url, refer_from_origin=refer_from_origin, stream=stream, **kwargs ) if r is None: self.LOGGER.warning(f"Max attempts ({self.TRIES}) exceeded for: GET:{url}") return r def post( self, url: str, json: dict, refer_from_origin: bool = True, stream: bool = False, accepted_response_codes: set = None, timeout: float = None, headers: dict = None, raw_url: bool = False, **kwargs ) -> Optional[requests.Response]: r = self._request(, try_count=0, accepted_response_code=accepted_response_codes or self.ACCEPTED_RESPONSE_CODES, url=url, timeout=timeout, headers=headers, refer_from_origin=refer_from_origin, raw_url=raw_url, json=json, stream=stream, **kwargs ) if r is None: self.LOGGER.warning(f"Max attempts ({self.TRIES}) exceeded for: GET:{url}") self.LOGGER.warning(f"payload: {json}") return r def stream_into( self, url: str, target: Target, description: str = "download", refer_from_origin: bool = True, accepted_response_codes: set = None, timeout: float = None, headers: dict = None, raw_url: bool = False, **kwargs ): r = self._request( request=self.session.get, try_count=0, accepted_response_code=accepted_response_codes or self.ACCEPTED_RESPONSE_CODES, url=url, timeout=timeout, headers=headers, raw_url=raw_url, refer_from_origin=refer_from_origin, stream=True, **kwargs ) if r is None: return False target.create_path() total_size = int(r.headers.get('content-length')) with"wb") as f: try: """ > The internationally recommended unit symbol for the kilobyte is kB. """ with tqdm(total=total_size, unit='B', unit_scale=True, unit_divisor=1024, desc=description) as t: for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=CHUNK_SIZE): size = f.write(chunk) t.update(size) return True except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: self.LOGGER.error("Stream timed out.") return False