import musicbrainzngs import logging import os from .utils.shared import ( MUSIC_DIR, NOT_A_GENRE ) from .metadata import ( metadata_search, metadata_fetch ) from .target import set_target from .audio_source import ( fetch_source, fetch_audio ) from .lyrics import lyrics logging.getLogger("musicbrainzngs").setLevel(logging.WARNING) musicbrainzngs.set_useragent("metadata receiver", "0.1", "") def get_existing_genre(): valid_directories = [] for elem in os.listdir(MUSIC_DIR): if elem not in NOT_A_GENRE: valid_directories.append(elem) return valid_directories def help_search_metadata(): msg = """ - - - Type the command you want to execute - - - .. - Previous Options (query_string) - Search for songs, albums, bands... (int) - Select an item from the search results d - Start the download h - Help q - Quit / Exit """ print(msg) def execute_input(_input: str, search: metadata_search.Search) -> bool: """ :returns: True if it should break out of the loop else False """ _input = _input.strip().lower() if _input in ("d", "ok", "dl", "download"): return True if _input in ("q", "quit", "exit"): exit() if _input in ("h", "help"): help_search_metadata() return False if _input.isdigit(): print() print(search.choose(int(_input))) return False if _input == "..": print() print(search.get_previous_options()) return False print() print(search.search_from_query(_input)) def search_for_metadata(): search = metadata_search.Search() while True: _input = input("\"help\" for an overview of commands: ") if execute_input(_input=_input, search=search): break print(f"downloading: {search.current_option}") return search.current_option def get_genre(): existing_genres = get_existing_genre() print("printing available genres:") for i, genre_option in enumerate(existing_genres): print(f"{i}: {genre_option}") genre = input("Input the ID for an existing genre or text for a new one: ") if genre.isdigit(): genre_id = int(genre) if genre_id >= len(existing_genres): logging.warning("An invalid genre id has been given") return get_genre() return existing_genres[genre_id] return genre def cli(start_at: int = 0, only_lyrics: bool = False): if start_at <= 2 and not only_lyrics: genre = get_genre()"{genre} has been set as genre.") if start_at <= 0: search = search_for_metadata()"Starting Downloading of metadata") metadata_downloader = metadata_fetch.MetadataDownloader(){'type': search.type, 'id':}) if start_at <= 1 and not only_lyrics:"creating Paths") set_target.UrlPath(genre=genre) if start_at <= 2 and not only_lyrics:"Fetching Download Links") fetch_source.Download() if start_at <= 3 and not only_lyrics:"starting to download the mp3's") fetch_audio.Download() if start_at <= 4:"starting to fetch the lyrics") lyrics.fetch_lyrics() def gtk_gui(): # please maximaly a minimal gui, the fully fleshed out gui should be made externally # to avoid ending up with a huge monolyth pass