from __future__ import annotations from collections import defaultdict from typing import TypeVar, Generic, Dict, Optional, Iterable, List, Iterator, Tuple, Generator, Union, Any, Set import copy from .parents import OuterProxy from ..utils import object_trace from ..utils import output, BColors T = TypeVar('T', bound=OuterProxy) class Collection(Generic[T]): __is_collection__ = True _data: List[T] _indexed_from_id: Dict[int, Dict[str, Any]] _indexed_values: Dict[str, Dict[Any, T]] shallow_list = property(fget=lambda self: def __init__( self, data: Optional[Iterable[T]] = None, sync_on_append: Dict[str, Collection] = None, append_object_to_attribute: Dict[str, T] = None, extend_object_to_attribute: Dict[str, Collection] = None, ) -> None: self._collection_for: dict = dict() self._contains_ids = set() self._data = [] # List of collection attributes that should be modified on append # Key: collection attribute (str) of appended element # Value: main collection to sync to self.append_object_to_attribute: Dict[str, T] = append_object_to_attribute or {} self.extend_object_to_attribute: Dict[str, Collection[T]] = extend_object_to_attribute or {} self.sync_on_append: Dict[str, Collection] = sync_on_append or {} self.pull_from: List[Collection] = [] self.push_to: List[Collection] = [] # This is to cleanly unmap previously mapped items by their id self._indexed_from_id: Dict[int, Dict[str, Any]] = defaultdict(dict) # this is to keep track and look up the actual objects self._indexed_values: Dict[str, Dict[Any, T]] = defaultdict(dict) self.extend(data) def __hash__(self) -> int: return id(self) @property def collection_names(self) -> List[str]: return list(set(self._collection_for.values())) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"Collection({' | '.join(self.collection_names)} {id(self)})" def _map_element(self, __object: T, no_unmap: bool = False, **kwargs): if not no_unmap: self._unmap_element( self._indexed_from_id[]["id"] = self._indexed_values["id"][] = __object for name, value in __object.indexing_values: if value is None or value == __object._inner._default_values.get(name): continue self._indexed_values[name][value] = __object self._indexed_from_id[][name] = value def _unmap_element(self, __object: Union[T, int]): obj_id = if isinstance(__object, OuterProxy) else __object if obj_id not in self._indexed_from_id: return for name, value in self._indexed_from_id[obj_id].items(): if value in self._indexed_values[name]: del self._indexed_values[name][value] del self._indexed_from_id[obj_id] def _remap(self): # reinitialize the mapping to clean it without time consuming operations self._indexed_from_id: Dict[int, Dict[str, Any]] = defaultdict(dict) self._indexed_values: Dict[str, Dict[Any, T]] = defaultdict(dict) for e in self._data: self._map_element(e, no_unmap=True) def _find_object(self, __object: T, **kwargs) -> Optional[T]: self._remap() if in self._indexed_from_id: return self._indexed_values["id"][] for name, value in __object.indexing_values: if value in self._indexed_values[name]: return self._indexed_values[name][value] return None def _append_new_object(self, other: T, **kwargs): """ This function appends the other object to the current collection. This only works if not another object, which represents the same real life object exists in the collection. """ self._data.append(other) other._inner._is_in_collection.add(self) # all of the existing hooks to get the defined datastructures for collection_attribute, generator in self.extend_object_to_attribute.items(): other.__getattribute__(collection_attribute).extend(generator, **kwargs) for attribute, new_object in self.append_object_to_attribute.items(): other.__getattribute__(attribute).append(new_object, **kwargs) for attribute, a in self.sync_on_append.items(): # syncing two collections by reference b = other.__getattribute__(attribute) if a is b: continue object_trace(f"Syncing [{a}] = [{b}]") b_data = b_collection_for = b._collection_for.copy() del b for synced_with, key in b_collection_for.items(): synced_with.__setattr__(key, a) a._collection_for[synced_with] = key a.extend(b_data, **kwargs) def append(self, other: Optional[T], **kwargs): """ If an object, that represents the same entity exists in a relevant collection, merge into this object. (and remap) Else append to this collection. :param other: :return: """ if other is None: return if in self._indexed_from_id: return object_trace(f"Appending {other.option_string} to {self}") # switching collection in the case of push to for c in self.push_to: r = c._find_object(other) if r is not None: # output("found push to", r, other, c, self, color=BColors.RED, sep="\t") return c.append(other, **kwargs) for c in self.pull_from: r = c._find_object(other) if r is not None: # output("found pull from", r, other, c, self, color=BColors.RED, sep="\t") c.remove(r, existing=r, **kwargs) existing = self._find_object(other) if existing is None: self._append_new_object(other, **kwargs) else: existing.merge(other, **kwargs) def remove(self, *other_list: List[T], silent: bool = False, existing: Optional[T] = None, remove_from_other_collection=True, **kwargs): other: T for other in other_list: existing: Optional[T] = existing or self._indexed_values["id"].get(, None) if existing is None: if not silent: raise ValueError(f"Object {other} not found in {self}") return other if remove_from_other_collection: for c in copy.copy(other._inner._is_in_collection): c.remove(other, silent=True, remove_from_other_collection=False, **kwargs) other._inner._is_in_collection = set() else: self._data.remove(existing) self._unmap_element(existing) def contains(self, __object: T) -> bool: return self._find_object(__object) is not None def extend(self, other_collections: Optional[Generator[T, None, None]], **kwargs): if other_collections is None: return for other_object in other_collections: self.append(other_object, **kwargs) @property def data(self) -> List[T]: return list(self.__iter__()) def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self._data) @property def empty(self) -> bool: return self.__len__() <= 0 def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[T]: yield from self._data def __merge__(self, other: Collection, **kwargs): object_trace(f"merging {str(self)} | {str(other)}") self.extend(other, **kwargs) def __getitem__(self, item: int): return self._data[item] def get(self, item: int, default = None): if item >= len(self._data): return default return self._data[item] def __eq__(self, other: Collection) -> bool: if self.empty and other.empty: return True return self._data == other._data