from typing import List import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import pycountry from ..utils.shared import ( ENCYCLOPAEDIA_METALLUM_LOGGER as LOGGER ) from .abstract import Page from ..database import ( MusicObject, Artist, Source, SourcePages, Song, Album, ID3Timestamp, FormattedText ) from ..utils import ( string_processing ) class EncyclopaediaMetallum(Page): API_SESSION: requests.Session = requests.Session() API_SESSION.headers = { "Host": "", "Connection": "keep-alive" } SOURCE_TYPE = SourcePages.ENCYCLOPAEDIA_METALLUM @classmethod def search_by_query(cls, query: str) -> List[MusicObject]: query_obj = cls.Query(query) if query_obj.is_raw: return cls.simple_search(query_obj) return cls.advanced_search(query_obj) @classmethod def advanced_search(cls, query: Page.Query) -> List[MusicObject]: if is not None: return cls.search_for_song(query=query) if query.album is not None: return cls.search_for_album(query=query) if query.artist is not None: return cls.search_for_artist(query=query) return [] @classmethod def search_for_song(cls, query: Page.Query) -> List[Song]: endpoint = "{song}&bandName={" \ "artist}&releaseTitle={album}&lyrics=&genre=&sEcho=1&iColumns=5&sColumns=&iDisplayStart=0" \ "&iDisplayLength=200&mDataProp_0=0&mDataProp_1=1&mDataProp_2=2&mDataProp_3=3&mDataProp_4=4&_" \ "=1674550595663" r = cls.API_SESSION.get(endpoint.format(song=query.song_str, artist=query.artist_str, album=query.album_str)) if r.status_code != 200: LOGGER.warning( f"code {r.status_code} at {endpoint.format(song=query.song_str, artist=query.artist_str, album=query.album_str)}") return [] return [cls.get_song_from_json( artist_html=raw_song[0], album_html=raw_song[1], release_type=raw_song[2], title=raw_song[3], lyrics_html=raw_song[4] ) for raw_song in r.json()['aaData']] @classmethod def search_for_album(cls, query: Page.Query) -> List[Album]: endpoint = "{" \ "artist}&releaseTitle={album}&releaseYearFrom=&releaseMonthFrom=&releaseYearTo=&releaseMonthTo" \ "=&country=&location=&releaseLabelName=&releaseCatalogNumber=&releaseIdentifiers" \ "=&releaseRecordingInfo=&releaseDescription=&releaseNotes=&genre=&sEcho=1&iColumns=3&sColumns" \ "=&iDisplayStart=0&iDisplayLength=200&mDataProp_0=0&mDataProp_1=1&mDataProp_2=2&_=1674563943747" r = cls.API_SESSION.get(endpoint.format(artist=query.artist_str, album=query.album_str)) if r.status_code != 200: LOGGER.warning( f"code {r.status_code} at {endpoint.format(song=query.song_str, artist=query.artist_str, album=query.album_str)}") return [] return [cls.get_album_from_json( artist_html=raw_album[0], album_html=raw_album[1], release_type=[2] ) for raw_album in r.json()['aaData']] @classmethod def search_for_artist(cls, query: Page.Query) -> List[Artist]: endpoint = "{artist}&genre=&country=&yearCreationFrom=&yearCreationTo=&bandNotes=&status=&themes=&location=&bandLabelName=&sEcho=1&iColumns=3&sColumns=&iDisplayStart=0&iDisplayLength=200&mDataProp_0=0&mDataProp_1=1&mDataProp_2=2&_=1674565459976" r = cls.API_SESSION.get(endpoint.format(artist=query.artist)) if r.status_code != 200: LOGGER.warning(f"code {r.status_code} at {endpoint.format(artist=query.artist)}") return [] return [ cls.get_artist_from_json(artist_html=raw_artist[0], genre=raw_artist[1], country=raw_artist[2]) for raw_artist in r.json()['aaData'] ] @classmethod def simple_search(cls, query: Page.Query) -> List[Artist]: """ Searches the default endpoint from metal archives, which intern searches only for bands, but it is the default, thus I am rolling with it """ endpoint = "{query}&sEcho=1&iColumns=3&sColumns=&iDisplayStart=0&iDisplayLength=200&mDataProp_0=0&mDataProp_1=1&mDataProp_2=2" r = cls.API_SESSION.get(endpoint.format(query=query)) if r.status_code != 200: LOGGER.warning(f"code {r.status_code} at {endpoint.format(query=query.query)}") return [] return [ cls.get_artist_from_json(artist_html=raw_artist[0], genre=raw_artist[1], country=raw_artist[2]) for raw_artist in r.json()['aaData'] ] @classmethod def get_artist_from_json(cls, artist_html=None, genre=None, country=None) -> Artist: """ TODO parse the country to a standart """ # parse the html # parse the html for the band name and link on metal-archives soup = BeautifulSoup(artist_html, 'html.parser') anchor = soup.find('a') artist_name = anchor.text artist_url = anchor.get('href') artist_id = artist_url.split("/")[-1] notes = f"{artist_name} is a {genre} band from {country}" anchor.decompose() strong = soup.find('strong') if strong is not None: strong.decompose() akronyms_ = soup.text[2:-2].split(', ') notes += f"aka {akronyms_}" notes += "." return Artist( id_=artist_id, name=artist_name, source_list=[ Source(SourcePages.ENCYCLOPAEDIA_METALLUM, artist_url) ], notes=notes ) @classmethod def get_album_from_json(cls, album_html=None, release_type=None, artist_html=None) -> Album: # parse the html # Self Loather' soup = BeautifulSoup(album_html, 'html.parser') anchor = soup.find('a') album_name = anchor.text album_url = anchor.get('href') album_id = album_url.split("/")[-1] """ TODO implement release type """ return Album( id_=album_id, title=album_name, source_list=[ Source(SourcePages.ENCYCLOPAEDIA_METALLUM, album_url) ], artists=[ cls.get_artist_from_json(artist_html=artist_html) ] ) @classmethod def get_song_from_json(cls, artist_html=None, album_html=None, release_type=None, title=None, lyrics_html=None) -> Song: song_id = None if lyrics_html is not None: soup = BeautifulSoup(lyrics_html, 'html.parser') anchor = soup.find('a') raw_song_id = anchor.get('id') song_id = raw_song_id.replace("lyricsLink_", "") return Song( id_=song_id, title=title, main_artist_list=[ cls.get_artist_from_json(artist_html=artist_html) ], album=cls.get_album_from_json(album_html=album_html, release_type=release_type, artist_html=artist_html), source_list=[ Source(SourcePages.ENCYCLOPAEDIA_METALLUM, song_id) ] ) @classmethod def fetch_artist_discography(cls, artist: Artist, ma_artist_id: str) -> Artist: """ TODO I'd guess this funktion has quite some possibility for optimizations in form of performance and clean code """ discography_url = "{}/tab/all" # prepare tracklist album_by_url = dict() album_by_name = dict() for album in artist.main_albums: album_by_name[string_processing.unify(album.title)] = album for source in album.get_sources_from_page(cls.SOURCE_TYPE): album_by_url[source.url] = album old_discography = artist.main_albums.copy() # save the ids of the albums, that are added to this set, so I can # efficiently add all leftover albums from the discography to the new one used_ids = set() new_discography: List[Album] = [] # make the request r = cls.API_SESSION.get(discography_url.format(ma_artist_id)) if r.status_code != 200: LOGGER.warning(f"code {r.status_code} at {discography_url.format(ma_artist_id)}") return artist # parse the html soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'html.parser') tbody_soup = soup.find('tbody') for tr_soup in tbody_soup.find_all('tr'): td_list = tr_soup.findChildren(recursive=False) album_soup = td_list[0] album_name = album_soup.text album_url = album_soup.find('a').get('href') album_id = album_url.split('/')[-1] album_type = td_list[1].text album_year = td_list[2].text unified_name = string_processing.unify(album_name) album_obj: Album = Album(id_=album_id) if album_url in album_by_url: album_obj = album_by_url[album_url] used_ids.add( elif unified_name in album_by_name: album_obj = album_by_name[unified_name] album_obj.add_source(Source(SourcePages.ENCYCLOPAEDIA_METALLUM, album_url)) used_ids.add( else: album_obj.add_source(Source(SourcePages.ENCYCLOPAEDIA_METALLUM, album_url)) album_obj.title = album_name album_obj.album_type = album_type try: = ID3Timestamp(year=int(album_year)) except ValueError(): pass new_discography.append(album_obj) # add the albums back, which weren't on this page for old_object in old_discography: if not in used_ids: new_discography.append(old_object) artist.main_albums = new_discography return artist @classmethod def fetch_artist_sources(cls, artist: Artist, ma_artist_id: str) -> Artist: sources_url = "{}" # make the request r = cls.API_SESSION.get(sources_url.format(ma_artist_id)) if r.status_code != 200: LOGGER.warning(f"code {r.status_code} at {sources_url.format(ma_artist_id)}") return artist soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'html.parser') artist_source = soup.find("div", {"id": "band_links_Official"}) """ TODO add a Label object to add the label sources from TODO maybe do merchandice stuff """ merchandice_source = soup.find("div", {"id": "band_links_Official_merchandise"}) label_source = soup.find("div", {"id": "band_links_Labels"}) for tr in artist_source.find_all("td"): a = tr.find("a") url = a.get("href") source = Source.match_url(url) if source is None: continue artist.add_source(source) return artist @classmethod def fetch_artist_attributes(cls, artist: Artist, url: str) -> Artist: r = cls.API_SESSION.get(url) if r.status_code != 200: LOGGER.warning(f"code {r.status_code} at {url}") return artist soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'html.parser') country: pycountry.Countrie = None formed_in_year: int = None genre: str = None lyrical_themes: List[str] = [] label_name: str = None label_url: str = None band_stat_soup = soup.find("div", {"id": "band_stats"}) for dl_soup in band_stat_soup.find_all("dl"): for title, data in zip(dl_soup.find_all("dt"), dl_soup.find_all("dd")): title_text = title.text if "Country of origin:" == title_text: href = data.find('a').get('href') country = pycountry.countries.get(alpha_2=href.split("/")[-1]) = country continue # not needed: Location: Minot, North Dakota """ TODO status: active need to do enums for that and add it to object """ if "Formed in:" == title_text: formed_in_year = int(data.text) artist.formed_in = ID3Timestamp(year=formed_in_year) continue if "Genre:" == title_text: genre = data.text artist.general_genre = genre continue if "Lyrical themes:" == title_text: lyrical_themes = data.text.split(", ") artist.lyrical_themes = lyrical_themes continue if "Current label:" == title_text: label_name = data.text label_url = data.find("a").get("href") for album in artist.main_albums: if album.label is not None: continue album.label = label_name continue """ years active: 2012-present process this and add field to class """ # print(title_text, data.text) # print(data) # print(band_stat_soup) print("country", country) print("formed in", formed_in_year) print("genre", genre) print("lyrical themes", lyrical_themes) print("label", label_name, label_url) return artist @classmethod def fetch_band_notes(cls, artist: Artist, ma_artist_id: str) -> Artist: endpoint = "{}" # make the request r = cls.API_SESSION.get(endpoint.format(ma_artist_id)) if r.status_code != 200: LOGGER.warning(f"code {r.status_code} at {endpoint.format(ma_artist_id)}") return artist artist.notes.html = r.text return artist @classmethod def fetch_artist_details(cls, artist: Artist) -> Artist: source_list = artist.get_sources_from_page(cls.SOURCE_TYPE) if len(source_list) == 0: return artist # taking the fist source, cuz I only need one and multiple sources don't make that much sense source = source_list[0] artist_id = source.url.split("/")[-1] print(source) print("id", artist_id) """ TODO [x] [x] [] reviews: [] simmilar: [x] sources: [x] band notes: """ # SIMPLE METADATA artist = cls.fetch_artist_attributes(artist, source.url) # DISCOGRAPHY artist = cls.fetch_artist_discography(artist, artist_id) # EXTERNAL SOURCES artist = cls.fetch_artist_sources(artist, artist_id) # ARTIST NOTES artist = cls.fetch_band_notes(artist, artist_id) return artist