from collections import defaultdict from typing import List, Optional, Type, Union import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import pycountry from urllib.parse import urlparse from enum import Enum from dataclasses import dataclass from pathlib import Path import random from .abstract import Page from ..objects import ( DatabaseObject, Artist, Source, SourcePages, Song, Album, ID3Timestamp, FormattedText, Label, Options, AlbumType, AlbumStatus, Target ) from ..utils import ( string_processing, shared ) from ..utils.shared import ( MUSIFY_LOGGER as LOGGER ) """ POST ID: 280348 NameForUrl: ghost-bath Page: 1 IsAllowed: True SortOrder.Property: dateCreated SortOrder.IsAscending: false X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest POST ArtistID: 280348 SortOrder.Property: dateCreated SortOrder.IsAscending: false X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest """ class MusifyTypes(Enum): ARTIST = "artist" RELEASE = "release" SONG = "track" @dataclass class MusifyUrl: source_type: MusifyTypes name_without_id: str name_with_id: str musify_id: str url: str class Musify(Page): API_SESSION: requests.Session = requests.Session() API_SESSION.headers = { "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:106.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/106.0", "Connection": "keep-alive", "Referer": "" } API_SESSION.proxies = shared.proxies TIMEOUT = 7 POST_TIMEOUT = 10 TRIES = 5 HOST = "" SOURCE_TYPE = SourcePages.MUSIFY LOGGER = LOGGER @classmethod def parse_url(cls, url: str) -> MusifyUrl: parsed = urlparse(url) path = parsed.path.split("/") split_name = path[2].split("-") url_id = split_name[-1] name_for_url = "-".join(split_name[:-1]) try: type_enum = MusifyTypes(path[1]) except ValueError as e: LOGGER.warning(f"{path[1]} is not yet implemented, add it to MusifyTypes") raise e return MusifyUrl( source_type=type_enum, name_without_id=name_for_url, name_with_id=path[2], musify_id=url_id, url=url ) @classmethod def search_by_query(cls, query: str) -> Options: query_obj = cls.Query(query) if query_obj.is_raw: return cls.plaintext_search(query_obj.query) return cls.plaintext_search(cls.get_plaintext_query(query_obj)) @classmethod def get_plaintext_query(cls, query: Page.Query) -> str: if query.album is None: return f"{query.artist or '*'} - { or '*'}" return f"{query.artist or '*'} - {query.album or '*'} - { or '*'}" @classmethod def parse_artist_contact(cls, contact: BeautifulSoup) -> Artist: source_list: List[Source] = [] name = None _id = None # source anchor = contact.find("a") if anchor is not None: href = anchor.get("href") name = anchor.get("title") if "-" in href: _id = href.split("-")[-1] source_list.append(Source(cls.SOURCE_TYPE, cls.HOST + href)) # artist image image_soup = contact.find("img") if image_soup is not None: alt = image_soup.get("alt") if alt is not None: name = alt artist_thumbnail = image_soup.get("src") return Artist( _id=_id, name=name, source_list=source_list ) @classmethod def parse_album_contact(cls, contact: BeautifulSoup) -> Album: """
Ghost Bath
Ghost Bath - 2013 Ghost Bath Треков: 4 9,04
""" source_list: List[Source] = [] title = None _id = None year = None artist_list: List[Artist] = [] def parse_title_date(title_date: Optional[str], delimiter: str = " - "): nonlocal year nonlocal title if title_date is None: return title_date = title_date.strip() split_attr = title_date.split(delimiter) if len(split_attr) < 2: return if not split_attr[-1].isdigit(): return year = int(split_attr[-1]) title = delimiter.join(split_attr[:-1]) # source anchor = contact.find("a") if anchor is not None: href = anchor.get("href") # get the title and year parse_title_date(anchor.get("title")) if "-" in href: _id = href.split("-")[-1] source_list.append(Source(cls.SOURCE_TYPE, cls.HOST + href)) # cover art image_soup = contact.find("img") if image_soup is not None: alt = image_soup.get("alt") if alt is not None: title = alt cover_art = image_soup.get("src") contact_info_soup = contact.find("div", {"class": "contacts__info"}) if contact_info_soup is not None: """ Ghost Bath - 2013 Ghost Bath Треков: 4 9,04 """ title_soup = contact_info_soup.find("strong") if title_soup is None: parse_title_date(title_soup) small_list = contact_info_soup.find_all("small") if len(small_list) == 3: # artist artist_soup: BeautifulSoup = small_list[0] raw_artist_str = artist_soup.text for artist_str in raw_artist_str.split("&\r\n"): artist_str = artist_str.rstrip("& ...\r\n") artist_str = artist_str.strip() if artist_str.endswith("]") and "[" in artist_str: artist_str = artist_str.rsplit("[", maxsplit=1)[0] artist_list.append(Artist(name=artist_str)) track_count_soup: BeautifulSoup = small_list[1] rating_soup: BeautifulSoup = small_list[2] else: LOGGER.warning("got an unequal ammount than 3 small elements") return Album( _id=_id, title=title, source_list=source_list, date=ID3Timestamp(year=year), artist_list=artist_list ) @classmethod def parse_contact_container(cls, contact_container_soup: BeautifulSoup) -> List[Union[Artist, Album]]: contacts = [] contact: BeautifulSoup for contact in contact_container_soup.find_all("div", {"class": "contacts__item"}): anchor_soup = contact.find("a") if anchor_soup is not None: url = anchor_soup.get("href") if url is not None: if "artist" in url: contacts.append(cls.parse_artist_contact(contact)) elif "release" in url: contacts.append(cls.parse_album_contact(contact)) return contacts @classmethod def parse_playlist_item(cls, playlist_item_soup: BeautifulSoup) -> Song: _id = None song_title = playlist_item_soup.get("data-name") artist_list: List[Artist] = [] source_list: List[Source] = [] # details playlist_details: BeautifulSoup = playlist_item_soup.find("div", {"class", "playlist__heading"}) if playlist_details is not None: anchor_list = playlist_details.find_all("a") if len(anchor_list) >= 2: # artists artist_anchor: BeautifulSoup for artist_anchor in anchor_list[:-1]: _id = None href = artist_anchor.get("href") artist_source: Source = Source(cls.SOURCE_TYPE, cls.HOST + href) if "-" in href: _id = href.split("-")[-1] artist_list.append(Artist( _id=_id, name=artist_anchor.get_text(strip=True), source_list=[artist_source] )) # track track_soup: BeautifulSoup = anchor_list[-1] """ TODO this anchor text may have something like (feat. some artist) which is not acceptable """ href = track_soup.get("href") if href is not None: if "-" in href: raw_id: str = href.split("-")[-1] if raw_id.isdigit(): _id = raw_id source_list.append(Source(cls.SOURCE_TYPE, cls.HOST + href)) else: LOGGER.warning("there are not enough anchors (2) for artist and track") LOGGER.warning(str(artist_list)) """ artist_name = playlist_item_soup.get("data-artist") if artist_name is not None: artist_list.append(Artist(name=artist_name)) """ id_attribute = playlist_item_soup.get("id") if id_attribute is not None: raw_id = id_attribute.replace("playerDiv", "") if raw_id.isdigit(): _id = raw_id return Song( _id=_id, title=song_title, main_artist_list=artist_list, source_list=source_list ) @classmethod def parse_playlist_soup(cls, playlist_soup: BeautifulSoup) -> List[Song]: song_list = [] for playlist_item_soup in playlist_soup.find_all("div", {"class": "playlist__item"}): song_list.append(cls.parse_playlist_item(playlist_item_soup)) return song_list @classmethod def plaintext_search(cls, query: str) -> Options: search_results = [] r = cls.get_request(f"{query}") if r is None: return Options() search_soup: BeautifulSoup = BeautifulSoup(r.content, features="html.parser") # album and songs # child of div class: contacts row for contact_container_soup in search_soup.find_all("div", {"class": "contacts"}): search_results.extend(cls.parse_contact_container(contact_container_soup)) # song # div class: playlist__item for playlist_soup in search_soup.find_all("div", {"class": "playlist"}): search_results.extend(cls.parse_playlist_soup(playlist_soup)) return Options(search_results) @classmethod def parse_album_card(cls, album_card: BeautifulSoup, artist_name: str = None) -> Album: """
Self Loather

Self Loather

""" album_type_map = defaultdict(lambda: AlbumType.OTHER, { 1: AlbumType.OTHER, # literally other xD 2: AlbumType.STUDIO_ALBUM, 3: AlbumType.EP, 4: AlbumType.SINGLE, 5: AlbumType.OTHER, # BOOTLEG 6: AlbumType.LIVE_ALBUM, 7: AlbumType.COMPILATION_ALBUM, # compilation of different artists 8: AlbumType.MIXTAPE, 9: AlbumType.DEMO, 10: AlbumType.MIXTAPE, # DJ Mixes 11: AlbumType.COMPILATION_ALBUM, # compilation of only this artist 13: AlbumType.COMPILATION_ALBUM, # unofficial 14: AlbumType.MIXTAPE # "Soundtracks" }) _id: Optional[str] = None name: str = None source_list: List[Source] = [] timestamp: Optional[ID3Timestamp] = None album_status = None def set_name(new_name: str): nonlocal name nonlocal artist_name # example of just setting not working: if new_name.count(" - ") != 1: name = new_name return potential_artist_list, potential_name = new_name.split(" - ") unified_artist_list = string_processing.unify(potential_artist_list) if artist_name is not None: if string_processing.unify(artist_name) not in unified_artist_list: name = new_name return name = potential_name return name = new_name album_status_id = album_card.get("data-type") if album_status_id.isdigit(): album_status_id = int(album_status_id) album_type = album_type_map[album_status_id] if album_status_id == 5: album_status = AlbumStatus.BOOTLEG def parse_release_anchor(_anchor: BeautifulSoup, text_is_name=False): nonlocal _id nonlocal name nonlocal source_list if _anchor is None: return href = _anchor.get("href") if href is not None: # add url to sources source_list.append(Source( cls.SOURCE_TYPE, cls.HOST + href )) # split id from url split_href = href.split("-") if len(split_href) > 1: _id = split_href[-1] if not text_is_name: return set_name(_anchor.text) anchor_list = album_card.find_all("a", recursive=False) if len(anchor_list) > 0: anchor = anchor_list[0] parse_release_anchor(anchor) thumbnail: BeautifulSoup = anchor.find("img") if thumbnail is not None: alt = thumbnail.get("alt") if alt is not None: set_name(alt) image_url = thumbnail.get("src") else: LOGGER.debug("the card has no thumbnail or url") card_body = album_card.find("div", {"class": "card-body"}) if card_body is not None: parse_release_anchor(card_body.find("a"), text_is_name=True) def parse_small_date(small_soup: BeautifulSoup): """ 13.11.2021 """ nonlocal timestamp italic_tagging_soup: BeautifulSoup = small_soup.find("i") if italic_tagging_soup is None: return if italic_tagging_soup.get("title") != "Добавлено": # "Добавлено" can be translated to "Added (at)" return raw_time = small_soup.text.strip() timestamp = ID3Timestamp.strptime(raw_time, "%d.%m.%Y") # parse small date card_footer_list = album_card.find_all("div", {"class": "card-footer"}) if len(card_footer_list) != 3: LOGGER.debug("there are not exactly 3 card footers in a card") if len(card_footer_list) > 0: for any_small_soup in card_footer_list[-1].find_all("small"): parse_small_date(any_small_soup) else: LOGGER.debug("there is not even 1 footer in the album card") return Album( _id=_id, title=name, source_list=source_list, date=timestamp, album_type=album_type, album_status=album_status ) @classmethod def get_discography(cls, url: MusifyUrl, artist_name: str = None, stop_at_level: int = 1) -> List[Album]: """ POST ArtistID: 280348 SortOrder.Property: dateCreated SortOrder.IsAscending: false X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest """ endpoint = cls.HOST + "/" + url.source_type.value + "/filteralbums" r = cls.post_request(url=endpoint, json={ "ArtistID": str(url.musify_id), "SortOrder.Property": "dateCreated", "SortOrder.IsAscending": False, "X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest" }) if r is None: return [] soup: BeautifulSoup = BeautifulSoup(r.content, features="html.parser") discography: List[Album] = [] for card_soup in soup.find_all("div", {"class": "card"}): new_album: Album = cls.parse_album_card(card_soup, artist_name) album_source: Source if stop_at_level > 1: for album_source in new_album.source_collection.get_sources_from_page(cls.SOURCE_TYPE): new_album.merge(cls._fetch_album_from_source(album_source, stop_at_level=stop_at_level-1)) discography.append(new_album) return discography @classmethod def get_artist_attributes(cls, url: MusifyUrl) -> Artist: """ fetches the main Artist attributes from this endpoint it needs to parse html :param url: :return: """ r = cls.get_request(f"{url.source_type.value}/{url.name_with_id}?_pjax=#bodyContent") if r is None: return Artist(_id=url.musify_id) soup = BeautifulSoup(r.content, "html.parser") """

Ghost Bath

""" name = None source_list: List[Source] = [] country = None notes: FormattedText = FormattedText() breadcrumbs: BeautifulSoup = soup.find("ol", {"class": "breadcrumb"}) if breadcrumbs is not None: breadcrumb_list: List[BeautifulSoup] = breadcrumbs.find_all("li", {"class": "breadcrumb-item"}, recursive=False) if len(breadcrumb_list) == 3: name = breadcrumb_list[-1].get_text(strip=True) else: LOGGER.debug("breadcrumb layout on artist page changed") nav_tabs: BeautifulSoup = soup.find("ul", {"class": "nav-tabs"}) if nav_tabs is not None: list_item: BeautifulSoup for list_item in nav_tabs.find_all("li", {"class": "nav-item"}, recursive=False): if not list_item.get_text(strip=True).startswith("песни"): # "песни" translates to "songs" continue anchor: BeautifulSoup = list_item.find("a") if anchor is None: continue href = anchor.get("href") if href is None: continue source_list.append(Source( cls.SOURCE_TYPE, cls.HOST + href )) content_title: BeautifulSoup = soup.find("header", {"class": "content__title"}) if content_title is not None: h1_name: BeautifulSoup = content_title.find("h1", recursive=False) if h1_name is not None: name = h1_name.get_text(strip=True) # country and sources icon_list: BeautifulSoup = soup.find("ul", {"class": "icon-list"}) if icon_list is not None: country_italic: BeautifulSoup = icon_list.find("i", {"class", "flag-icon"}) if country_italic is not None: style_classes: set = {'flag-icon', 'shadow'} classes: set = set(country_italic.get("class")) country_set: set = classes.difference(style_classes) if len(country_set) != 1: LOGGER.debug("the country set contains multiple values") if len(country_set) != 0: """ This is the css file, where all flags that can be used on musify are laid out and styled. Every flag has two upper case letters, thus I assume they follow the alpha_2 standard, though I haven't checked. """ country = pycountry.countries.get(alpha_2=list(country_set)[0]) # get all additional sources additional_source: BeautifulSoup for additional_source in icon_list.find_all("a", {"class", "link"}): href = additional_source.get("href") if href is None: continue new_src = Source.match_url(href) if new_src is None: continue source_list.append(new_src) note_soup: BeautifulSoup = soup.find(id="text-main") if note_soup is not None: notes.html = note_soup.decode_contents() return Artist( _id=url.musify_id, name=name, country=country, source_list=source_list, notes=notes ) @classmethod def _fetch_artist_from_source(cls, source: Source, stop_at_level: int = 1) -> Artist: """ fetches artist from source [x] discography [x] attributes [] picture gallery Args: source (Source): the source to fetch stop_at_level: int = 1: if it is false, every album from discograohy will be fetched. Defaults to False. Returns: Artist: the artist fetched """ url = cls.parse_url(source.url) artist = cls.get_artist_attributes(url) discography: List[Album] = cls.get_discography(url, artist.main_album_collection.extend(discography) return artist @classmethod def parse_song_card(cls, song_card: BeautifulSoup) -> Song: """
03:05 320 Кб/с
""" song_name = song_card.get("data-name") artist_list: List[Artist] = [] source_list: List[Source] = [] tracksort = None def parse_title(_title: str) -> str: return _title """ # get from parent div _artist_name = song_card.get("data-artist") if _artist_name is not None: artist_list.append(Artist(name=_artist_name)) """ # get tracksort tracksort_soup: BeautifulSoup = song_card.find("div", {"class": "playlist__position"}) if tracksort_soup is not None: raw_tracksort: str = tracksort_soup.get_text(strip=True) if raw_tracksort.isdigit(): tracksort = int(raw_tracksort) # playlist details playlist_details: BeautifulSoup = song_card.find("div", {"class": "playlist__details"}) if playlist_details is not None: """
Tamas ft.Zombiez - Voodoo (Feat. Zombiez)
""" # track anchor_list: List[BeautifulSoup] = playlist_details.find_all("a") if len(anchor_list) > 1: track_anchor: BeautifulSoup = anchor_list[-1] href: str = track_anchor.get("href") if href is not None: source_list.append(Source(cls.SOURCE_TYPE, cls.HOST + href)) song_name = parse_title(track_anchor.get_text(strip=True)) # artist artist_span: BeautifulSoup for artist_span in playlist_details.find_all("span", {"itemprop": "byArtist"}): _artist_src = None _artist_name = None meta_artist_src = artist_span.find("meta", {"itemprop": "url"}) if meta_artist_src is not None: meta_artist_url = meta_artist_src.get("content") if meta_artist_url is not None: _artist_src = [Source(cls.SOURCE_TYPE, cls.HOST + meta_artist_url)] meta_artist_name = artist_span.find("meta", {"itemprop": "name"}) if meta_artist_name is not None: meta_artist_name_text = meta_artist_name.get("content") _artist_name = meta_artist_name_text if _artist_name is not None or _artist_src is not None: artist_list.append(Artist(name=_artist_name, source_list=_artist_src)) return Song( title=song_name, tracksort=tracksort, main_artist_list=artist_list, source_list=source_list ) @classmethod def _parse_album(cls, soup: BeautifulSoup) -> Album: name: str = None source_list: List[Source] = [] artist_list: List[Artist] = [] """ if breadcrumb list has 4 elements, then the -2 is the artist link, the -1 is the album """ breadcrumb_soup: BeautifulSoup = soup.find("ol", {"class", "breadcrumb"}) breadcrumb_elements: List[BeautifulSoup] = breadcrumb_soup.find_all("li", {"class": "breadcrumb-item"}) if len(breadcrumb_elements) == 4: # album album_crumb: BeautifulSoup = breadcrumb_elements[-1] name = album_crumb.text.strip() # artist artist_crumb: BeautifulSoup = breadcrumb_elements[-2] anchor: BeautifulSoup = artist_crumb.find("a") if anchor is not None: href = anchor.get("href") artist_source_list: List[Source] = [] if href is not None: artist_source_list.append(Source(cls.SOURCE_TYPE, cls.HOST + href.strip())) span: BeautifulSoup = anchor.find("span") if span is not None: artist_list.append(Artist( name=span.get_text(strip=True), source_list=artist_source_list )) else: cls.LOGGER.debug("there are not 4 breadcrumb items, which shouldn't be the case") meta_url: BeautifulSoup = soup.find("meta", {"itemprop": "url"}) if meta_url is not None: url = meta_url.get("content") if url is not None: source_list.append(Source(cls.SOURCE_TYPE, cls.HOST + url)) meta_name: BeautifulSoup = soup.find("meta", {"itemprop": "name"}) if meta_name is not None: _name = meta_name.get("content") if _name is not None: name = _name return Album( title=name, source_list=source_list, artist_list=artist_list ) @classmethod def _fetch_album_from_source(cls, source: Source, stop_at_level: int = 1) -> Album: """ fetches album from source: eg. '' /html/musify/album_overview.html - [x] tracklist - [ ] attributes - [ ] ratings :param stop_at_level: :param source: :return: """ url = cls.parse_url(source.url) endpoint = cls.HOST + "/release/" + url.name_with_id r = cls.get_request(endpoint) if r is None: return Album() soup = BeautifulSoup(r.content, "html.parser") album = cls._parse_album(soup) print(album) #
cards_soup: BeautifulSoup = soup.find("div", {"class": "card-body"}) if cards_soup is not None: card_soup: BeautifulSoup for card_soup in cards_soup.find_all("div", {"class": "playlist__item"}): new_song = cls.parse_song_card(card_soup) album.song_collection.append(new_song) if stop_at_level > 1: song: Song for song in album.song_collection: sources = song.source_collection.get_sources_from_page(cls.SOURCE_TYPE) for source in sources: song.merge(cls._fetch_song_from_source(source=source)) album.update_tracksort() return album @classmethod def _get_type_of_url(cls, url: str) -> Optional[Union[Type[Song], Type[Album], Type[Artist], Type[Label]]]: url: MusifyUrl = cls.parse_url(url) if url.source_type == MusifyTypes.ARTIST: return Artist if url.source_type == MusifyTypes.RELEASE: return Album if url.source_type == MusifyTypes.SONG: return Song return None @classmethod def _download_song_to_targets(cls, source: Source, target: Target) -> bool: """ """ url: MusifyUrl = cls.parse_url(source.url) if url.source_type != MusifyTypes.SONG: return False endpoint = f"{url.musify_id}/{url.name_without_id}.mp3" print(endpoint) return target.stream_into(cls.get_request(endpoint, stream=True))