import logging import random from copy import copy from typing import Optional, Union, Type, Dict, Set, List import threading import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from ..connection import Connection from ..objects import ( Song, Source, Album, Artist, Target, DatabaseObject, Options, Collection, Label, ) from ..utils.enums.source import SourcePages from ..utils.enums.album import AlbumType from import write_metadata_to_target, correct_codec from ..utils import shared from ..utils.support_classes import Query, DownloadResult, DefaultTarget INDEPENDENT_DB_OBJECTS = Union[Label, Album, Artist, Song] INDEPENDENT_DB_TYPES = Union[Type[Song], Type[Album], Type[Artist], Type[Label]] def _clean_music_object(music_object: INDEPENDENT_DB_OBJECTS, collections: Dict[INDEPENDENT_DB_TYPES, Collection]): if type(music_object) == Label: return _clean_label(label=music_object, collections=collections) if type(music_object) == Artist: return _clean_artist(artist=music_object, collections=collections) if type(music_object) == Album: return _clean_album(album=music_object, collections=collections) if type(music_object) == Song: return _clean_song(song=music_object, collections=collections) def _clean_collection(collection: Collection, collection_dict: Dict[INDEPENDENT_DB_TYPES, Collection]): if collection.element_type not in collection_dict: return for i, element in enumerate(collection): r = collection_dict[collection.element_type].append(element, merge_into_existing=True) collection[i] = r.current_element if not r.was_the_same: _clean_music_object(r.current_element, collection_dict) def _clean_label(label: Label, collections: Dict[INDEPENDENT_DB_TYPES, Collection]): _clean_collection(label.current_artist_collection, collections) _clean_collection(label.album_collection, collections) def _clean_artist(artist: Artist, collections: Dict[INDEPENDENT_DB_TYPES, Collection]): _clean_collection(artist.main_album_collection, collections) _clean_collection(artist.feature_song_collection, collections) _clean_collection(artist.label_collection, collections) def _clean_album(album: Album, collections: Dict[INDEPENDENT_DB_TYPES, Collection]): _clean_collection(album.label_collection, collections) _clean_collection(album.song_collection, collections) _clean_collection(album.artist_collection, collections) def _clean_song(song: Song, collections: Dict[INDEPENDENT_DB_TYPES, Collection]): _clean_collection(song.album_collection, collections) _clean_collection(song.feature_artist_collection, collections) _clean_collection(song.main_artist_collection, collections) def clean_object(dirty_object: DatabaseObject) -> DatabaseObject: if isinstance(dirty_object, INDEPENDENT_DB_OBJECTS): collections = { Label: Collection(element_type=Label), Artist: Collection(element_type=Artist), Album: Collection(element_type=Album), Song: Collection(element_type=Song) } _clean_music_object(dirty_object, collections) return dirty_object def build_new_object(new_object: DatabaseObject) -> DatabaseObject: new_object = clean_object(new_object) new_object.compile(merge_into=False) return new_object def merge_together(old_object: DatabaseObject, new_object: DatabaseObject) -> DatabaseObject: new_object = clean_object(new_object) old_object.merge(new_object) old_object.compile(merge_into=False) return old_object class Page(threading.Thread): """ This is an abstract class, laying out the functionality for every other class fetching something """ SOURCE_TYPE: SourcePages LOGGER = logging.getLogger("this shouldn't be used") def __init__(self): threading.Thread.__init__(self) def run(self) -> None: pass def get_source_type(self, source: Source) -> Optional[Type[DatabaseObject]]: return None def get_soup_from_response(self, r: requests.Response) -> BeautifulSoup: return BeautifulSoup(r.content, "html.parser") # to search stuff def search(self, query: Query) -> List[DatabaseObject]: music_object = query.music_object search_functions = { Song: self.song_search, Album: self.album_search, Artist: self.artist_search, Label: self.label_search } if type(music_object) in search_functions: r = search_functions[type(music_object)](music_object) if len(r) > 0: return r r = [] for default_query in query.default_search: r.extend(self.general_search(default_query)) return r def general_search(self, search_query: str) -> List[DatabaseObject]: return [] def label_search(self, label: Label) -> List[Label]: return [] def artist_search(self, artist: Artist) -> List[Artist]: return [] def album_search(self, album: Album) -> List[Album]: return [] def song_search(self, song: Song) -> List[Song]: return [] def fetch_details(self, music_object: DatabaseObject, stop_at_level: int = 1) -> DatabaseObject: """ when a music object with lacking data is passed in, it returns the SAME object **(no copy)** with more detailed data. If you for example put in, an album, it fetches the tracklist :param music_object: :param stop_at_level: This says the depth of the level the scraper will recurse to. If this is for example set to 2, then the levels could be: 1. Level: the album 2. Level: every song of the album + every artist of the album If no additional requests are needed to get the data one level below the supposed stop level this gets ignored :return detailed_music_object: IT MODIFIES THE INPUT OBJ """ # creating a new object, of the same type new_music_object: DatabaseObject = type(music_object)() # only certain database objects, have a source list if isinstance(music_object, INDEPENDENT_DB_OBJECTS): source: Source for source in music_object.source_collection.get_sources_from_page(self.SOURCE_TYPE): new_music_object.merge( self.fetch_object_from_source( source=source, enforce_type=type(music_object), stop_at_level=stop_at_level, post_process=False ) ) return merge_together(music_object, new_music_object) def fetch_object_from_source(self, source: Source, stop_at_level: int = 2, enforce_type: Type[DatabaseObject] = None, post_process: bool = True) -> Optional[DatabaseObject]: obj_type = self.get_source_type(source) if obj_type is None: return None if enforce_type != obj_type and enforce_type is not None: self.LOGGER.warning(f"Object type isn't type to enforce: {enforce_type}, {obj_type}") return None music_object: DatabaseObject = None fetch_map = { Song: self.fetch_song, Album: self.fetch_album, Artist: self.fetch_artist, Label: self.fetch_label } if obj_type in fetch_map: music_object = fetch_map[obj_type](source, stop_at_level) else: self.LOGGER.warning(f"Can't fetch details of type: {obj_type}") return None if post_process and music_object: return build_new_object(music_object) return music_object def fetch_song(self, source: Source, stop_at_level: int = 1) -> Song: return Song() def fetch_album(self, source: Source, stop_at_level: int = 1) -> Album: return Album() def fetch_artist(self, source: Source, stop_at_level: int = 1) -> Artist: return Artist() def fetch_label(self, source: Source, stop_at_level: int = 1) -> Label: return Label() def download(self, music_object: DatabaseObject, download_all: bool = False) -> DownloadResult: self._download(music_object, {}, download_all) return DownloadResult() def _download(self, music_object: DatabaseObject, naming_objects: Dict[Type[DatabaseObject], DatabaseObject], download_all: bool = False) -> list: # Skips all releases, that are defined in shared.ALBUM_TYPE_BLACKLIST, if download_all is False if isinstance(music_object, Album): if not download_all and music_object.album_type in shared.ALBUM_TYPE_BLACKLIST: return [] naming_objects[type(music_object)] = music_object if isinstance(music_object, Song): print("Downloading", music_object) return [music_object] return_values: List = [] for collection_name in music_object.DOWNWARDS_COLLECTION_ATTRIBUTES: collection: Collection = getattr(self, collection_name) sub_ordered_music_object: DatabaseObject for sub_ordered_music_object in collection: return_values.extend(self._download(sub_ordered_music_object, naming_objects.copy(), download_all)) return return_values def download_song(self, song: Song, naming_objects: Dict[Type[DatabaseObject], DatabaseObject]): pass @classmethod def download( cls, music_object: Union[Song, Album, Artist, Label], download_features: bool = True, default_target: DefaultTarget = None, genre: str = None, override_existing: bool = False, create_target_on_demand: bool = True, download_all: bool = False, exclude_album_type: Set[AlbumType] = shared.ALBUM_TYPE_BLACKLIST ) -> DownloadResult: """ :param genre: The downloader will download to THIS folder (set the value of default_target.genre to genre) :param music_object: :param download_features: :param default_target: :param override_existing: :param create_target_on_demand: :param download_all: :param exclude_album_type: :return total downloads, failed_downloads: """ if default_target is None: default_target = DefaultTarget() if download_all: exclude_album_type: Set[AlbumType] = set() elif exclude_album_type is None: exclude_album_type = { AlbumType.COMPILATION_ALBUM, AlbumType.LIVE_ALBUM, AlbumType.MIXTAPE } if type(music_object) is Song: return cls.download_song( music_object, override_existing=override_existing, create_target_on_demand=create_target_on_demand, genre=genre ) if type(music_object) is Album: return cls.download_album( music_object, default_target=default_target, override_existing=override_existing, genre=genre ) if type(music_object) is Artist: return cls.download_artist( music_object, default_target=default_target, download_features=download_features, exclude_album_type=exclude_album_type, genre=genre ) if type(music_object) is Label: return cls.download_label( music_object, download_features=download_features, default_target=default_target, exclude_album_type=exclude_album_type, genre=genre ) return DownloadResult(error_message=f"{type(music_object)} can't be downloaded.") @classmethod def download_label( cls, label: Label, exclude_album_type: Set[AlbumType], download_features: bool = True, override_existing: bool = False, default_target: DefaultTarget = None, genre: str = None ) -> DownloadResult: default_target = DefaultTarget() if default_target is None else copy(default_target) default_target.label_object(label) r = DownloadResult() cls.fetch_details(label) for artist in label.current_artist_collection: r.merge(cls.download_artist( artist, download_features=download_features, override_existing=override_existing, default_target=default_target, exclude_album_type=exclude_album_type, genre=genre )) album: Album for album in label.album_collection: if album.album_type == AlbumType.OTHER: cls.fetch_details(album) if album.album_type in exclude_album_type:"Skipping {album.option_string} due to the filter. ({album.album_type})") continue r.merge(cls.download_album( album, override_existing=override_existing, default_target=default_target, genre=genre )) return r @classmethod def download_artist( cls, artist: Artist, exclude_album_type: Set[AlbumType], download_features: bool = True, override_existing: bool = False, default_target: DefaultTarget = None, genre: str = None ) -> DownloadResult: default_target = DefaultTarget() if default_target is None else copy(default_target) default_target.artist_object(artist) r = DownloadResult() cls.fetch_details(artist) album: Album for album in artist.main_album_collection: if album.album_type in exclude_album_type:"Skipping {album.option_string} due to the filter. ({album.album_type})") continue r.merge(cls.download_album( album, override_existing=override_existing, default_target=default_target, genre=genre )) if download_features: for song in artist.feature_album.song_collection: r.merge(cls.download_song( song, override_existing=override_existing, default_target=default_target, genre=genre )) return r @classmethod def download_album( cls, album: Album, override_existing: bool = False, default_target: DefaultTarget = None, genre: str = None ) -> DownloadResult: default_target = DefaultTarget() if default_target is None else copy(default_target) default_target.album_object(album) r = DownloadResult() cls.fetch_details(album) album.update_tracksort()"downloading album: {album.title}") for song in album.song_collection: r.merge(cls.download_song( song, override_existing=override_existing, default_target=default_target, genre=genre )) return r @classmethod def download_song( cls, song: Song, override_existing: bool = False, create_target_on_demand: bool = True, default_target: DefaultTarget = None, genre: str = None ) -> DownloadResult: cls.LOGGER.debug(f"Setting genre of {song.option_string} to {genre}") song.genre = genre default_target = DefaultTarget() if default_target is None else copy(default_target) default_target.song_object(song) cls.fetch_details(song) if song.target_collection.empty: if create_target_on_demand and not song.main_artist_collection.empty and not song.album_collection.empty: song.target_collection.append( else: return DownloadResult(error_message=f"No target exists for {song.title}, but create_target_on_demand is False.") target: Target if any(target.exists for target in song.target_collection) and not override_existing: r = DownloadResult(total=1, fail=0) existing_target: Target for existing_target in song.target_collection: if existing_target.exists: r.merge(cls._post_process_targets(song=song, temp_target=existing_target)) break return r sources = song.source_collection.get_sources_from_page(cls.SOURCE_TYPE) if len(sources) == 0: return DownloadResult(error_message=f"No source found for {song.title} as {cls.__name__}.") temp_target: Target = Target( path=shared.TEMP_DIR, file=str(random.randint(0, 999999)) ) r = cls._download_song_to_targets(source=sources[0], target=temp_target, desc=song.title) if not r.is_fatal_error: r.merge(cls._post_process_targets(song, temp_target)) return r @classmethod def _post_process_targets(cls, song: Song, temp_target: Target) -> DownloadResult: correct_codec(temp_target) write_metadata_to_target(song.metadata, temp_target) r = DownloadResult() target: Target for target in song.target_collection: if temp_target is not target: temp_target.copy_content(target) r.add_target(target) return r @classmethod def _download_song_to_targets(cls, source: Source, target: Target, desc: str = None) -> DownloadResult: return DownloadResult()