import gc from typing import List import musicbrainzngs import logging import os from . import ( database, not_used_anymore, target ) from .utils.shared import ( MUSIC_DIR, NOT_A_GENRE ) # from .lyrics import lyrics """ At the start I modify the garbage collector to run a bit fewer times. This should increase speed: """ # Clean up what might be garbage so far. gc.collect(2) allocs, gen1, gen2 = gc.get_threshold() allocs = 50_000 # Start the GC sequence every 50K not 700 allocations. gen1 = gen1 * 2 gen2 = gen2 * 2 gc.set_threshold(allocs, gen1, gen2) logging.getLogger("musicbrainzngs").setLevel(logging.WARNING) musicbrainzngs.set_useragent("metadata receiver", "0.1", "") # define the most important values and function for import in the __init__ file Song = database.Song Artist = database.Artist Source = database.Source SourceTypes = database.SourceTypes SourcePages = database.SourcePages Target = database.Target Lyrics = database.Lyrics Album = database.Album ID3Timestamp = database.ID3Timestamp cache = database.cache Database = database.Database def set_targets(genre: str): target.set_target.UrlPath(genre=genre) def fetch_sources(songs: List[Song], skip_existing_files: bool = True): not_used_anymore.fetch_sources(songs=songs, skip_existing_files=skip_existing_files) def fetch_audios(songs: List[Song], override_existing: bool = False): not_used_anymore.fetch_audios(songs=songs, override_existing=override_existing) def clear_cache(): cache.init_db(reset_anyways=True) def get_existing_genre(): valid_directories = [] for elem in os.listdir(MUSIC_DIR): if elem not in NOT_A_GENRE: valid_directories.append(elem) return valid_directories def help_search_metadata(): msg = """ - - - Available Options - - - .. - Previous Options (query_string) - Search for songs, albums, bands... (int) - Select an item from the search results d - Start the download h - Help q - Quit / Exit - - - How the Query works (examples) - - - > #a searches for the artist > #a #r searches for the release (album) by the artist > #r Me #t searches for the track from the release """ print(msg) def get_genre(): existing_genres = get_existing_genre() print("printing available genres:") for i, genre_option in enumerate(existing_genres): print(f"{i}: {genre_option}") genre = input("Input the ID for an existing genre or text for a new one: ") if genre.isdigit(): genre_id = int(genre) if genre_id >= len(existing_genres): logging.warning("An invalid genre id has been given") return get_genre() return existing_genres[genre_id] return genre