from typing import List from .artist import Artist from .metadata import Metadata from .source import Source from .target import Target # I don't import cache from the db module because it would lead to circular imports # from .temp_database import temp_database as cache # from . import cache class Song: def __init__(self, json_response: dict) -> None: self.json_data = json_response # initialize the data = self.json_data['id'] self.title = self.json_data['title'] self.artists = [] for a in self.json_data['artists']: new_artist = Artist(a) exists = False for existing_artist in self.artists: if new_artist == existing_artist: exists = True break if not exists: self.artists.append(new_artist) self.isrc = self.json_data['isrc'] # initialize the sources self.sources: List[Source] = [] for src in self.json_data['source']: if src['src'] is None: continue self.sources.append(Source(src)) # initialize the target = Target() = self.json_data['file'] = self.json_data['path'] # initialize id3 metadata self.metadata = Metadata() for key, value in self.json_data.items(): self.metadata[key] = value self.metadata['artist'] = self.get_artist_names() # EasyID3.valid_keys.keys() # the lyrics are not in the metadata class because the field isn't supported # by easyid3 self.lyrics: LyricsContainer = LyricsContainer(parent=self) def __str__(self) -> str: return f"\"{self.title}\" by {', '.join([str(a) for a in self.artists])}" def __repr__(self) -> str: return self.__str__() def get_metadata(self): return self.metadata.get_all_metadata() def has_isrc(self) -> bool: return self.isrc is not None def get_artist_names(self) -> List[str]: return [ for a in self.artists] def __getitem__(self, item): if item not in self.json_data: return None return self.json_data[item] def __setitem__(self, item, value): if item == "file": = value return if item == "path": = value return self.json_data[item] = value class Lyrics: def __init__(self, text: str, language: str) -> None: self.text = text self.language = language class LyricsContainer: def __init__(self, parent: Song): self.lyrics_list: List[Lyrics] = [] self.parent = parent def append(self, lyrics: Lyrics): # due to my db not supporting multiple Lyrics yet, I just use for doing stuff with the lyrics # the first element. I know this implementation is junk, but take it or leave it, it is going # soon anyway if len(self.lyrics_list) >= 1: return self.lyrics_list.append(lyrics) # unfortunately can't do this here directly, because of circular imports. If anyone # took the time to get familiar with this codebase... thank you, and if you have any # suggestion of resolving this, please open an issue. # cache.add_lyrics(, lyrics=lyrics.text) def extend(self, lyrics_list: List[Lyrics]): for lyrics in lyrics_list: self.append(lyrics) is_empty = property(fget=lambda self: len(self.lyrics_list) <= 0)