from enum import Enum from typing import List, Dict from .metadata import Mapping, MetadataAttribute from .parents import ( DatabaseObject, SongAttribute, ) class SourceTypes(Enum): SONG = "song" ALBUM = "album" ARTIST = "artist" LYRICS = "lyrics" class SourcePages(Enum): YOUTUBE = "youtube" MUSIFY = "musify" GENIUS = "genius" MUSICBRAINZ = "musicbrainz" ENCYCLOPAEDIA_METALLUM = "encyclopaedia metallum" @classmethod def get_homepage(cls, attribute) -> str: homepage_map = { cls.YOUTUBE: "", cls.MUSIFY: "", cls.MUSICBRAINZ: "", cls.ENCYCLOPAEDIA_METALLUM: "", cls.GENIUS: "" } return homepage_map[attribute] class Source(DatabaseObject, SongAttribute, MetadataAttribute): """ create somehow like that ```python # url won't be a valid one due to it being just an example Source(src="youtube", url="") ``` """ def __init__(self, page_enum, url: str, id_: str = None, type_enum=None) -> None: DatabaseObject.__init__(self, id_=id_) SongAttribute.__init__(self) self.type_enum = type_enum self.page_enum = page_enum self.url = url def get_song_metadata(self) -> MetadataAttribute.Metadata: return MetadataAttribute.Metadata({ Mapping.FILE_WEBPAGE_URL: [self.url], Mapping.SOURCE_WEBPAGE_URL: [self.homepage] }) def get_artist_metadata(self) -> MetadataAttribute.Metadata: return MetadataAttribute.Metadata({ Mapping.ARTIST_WEBPAGE_URL: [self.url] }) def get_metadata(self) -> MetadataAttribute.Metadata: if self.type_enum == SourceTypes.SONG: return self.get_song_metadata() if self.type_enum == SourceTypes.ARTIST: return self.get_artist_metadata() return super().get_metadata() def __str__(self): return f"{self.page_enum}: {self.url}" def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"Src({self.page_enum.value}: {self.url})" page_str = property(fget=lambda self: self.page_enum.value) type_str = property(fget=lambda self: self.type_enum.value) homepage = property(fget=lambda self: SourcePages.get_homepage(self.page_enum)) class SourceAttribute: """ This is a class that is meant to be inherited from. it adds the source_list attribute to a class """ _source_dict: Dict[object, List[Source]] def __new__(cls, **_): new = object.__new__(cls) new._source_dict = {page_enum: list() for page_enum in SourcePages} return new def add_source(self, source: Source): """ adds a new Source to the sources """ self._source_dict[source.page_enum].append(source) def get_sources_from_page(self, page_enum) -> List[Source]: """ getting the sources for a specific page like youtube or musify """ return self._source_dict[page_enum] def get_source_list(self) -> List[Source]: """ gets all sources """ return [item for _, page_list in self._source_dict.items() for item in page_list] def set_source_list(self, source_list: List[Source]): self._source_dict = {page_enum: list() for page_enum in SourcePages} for source in source_list: self.add_source(source) def get_source_dict(self) -> Dict[object, List[Source]]: """ gets a dictionary of all Sources, where the key is a page enum, and the value is a List with all sources of according page """ return self._source_dict source_list: List[Source] = property(fget=get_source_list, fset=set_source_list) source_dict: Dict[object, List[Source]] = property(fget=get_source_dict)