from typing import List, Optional, Type, Tuple from urllib.parse import urlparse, urlunparse, parse_qs from enum import Enum import python_sponsorblock from ..objects import Source, DatabaseObject, Song, Target from ._abstract import Page from ..objects import ( Artist, Source, Song, Album, Label, Target, FormattedText, ID3Timestamp ) from ..connection import Connection from ..utils.string_processing import clean_song_title from ..utils.enums import SourceType, ALL_SOURCE_TYPES from ..utils.support_classes.download_result import DownloadResult from ..utils.config import youtube_settings, main_settings, logging_settings from ._youtube_music.super_youtube import SuperYouTube, YouTubeUrl, get_invidious_url, YouTubeUrlType """ - - - - """ def get_piped_url(path: str = "", params: str = "", query: str = "", fragment: str = "") -> str: return urlunparse((youtube_settings["piped_instance"].scheme, youtube_settings["piped_instance"].netloc, path, params, query, fragment)) class YouTube(SuperYouTube): REGISTER = youtube_settings["use_youtube_alongside_youtube_music"] SOURCE_TYPE = ALL_SOURCE_TYPES.YOUTUBE def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.connection: Connection = Connection( host=get_invidious_url(), logger=self.LOGGER ) self.piped_connection: Connection = Connection( host=get_piped_url(), logger=self.LOGGER ) self.download_connection: Connection = Connection( host="", logger=self.LOGGER, sleep_after_404=youtube_settings["sleep_after_youtube_403"] ) # the stuff with the connection is, to ensure sponsorblock uses the proxies, my programm does _sponsorblock_connection: Connection = Connection() self.sponsorblock = python_sponsorblock.SponsorBlock(silent=True, session=_sponsorblock_connection.session) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def general_search(self, search_query: str) -> List[DatabaseObject]: return self.artist_search(Artist(name=search_query, dynamic=True)) def _json_to_artist(self, artist_json: dict) -> Artist:# return Artist( name=artist_json["author"].replace(" - Topic", ""), source_list=[ Source(self.SOURCE_TYPE, get_invidious_url(path=artist_json["authorUrl"])) ] ) def artist_search(self, artist: Artist) -> List[Artist]: # endpoint = get_invidious_url(path="/api/v1/search", query=f"q={' ', '+')}+-+Topic&page=1&date=none&type=channel&duration=none&sort=relevance") artist_list = [] r = self.connection.get(endpoint) if r is None: return [] for search_result in r.json(): if search_result["type"] != "channel": continue author: str = search_result["author"] if not author.endswith(" - Topic"): continue artist_list.append(self._json_to_artist(search_result)) return artist_list def _fetch_song_from_id(self, youtube_id: str) -> Tuple[Song, Optional[int]]: # r = self.connection.get(get_invidious_url(path=f"/api/v1/videos/{youtube_id}")) if r is None: return Song(), None data = r.json() if data["genre"] != "Music": self.LOGGER.warning(f"Genre has to be music, trying anyways") title = data["title"] license_str = None artist_list: List[Artist] = [] _author: str = data["author"] if _author.endswith(" - Topic"): artist_list.append(Artist( name=_author.replace(" - Topic", ""), source_list=[Source( self.SOURCE_TYPE, get_invidious_url(path=f"/channel/{data['authorId']}") )] )) else: # If the song is not a topic song in the beginning, it cleans the title. If it is from a topic channel, it is clean anyways # If cleaned data is returned by the api, it will be overridden in the next step anyways title = clean_song_title(title, _author) for music_track in data.get("musicTracks", []): title = music_track["song"] license_str = music_track["license"] for artist_name in music_track["artist"].split(" x "): artist_list.append(Artist(name=artist_name)) # if all attempts to get a clean artis name (mainly striping topic or getting the stuff in the api) fail, just add an artist with the name of the uploader channel if len(artist_list) == 0: artist_list.append(Artist(name=_author)) return Song( title=title, source_list=[Source( self.SOURCE_TYPE, get_invidious_url(path="/watch", query=f"v={data['videoId']}") )], notes=FormattedText(html=data["descriptionHtml"] + f"\n

{license_str}" ), artist_list=artist_list ), int(data["published"]) def fetch_song(self, source: Source, stop_at_level: int = 1) -> Song: parsed = YouTubeUrl(source.url) if parsed.url_type != YouTubeUrlType.VIDEO: return Song() song, _ = self._fetch_song_from_id( return song def fetch_album(self, source: Source, stop_at_level: int = 1) -> Album:"Getting the metadata of an album may take slightly longer, only panic in a couple minutes <333") parsed = YouTubeUrl(source.url) if parsed.url_type != YouTubeUrlType.PLAYLIST: return Album() title = None source_list = [source] notes = None song_list = [] # r = self.connection.get(get_invidious_url(path=f"/api/v1/playlists/{}")) if r is None: return Album() data = r.json() if data["type"] != "playlist": return Album() title = data["title"] notes = FormattedText(html=data["descriptionHtml"]) timestamps: List[int] = [] """ TODO fetch the song and don't get it from there """ for video in data["videos"]: other_song = Song( source_list=[ Source( self.SOURCE_TYPE, get_invidious_url(path="/watch", query=f"v={video['videoId']}") ) ], tracksort=video["index"]+1 ) song, utc_timestamp = self._fetch_song_from_id(video["videoId"]) song.merge(other_song) if utc_timestamp is not None: timestamps.append(utc_timestamp) song_list.append(song) return Album( title=title, source_list=source_list, notes=notes, song_list=song_list, date=ID3Timestamp.fromtimestamp(round(sum(timestamps) / len(timestamps))) ) def fetch_invidious_album_list(self, yt_id: str): artist_name = None album_list = [] # playlist # r = self.connection.get(get_invidious_url(f"/api/v1/channels/playlists/{yt_id}")) if r is None: return Artist() for playlist_json in r.json()["playlists"]: if playlist_json["type"] != "playlist": continue artist_name = playlist_json["author"].replace(" - Topic", "") # /playlist?list=OLAK5uy_nbvQeskr8nbIuzeLxoceNLuCL_KjAmzVw album_list.append(Album( title=playlist_json["title"], source_list=[Source( self.SOURCE_TYPE, get_invidious_url(path="/playlist", query=f"list={playlist_json['playlistId']}") )], artist_list=[Artist( name=artist_name, source_list=[ Source(self.SOURCE_TYPE, get_invidious_url(path=playlist_json["authorUrl"])) ] )] )) return album_list, artist_name def fetch_piped_album_list(self, yt_id: str): endpoint = get_piped_url(path=f"/channels/tabs", query='data={"originalUrl":"' + yt_id + '/playlists","url":"' + yt_id + 'playlists","id":"' + yt_id + '","contentFilters":["playlists"],"sortFilter":"","baseUrl":""}') r = self.piped_connection.get(endpoint) if r is None: return [], None content = r.json()["content"] artist_name = None album_list = [] for playlist in content: if playlist["type"] != "playlist": continue artist_name = playlist["uploaderName"].replace(" - Topic", "") album_list.append(Album( title=playlist["name"], source_list=[Source( self.SOURCE_TYPE, get_invidious_url() + playlist["url"] )], artist_list=[Artist( name=artist_name, source_list=[ Source(self.SOURCE_TYPE, get_invidious_url(path=playlist["uploaderUrl"])) ] )] )) return album_list, artist_name def fetch_artist(self, source: Source, stop_at_level: int = 1) -> Artist: parsed = YouTubeUrl(source.url) if parsed.url_type != YouTubeUrlType.CHANNEL: return Artist(source_list=[source]) album_list, artist_name = self.fetch_piped_album_list( if len(album_list) <= 0: self.LOGGER.warning(f"didn't found any playlists with piped, falling back to invidious. (it is unusual)") album_list, artist_name = self.fetch_invidious_album_list( return Artist(name=artist_name, album_list=album_list, source_list=[source]) def download_song_to_target(self, source: Source, target: Target, desc: str = None) -> DownloadResult: """ 1. getting the optimal source Only audio sources allowed not a bitrate that is smaller than the selected bitrate, but not one that is wayyy huger 2. download it :param source: :param target: :param desc: :return: """ r = self.connection.get(YouTubeUrl(source.url).api) if r is None: return DownloadResult(error_message="Api didn't even respond, maybe try another invidious Instance") audio_format = None best_bitrate = 0 for possible_format in r.json()["adaptiveFormats"]: format_type: str = possible_format["type"] if not format_type.startswith("audio"): continue bitrate = int(possible_format.get("bitrate", 0)) if bitrate >= main_settings["bitrate"]: best_bitrate = bitrate audio_format = possible_format break if bitrate > best_bitrate: best_bitrate = bitrate audio_format = possible_format if audio_format is None: return DownloadResult(error_message="Couldn't find the download link.") endpoint = audio_format["url"] return self.download_connection.stream_into(endpoint, target, description=desc, raw_url=True) def get_skip_intervals(self, song: Song, source: Source) -> List[Tuple[float, float]]: if not youtube_settings["use_sponsor_block"]: return [] parsed = YouTubeUrl(source.url) if parsed.url_type != YouTubeUrlType.VIDEO: self.LOGGER.warning(f"{source.url} is no video url.") return [] segments = [] try: segments = self.sponsorblock.get_segments( except NotFoundException: self.LOGGER.debug(f"No sponsor found for the video {}.") except HTTPException as e: self.LOGGER.warning(f"{e}") return [(segment.segment[0], segment.segment[1]) for segment in segments]