from collections import defaultdict from typing import Dict, List, Optional import weakref from .parents import DatabaseObject """ This is a cache for the objects, that et pulled out of the database. This is necessary, to not have duplicate objects with the same id. Using a cache that maps the ojects to their id has multiple benefits: - if you modify the object at any point, all objects with the same id get modified *(copy by reference)* - less ram usage - to further decrease ram usage I only store weak refs and not a strong reference, for the gc to still work """ class ObjectCache: """ ObjectCache is a cache for the objects retrieved from a database. It maps each object to its id and uses weak references to manage its memory usage. Using a cache for these objects provides several benefits: - Modifying an object updates all objects with the same id (due to copy by reference) - Reduced memory usage :attr object_to_id: Dictionary that maps DatabaseObjects to their id. :attr weakref_map: Dictionary that uses weak references to DatabaseObjects as keys and their id as values. :method exists: Check if a DatabaseObject already exists in the cache. :method append: Add a DatabaseObject to the cache if it does not already exist. :method extent: Add a list of DatabaseObjects to the cache. :method remove: Remove a DatabaseObject from the cache by its id. :method get: Retrieve a DatabaseObject from the cache by its id. """ object_to_id: Dict[str, DatabaseObject] weakref_map: Dict[weakref.ref, str] def __init__(self) -> None: self.object_to_id = dict() self.weakref_map = defaultdict() def exists(self, database_object: DatabaseObject) -> bool: """ Check if a DatabaseObject with the same id already exists in the cache. :param database_object: The DatabaseObject to check for. :return: True if the DatabaseObject exists, False otherwise. """ if database_object.dynamic: return True return in self.object_to_id def on_death(self, weakref_: weakref.ref) -> None: """ Callback function that gets triggered when the reference count of a DatabaseObject drops to 0. This function removes the DatabaseObject from the cache. :param weakref_: The weak reference of the DatabaseObject that has been garbage collected. """ data_id = self.weakref_map.pop(weakref_) self.object_to_id.pop(data_id) def get_weakref(self, database_object: DatabaseObject) -> weakref.ref: return weakref.ref(database_object, self.on_death) def append(self, database_object: DatabaseObject) -> bool: """ Add a DatabaseObject to the cache. :param database_object: The DatabaseObject to add to the cache. :return: True if the DatabaseObject already exists in the cache, False otherwise. """ if self.exists(database_object): return True self.weakref_map[weakref.ref(database_object, self.on_death)] = self.object_to_id[] = database_object return False def extent(self, database_object_list: List[DatabaseObject]): """ adjacent to the extent method of list, this appends n Object """ for database_object in database_object_list: self.append(database_object) def remove(self, _id: str): """ Remove a DatabaseObject from the cache. :param _id: The id of the DatabaseObject to remove from the cache. """ data = self.object_to_id.get(_id) if data: self.weakref_map.pop(weakref.ref(data)) self.object_to_id.pop(_id) def __getitem__(self, item) -> Optional[DatabaseObject]: """ this returns the data obj :param item: the id of the music object :return: """ return self.object_to_id.get(item) def get(self, _id: str) -> Optional[DatabaseObject]: return self.__getitem__(_id)