import music_kraken if __name__ == "__main__": import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="A simple cli to easily test music_kraken. The full cli is in the making." ) # arguments for debug purposes parser.add_argument( '-v', '--verbose', action="store_true", help="Sets the logging level to debug." ) parser.add_argument( '-t', '--test', action="store_true", help="For the sake of testing. Equals: '-v -g test'" ) # general arguments parser.add_argument( '-g', '--genre', help="Specifies the genre. (Will be overwritten by -t)" ) parser.add_argument( '-a', '--all', action="store_true", help="If set it will download EVERYTHING the music downloader can find.\n" "For example weird compilations from musify." ) parser.add_argument( '-u', '--url', help="Downloads the content of given url." ) arguments = parser.parse_args() if arguments.verbose or arguments.test: import logging print("Setting logging-level to DEBUG") logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # getting the genre genre: str = arguments.genre if arguments.test: genre = "test" music_kraken.cli( genre=genre, download_all=arguments.all, direct_download_url=arguments.url )