import random from typing import Optional, Union, Type, Dict, List from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import requests import logging from dataclasses import dataclass from copy import copy from ..utils import shared from ..objects import ( Song, Source, Album, Artist, Lyrics, Target, DatabaseObject, Options, SourcePages, Collection, Label ) from ..tagging import write_metadata_to_target from ..utils.shared import DOWNLOAD_PATH, DOWNLOAD_FILE, DEFAULT_VALUES LOGGER = logging.getLogger("this shouldn't be used") @dataclass class DefaultTarget: genre: str = DEFAULT_VALUES["genre"] label: str = DEFAULT_VALUES["label"] artist: str = DEFAULT_VALUES["artist"] album: str = DEFAULT_VALUES["album"] song: str = DEFAULT_VALUES["song"] def __setattr__(self, __name: str, __value: str) -> None: if __name in DEFAULT_VALUES: if self.__getattribute__(__name) == DEFAULT_VALUES[__name]: super().__setattr__(__name, __value) return super().__setattr__(__name, __value) @property def target(self) -> Target: return Target( relative_to_music_dir=True, path=DOWNLOAD_PATH.format(genre=self.genre, label=self.label, artist=self.artist, album=self.album,, file=DOWNLOAD_FILE.format(genre=self.genre, label=self.label, artist=self.artist, album=self.album, ) class Page: """ This is an abstract class, laying out the functionality for every other class fetching something """ API_SESSION: requests.Session = requests.Session() API_SESSION.proxies = shared.proxies TIMEOUT = 5 TRIES = 5 SOURCE_TYPE: SourcePages @classmethod def get_request(cls, url: str, stream: bool = False, accepted_response_codes: set = set((200,)), trie: int = 0) -> Optional[ requests.Response]: retry = False try: r = cls.API_SESSION.get(url, timeout=cls.TIMEOUT, stream=stream) except requests.exceptions.Timeout: retry = True except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: retry = True if not retry and r.status_code in accepted_response_codes: return r if not retry: LOGGER.warning(f"{cls.__name__} responded wit {r.status_code} at GET:{url}. ({trie}-{cls.TRIES})") LOGGER.debug(r.content) if trie >= cls.TRIES: LOGGER.warning("to many tries. Aborting.") return None return cls.get_request(url, accepted_response_codes, trie + 1) @classmethod def post_request(cls, url: str, json: dict, accepted_response_codes: set = set((200,)), trie: int = 0) -> Optional[ requests.Response]: retry = False try: r =, json=json, timeout=cls.TIMEOUT) except requests.exceptions.Timeout: retry = True except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: retry = True if not retry and r.status_code in accepted_response_codes: return r if not retry: LOGGER.warning(f"{cls.__name__} responded wit {r.status_code} at POST:{url}. ({trie}-{cls.TRIES})") LOGGER.debug(r.content) if trie >= cls.TRIES: LOGGER.warning("to many tries. Aborting.") return None return cls.post_request(url, json, accepted_response_codes, trie + 1) @classmethod def get_soup_from_response(cls, r: requests.Response) -> BeautifulSoup: return BeautifulSoup(r.content, "html.parser") class Query: def __init__(self, query: str): self.query = query self.is_raw = False self.artist = None self.album = None = None self.parse_query(query=query) def __str__(self): if self.is_raw: return self.query return f"{self.artist}; {self.album}; {}" def parse_query(self, query: str): if not '#' in query: self.is_raw = True return query = query.strip() parameters = query.split('#') parameters.remove('') for parameter in parameters: splitted = parameter.split(" ") type_ = splitted[0] input_ = " ".join(splitted[1:]).strip() if type_ == "a": self.artist = input_ continue if type_ == "r": self.album = input_ continue if type_ == "t": = input_ continue def get_str(self, string): if string is None: return "" return string artist_str = property(fget=lambda self: self.get_str(self.artist)) album_str = property(fget=lambda self: self.get_str(self.album)) song_str = property(fget=lambda self: self.get_str( @classmethod def search_by_query(cls, query: str) -> Options: """ # The Query You can define a new parameter with "#", the letter behind it defines the *type* of parameter, followed by a space "#a Psychonaut 4 #r Tired, Numb and #t Drop by Drop" if no # is in the query it gets treated as "unspecified query" # Functionality Returns the best matches from this page for the query, passed in. :param query: :return possible_music_objects: """ return Options() @classmethod def fetch_details(cls, music_object: Union[Song, Album, Artist, Label], stop_at_level: int = 1) -> DatabaseObject: """ when a music object with laccing data is passed in, it returns the SAME object **(no copy)** with more detailed data. If you for example put in an album, it fetches the tracklist :param music_object: :param stop_at_level: This says the depth of the level the scraper will recurse to. If this is for example set to 2, then the levels could be: 1. Level: the album 2. Level: every song of the album + every artist of the album If no additional requests are needed to get the data one level below the supposed stop level this gets ignored :return detailed_music_object: IT MODIFIES THE INPUT OBJ """ new_music_object: DatabaseObject = type(music_object)() had_sources = False source: Source for source in music_object.source_collection.get_sources_from_page(cls.SOURCE_TYPE): new_music_object.merge(cls._fetch_object_from_source(source=source, obj_type=type(music_object), stop_at_level=stop_at_level)) had_sources = True if not had_sources: music_object.compile(merge_into=True) return music_object collections = { Label: Collection(element_type=Label), Artist: Collection(element_type=Artist), Album: Collection(element_type=Album), Song: Collection(element_type=Song) } cls._clean_music_object(new_music_object, collections) music_object.merge(new_music_object) music_object.compile(merge_into=True) return music_object @classmethod def fetch_object_from_source(cls, source: Source, stop_at_level: int = 2): obj_type = cls._get_type_of_url(source.url) if obj_type is None: return None music_object = cls._fetch_object_from_source(source=source, obj_type=obj_type, stop_at_level=stop_at_level) collections = { Label: Collection(element_type=Label), Artist: Collection(element_type=Artist), Album: Collection(element_type=Album), Song: Collection(element_type=Song) } cls._clean_music_object(music_object, collections) music_object.compile(merge_into=True) return music_object @classmethod def _fetch_object_from_source(cls, source: Source, obj_type: Union[Type[Song], Type[Album], Type[Artist], Type[Label]], stop_at_level: int = 1) -> Union[Song, Album, Artist, Label]: if obj_type == Artist: return cls._fetch_artist_from_source(source=source, stop_at_level=stop_at_level) if obj_type == Song: return cls._fetch_song_from_source(source=source, stop_at_level=stop_at_level) if obj_type == Album: return cls._fetch_album_from_source(source=source, stop_at_level=stop_at_level) if obj_type == Label: return cls._fetch_label_from_source(source=source, stop_at_level=stop_at_level) @classmethod def _clean_music_object(cls, music_object: Union[Label, Album, Artist, Song], collections: Dict[Union[Type[Song], Type[Album], Type[Artist], Type[Label]], Collection]): if type(music_object) == Label: return cls._clean_label(label=music_object, collections=collections) if type(music_object) == Artist: return cls._clean_artist(artist=music_object, collections=collections) if type(music_object) == Album: return cls._clean_album(album=music_object, collections=collections) if type(music_object) == Song: return cls._clean_song(song=music_object, collections=collections) @classmethod def _clean_collection(cls, collection: Collection, collection_dict: Dict[Union[Type[Song], Type[Album], Type[Artist], Type[Label]], Collection]): if collection.element_type not in collection_dict: return for i, element in enumerate(collection): r = collection_dict[collection.element_type].append(element) if not r.was_in_collection: cls._clean_music_object(r.current_element, collection_dict) continue collection[i] = r.current_element cls._clean_music_object(r.current_element, collection_dict) @classmethod def _clean_label(cls, label: Label, collections: Dict[Union[Type[Song], Type[Album], Type[Artist], Type[Label]], Collection]): cls._clean_collection(label.current_artist_collection, collections) cls._clean_collection(label.album_collection, collections) @classmethod def _clean_artist(cls, artist: Artist, collections: Dict[Union[Type[Song], Type[Album], Type[Artist], Type[Label]], Collection]): cls._clean_collection(artist.main_album_collection, collections) cls._clean_collection(artist.feature_song_collection, collections) cls._clean_collection(artist.label_collection, collections) @classmethod def _clean_album(cls, album: Album, collections: Dict[Union[Type[Song], Type[Album], Type[Artist], Type[Label]], Collection]): cls._clean_collection(album.label_collection, collections) cls._clean_collection(album.song_collection, collections) cls._clean_collection(album.artist_collection, collections) @classmethod def _clean_song(cls, song: Song, collections: Dict[Union[Type[Song], Type[Album], Type[Artist], Type[Label]], Collection]): cls._clean_collection(song.album_collection, collections) cls._clean_collection(song.feature_artist_collection, collections) cls._clean_collection(song.main_artist_collection, collections) @classmethod def download( cls, music_object: Union[Song, Album, Artist, Label], download_features: bool = True, default_target: DefaultTarget = None ): if default_target is None: default_target = DefaultTarget() if type(music_object) is Song: return cls.download_song(music_object, default_target) if type(music_object) is Album: return cls.download_album(music_object, default_target) if type(music_object) is Artist: return cls.download_artist(music_object, default_target) if type(music_object) is Label: return cls.download_label(music_object, download_features=download_features, default_target=default_target) @classmethod def download_label(cls, label: Label, download_features: bool = True, override_existing: bool = False, default_target: DefaultTarget = None): if default_target is None: default_target = DefaultTarget() else: default_target = copy(default_target) default_target.label = cls.fetch_details(label) for artist in label.current_artist_collection: cls.download_artist(artist, download_features=download_features, override_existing=override_existing, default_target=default_target) for album in label.album_collection: cls.download_album(album, override_existing=override_existing, default_target=default_target) @classmethod def download_artist(cls, artist: Artist, download_features: bool = True, override_existing: bool = False, default_target: DefaultTarget = None): if default_target is None: default_target = DefaultTarget() else: default_target = copy(default_target) default_target.artist = cls.fetch_details(artist) for album in artist.main_album_collection: cls.download_album(album, override_existing=override_existing, default_target=default_target) if download_features: for song in artist.feature_album.song_collection: cls.download_song(song, override_existing=override_existing, default_target=default_target) @classmethod def download_album(cls, album: Album, override_existing: bool = False, default_target: DefaultTarget = None): if default_target is None: default_target = DefaultTarget() else: default_target = copy(default_target) default_target.album = album.title cls.fetch_details(album) for song in album.song_collection: cls.download_song(song, override_existing=override_existing, default_target=default_target) @classmethod def download_song(cls, song: Song, override_existing: bool = False, create_target_on_demand: bool = True, default_target: DefaultTarget = None): if default_target is None: default_target = DefaultTarget() else: default_target = copy(default_target) = song.title cls.fetch_details(song) if song.target_collection.empty: if create_target_on_demand and not song.main_artist_collection.empty and not song.album_collection.empty: song.target_collection.append( else: return target: Target if any(target.exists for target in song.target_collection) and not override_existing: existing_target: Target for existing_target in song.target_collection: if existing_target.exists: break for target in song.target_collection: if target is existing_target: continue existing_target.copy_content(target) sources = song.source_collection.get_sources_from_page(cls.SOURCE_TYPE) if len(sources) == 0: return print("great") temp_target: Target = Target( path=shared.TEMP_DIR, file=str(random.randint(0, 999999)) ) cls._download_song_to_targets(source=sources[0], target=temp_target) cls._post_process_targets(song, temp_target) @classmethod def _post_process_targets(cls, song: Song, temp_target: Target): write_metadata_to_target(song.metadata, temp_target) target: Target for target in song.target_collection: temp_target.copy_content(target) @classmethod def _fetch_song_from_source(cls, source: Source, stop_at_level: int = 1) -> Song: return Song() @classmethod def _fetch_album_from_source(cls, source: Source, stop_at_level: int = 1) -> Album: return Album() @classmethod def _fetch_artist_from_source(cls, source: Source, stop_at_level: int = 1) -> Artist: return Artist() @classmethod def _fetch_label_from_source(cls, source: Source, stop_at_level: int = 1) -> Label: return Label() @classmethod def _get_type_of_url(cls, url: str) -> Optional[Union[Type[Song], Type[Album], Type[Artist], Type[Label]]]: return None @classmethod def _download_song_to_targets(cls, source: Source) -> Target: return Target()