from pathlib import Path from typing import List, Tuple from tqdm import tqdm from ffmpeg_progress_yield import FfmpegProgress from ..utils.config import main_settings, logging_settings from ..objects import Target LOGGER = logging_settings["codex_logger"] def correct_codec(target: Target, bitrate_kb: int = main_settings["bitrate"], audio_format: str = main_settings["audio_format"], skip_intervals: List[Tuple[float, float]] = None): if not target.exists: LOGGER.warning(f"Target doesn't exist: {target.file_path}") return skip_intervals = skip_intervals or [] bitrate_b = int(bitrate_kb / 1024) output_target = Target( file_path=Path(str(target.file_path) + "." + audio_format) ) # get the select thingie # aselect_list: List[str] = [] start = 0 next_start = 0 for end, next_start in skip_intervals: aselect_list.append(f"between(t,{start},{end})") start = next_start aselect_list.append(f"gte(t,{next_start})") select = f"aselect='{'+'.join(aselect_list)}',asetpts=N/SR/TB" # build the ffmpeg command ffmpeg_command = [ str(main_settings["ffmpeg_binary"]), "-i", str(target.file_path), "-af", select, "-b", str(bitrate_b), str(output_target.file_path) ] # run the ffmpeg command with a progressbar ff = FfmpegProgress(ffmpeg_command) with tqdm(total=100, desc=f"processing") as pbar: for progress in ff.run_command_with_progress(): pbar.update(progress-pbar.n) LOGGER.debug(ff.stderr) output_target.copy_content(target) output_target.delete()