from typing import Set, Type, Dict, List from pathlib import Path import re from ...utils.shared import MUSIC_DIR, NOT_A_GENRE_REGEX from ...utils.regex import URL_PATTERN from ...utils.string_processing import fit_to_file_system from ...utils.support_classes import Query, DownloadResult from import Results, SearchResults, Option, PageResults from import Pages from ...pages import Page from ...objects import Song, Album, Artist, DatabaseObject """ This is the implementation of the Shell # Behaviour ## Searching ```mkshell > s: {querry or url} # examples > s: > s: r: #a an Artist #r some random Release ``` Searches for an url, or an query ### Query Syntax ``` #a {artist} #r {release} #t {track} ``` You can escape stuff like `#` doing this: `\#` ## Downloading To download something, you either need a direct link, or you need to have already searched for options ```mkshell > d: {option ids or direct url} # examples > d: 0, 3, 4 > d: 1 > d: ``` ## Misc ### Exit ```mkshell > q > quit > exit > abort ``` ### Current Options ```mkshell > . ``` ### Previous Options ``` > .. ``` """ EXIT_COMMANDS = {"q", "quit", "exit", "abort"} ALPHABET = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" PAGE_NAME_FILL = "-" MAX_PAGE_LEN = 21 def get_existing_genre() -> List[str]: """ gets the name of all subdirectories of shared.MUSIC_DIR, but filters out all directories, where the name matches with any patern from shared.NOT_A_GENRE_REGEX. """ existing_genres: List[str] = [] # get all subdirectories of MUSIC_DIR, not the files in the dir. existing_subdirectories: List[Path] = [f for f in MUSIC_DIR.iterdir() if f.is_dir()] for subdirectory in existing_subdirectories: name: str = if not any(re.match(regex_pattern, name) for regex_pattern in NOT_A_GENRE_REGEX): existing_genres.append(name) existing_genres.sort() return existing_genres def get_genre(): existing_genres = get_existing_genre() for i, genre_option in enumerate(existing_genres): print(f"{i + 1:0>2}: {genre_option}") while True: genre = input("Id or new genre: ") if genre.isdigit(): genre_id = int(genre) - 1 if genre_id >= len(existing_genres): print(f"No genre under the id {genre_id + 1}.") continue return existing_genres[genre_id] new_genre = fit_to_file_system(genre) agree_inputs = {"y", "yes", "ok"} verification = input(f"create new genre \"{new_genre}\"? (Y/N): ").lower() if verification in agree_inputs: return new_genre def help_message(): print() print(""" to search: > s: {query or url} > s: > s: #a {artist} #r {release} #t {track} to download: > d: {option ids or direct url} > d: 0, 3, 4 > d: 1 > d: have fun :3 """.strip()) print() class Shell: """ TODO: - Implement search and download for direct urls """ def __init__( self, exclude_pages: Set[Type[Page]] = None, exclude_shady: bool = False, max_displayed_options: int = 10, option_digits: int = 3, genre: str = None ) -> None: self.pages: Pages = Pages(exclude_pages=exclude_pages, exclude_shady=exclude_shady) self.page_dict: Dict[str, Type[Page]] = dict() self.max_displayed_options = max_displayed_options self.option_digits: int = option_digits self.current_results: Results = SearchResults self.genre = genre or get_genre() print() print(f"Downloading to: \"{self.genre}\"") print() def print_current_options(self): self.page_dict = dict() page_count = 0 for option in self.current_results.formated_generator(max_items_per_page=self.max_displayed_options): if isinstance(option, Option): print(f"{option.index:0{self.option_digits}} {option.music_object.option_string}") else: prefix = ALPHABET[page_count%len(ALPHABET)] print(f"({prefix}) ------------------------{option.__name__:{PAGE_NAME_FILL}<{MAX_PAGE_LEN}}------------") self.page_dict[prefix] = option self.page_dict[option.__name__] = option page_count += 1 def set_current_options(self, current_options: Results): self.current_results = current_options def _process_parsed(self, key_text: Dict[str, str], query: str) -> Query: song = None if not "t" in key_text else Song(title=key_text["t"], dynamic=True) album = None if not "r" in key_text else Album(title=key_text["r"], dynamic=True) artist = None if not "a" in key_text else Artist(name=key_text["a"], dynamic=True) if song is not None: song.album_collection.append(album) song.main_artist_collection.append(artist) return Query(raw_query=query, music_object=song) if album is not None: album.artist_collection.append(artist) return Query(raw_query=query, music_object=album) if artist is not None: return Query(raw_query=query, music_object=artist) return Query(raw_query=query) def search(self, query: str): if re.match(URL_PATTERN, query) is not None: self.set_current_options(*self.pages.fetch_url(re.match(URL_PATTERN, query))) self.print_current_options() return special_characters = "#\\" query = query + " " key_text = {} skip_next = False escape_next = False new_text = "" latest_key: str = None for i in range(len(query) - 1): current_char = query[i] next_char = query[i+1] if skip_next: skip_next = False continue if escape_next: new_text += current_char escape_next = False # escaping if current_char == "\\": if next_char in special_characters: escape_next = True continue if current_char == "#": if latest_key is not None: key_text[latest_key] = new_text new_text = "" latest_key = next_char skip_next = True continue new_text += current_char if latest_key is not None: key_text[latest_key] = new_text parsed_query: Query = self._process_parsed(key_text, query) self.set_current_options( self.print_current_options() def goto(self, index: int): page: Type[Page] music_object: DatabaseObject try: page, music_object = self.current_results.get_music_object_by_index(index) except KeyError: print() print(f"The option {index} doesn't exist.") print() return self.pages.fetch_details(music_object) self.set_current_options(PageResults(page, music_object.options)) self.print_current_options() def download(self, download_str: str, download_all: bool = False) -> bool: to_download: List[DatabaseObject] = [] if re.match(URL_PATTERN, download_str) is not None: _, music_objects = self.pages.fetch_url(re.match(URL_PATTERN, download_str)) to_download.append(music_objects) else: index: str for index in download_str.split(", "): if not index.strip().isdigit(): print() print(f"Every download thingie has to be an index, not {index}.") print() return False for index in download_str.split(", "): to_download.append(self.current_results.get_music_object_by_index(int(index))[1]) print() print("Downloading:") for download_object in to_download: print(download_object.option_string) print() _result_map: Dict[DatabaseObject, DownloadResult] = dict() for database_object in to_download: r =, genre=self.genre, download_all=download_all) _result_map[database_object] = r for music_object, result in _result_map.items(): print() print(music_object.option_string) print(result) return False def process_input(self, input_str: str) -> bool: input_str = input_str.strip() processed_input: str = input_str.lower() if processed_input in EXIT_COMMANDS: return True if processed_input == ".": self.print_current_options() return False if processed_input.startswith("s: "):[3:]) return False if processed_input.startswith("d: "): return[3:]) if processed_input.isdigit(): self.goto(int(processed_input)) return False if processed_input != "help": print("Invalid input.") help_message() return False def mainloop(self): while True: if self.process_input(input("> ")): return