import mutagen from mutagen.id3 import ID3, Frame from pathlib import Path from typing import List import logging from ..utils.config import logging_settings from ..objects import Song, Target, Metadata LOGGER = logging_settings["tagging_logger"] class AudioMetadata: def __init__(self, file_location: str = None) -> None: self._file_location = None self.frames: ID3 = ID3() if file_location is not None: self.file_location = file_location def add_metadata(self, metadata: Metadata): for value in metadata: """ """ self.frames.add(value) def add_song_metadata(self, song: Song): self.add_metadata(song.metadata) def save(self, file_location: Path = None): LOGGER.debug(f"saving following frames: {self.frames.pprint()}") if file_location is not None: self.file_location = file_location if self.file_location is None: raise Exception("no file target provided to save the data to"), v2_version=4) def set_file_location(self, file_location: Path): # try loading the data from the given file. if it doesn't succeed the frame remains empty try: self.frames.load(file_location, v2_version=4) LOGGER.debug(f"loaded following from \"{file_location}\"\n{self.frames.pprint()}") except mutagen.MutagenError: LOGGER.warning(f"couldn't find any metadata at: \"{self.file_location}\"") self._file_location = file_location file_location = property(fget=lambda self: self._file_location, fset=set_file_location) def write_metadata_to_target(metadata: Metadata, target: Target): if not target.exists: return id3_object = AudioMetadata(file_location=target.file_path) id3_object.add_metadata(metadata) def write_metadata(song: Song, ignore_file_not_found: bool = True): target: Target for target in if not target.exists: if ignore_file_not_found: continue else: raise ValueError(f"{} not found") id3_object = AudioMetadata(file_location=target.file_path) id3_object.add_song_metadata(song=song) def write_many_metadata(song_list: List[Song]): for song in song_list: write_metadata(song=song, ignore_file_not_found=True) if __name__ == "__main__": print("called directly") filepath = "/home/lars/Music/deathcore/Archspire/Bleed the Future/Bleed the Future.mp3" audio_metadata = AudioMetadata(file_location=filepath) print(audio_metadata.frames.pprint())