import metadata import download_links import url_to_path import download import phonetic_compares import logging import requests import os TEMP = "temp" STEP_ONE_CACHE = ".cache1.csv" STEP_TWO_CACHE = ".cache2.csv" STEP_THREE_CACHE = ".cache3.csv" NOT_A_GENRE = ".", "..", "misc_scripts", "Music", "script", ".git", ".idea" MUSIC_DIR = os.path.expanduser('~/Music') TOR = False logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) def get_existing_genre(): valid_directories = [] for elem in os.listdir(MUSIC_DIR): if elem not in NOT_A_GENRE: valid_directories.append(elem) return valid_directories def search_for_metadata(query: str): search = metadata.Search(query=query, temp=TEMP) print(search.options) while True: input_ = input( "q to quit, ok to download, .. for previous options, . for current options, int for this element: ").lower() input_.strip() if input_ == "q": exit(0) if input_ == "ok": return search if input_ == ".": print(search.options) continue if input_ == "..": print(search.get_previous_options()) continue if input_.isdigit(): print(search.choose(int(input_))) continue def get_genre(): existing_genres = get_existing_genre() print("printing available genres:") for i, genre_option in enumerate(existing_genres): print(f"{i}: {genre_option}") genre = input("Input the ID for an existing genre or text for a new one: ") if genre.isdigit(): genre_id = int(genre) if genre_id >= len(existing_genres): logging.warning("An invalid genre id has been given") return get_genre() return existing_genres[genre_id] return genre def cli(start_at: int = 0): session = requests.Session() if TOR: session.proxies = { 'http': 'socks5h://', 'https': 'socks5h://' } if start_at <= 2: genre = get_genre()"{genre} has been set as genre.") if start_at <= 0: search = search_for_metadata(query=input("initial query: "))"Starting Downloading of metadata") if start_at <= 1:"Fetching Download Links") download_links.Download(file=STEP_TWO_CACHE, metadata_csv=STEP_ONE_CACHE, temp=TEMP, session=session) if start_at <= 2:"creating Paths") url_to_path.UrlPath(genre=genre) if start_at <= 3:"starting to download the mp3's") download.Download(session=session, file=STEP_THREE_CACHE, temp=TEMP, base_path=MUSIC_DIR) if __name__ == "__main__": cli(start_at=0)