from __future__ import annotations import logging import threading import time from typing import List, Dict, Optional, Set from urllib.parse import urlparse, urlunsplit, ParseResult import copy import inspect import requests import responses from tqdm import tqdm from .cache import Cache from .rotating import RotatingProxy from ..objects import Target from ..utils.config import main_settings from ..utils.support_classes.download_result import DownloadResult from ..utils.hacking import merge_args class Connection: def __init__( self, host: str = None, proxies: List[dict] = None, tries: int = (len(main_settings["proxies"]) + 1) * main_settings["tries_per_proxy"], timeout: int = 7, logger: logging.Logger = logging.getLogger("connection"), header_values: Dict[str, str] = None, accepted_response_codes: Set[int] = None, semantic_not_found: bool = True, sleep_after_404: float = 0.0, heartbeat_interval=0, module: str = "general", cache_expiring_duration: float = 10 ): if proxies is None: proxies = main_settings["proxies"] self.cache: Cache = Cache(module=module, logger=logger) self.cache_expiring_duration = cache_expiring_duration self.HEADER_VALUES = dict() if header_values is None else header_values self.LOGGER = logger self.HOST = host if host is None else urlparse(host) self.TRIES = tries self.TIMEOUT = timeout self.rotating_proxy = RotatingProxy(proxy_list=proxies) self.ACCEPTED_RESPONSE_CODES = accepted_response_codes or {200} self.SEMANTIC_NOT_FOUND = semantic_not_found self.sleep_after_404 = sleep_after_404 self.session = requests.Session() self.session.headers = self.get_header(**self.HEADER_VALUES) self.session.proxies = self.rotating_proxy.current_proxy self.heartbeat_thread = None self.heartbeat_interval = heartbeat_interval self.lock: bool = False def start_heartbeat(self): if self.heartbeat_interval <= 0: self.LOGGER.warning(f"Can't start a heartbeat with {self.heartbeat_interval}s in between.") self.heartbeat_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._heartbeat_loop, args=(self.heartbeat_interval,), daemon=True) self.heartbeat_thread.start() def heartbeat_failed(self): self.LOGGER.warning(f"The hearth couldn't beat.") def heartbeat(self): # Your code to send heartbeat requests goes here raise NotImplementedError("please implement the heartbeat function.") def _heartbeat_loop(self, interval: float): def heartbeat_wrapper(): self.LOGGER.debug(f"The hearth is beating.") self.heartbeat() while True: heartbeat_wrapper() time.sleep(interval) def base_url(self, url: ParseResult = None): if url is None and self.HOST is not None: url = self.HOST return urlunsplit((url.scheme, url.netloc, "", "", "")) def get_header(self, **header_values) -> Dict[str, str]: headers = { "user-agent": main_settings["user_agent"], "User-Agent": main_settings["user_agent"], "Connection": "keep-alive", "Accept-Language": main_settings["language"], } if self.HOST is not None: headers["Host"] = self.HOST.netloc headers["Referer"] = self.base_url(url=self.HOST) headers.update(header_values) return headers def rotate(self): self.session.proxies = self.rotating_proxy.rotate() def _update_headers( self, headers: Optional[dict], refer_from_origin: bool, url: ParseResult ) -> Dict[str, str]: headers = self.get_header(**(headers or {})) if not refer_from_origin: headers["Referer"] = self.base_url(url=url) return headers def save(self, r: requests.Response, name: str, error: bool = False, **kwargs): n_kwargs = {} if error: n_kwargs["module"] = "failed_requests" self.cache.set(r.content, name, expires_in=kwargs.get("expires_in", self.cache_expiring_duration), **n_kwargs) def request( self, url: str, timeout: float = None, headers: Optional[dict] = None, try_count: int = 0, accepted_response_codes: set = None, refer_from_origin: bool = True, raw_url: bool = False, raw_headers: bool = False, sleep_after_404: float = None, is_heartbeat: bool = False, disable_cache: bool = None, method: str = None, name: str = "", **kwargs ) -> Optional[requests.Response]: if method is None: raise AttributeError("method is not set.") method = method.upper() headers = dict() if headers is None else headers disable_cache = headers.get("Cache-Control", "").lower() == "no-cache" if disable_cache is None else disable_cache accepted_response_codes = self.ACCEPTED_RESPONSE_CODES if accepted_response_codes is None else accepted_response_codes current_kwargs = copy.copy(locals()) current_kwargs.pop("kwargs") current_kwargs.update(**kwargs) parsed_url = urlparse(url) if not raw_headers: _headers = copy.copy(self.HEADER_VALUES) _headers.update(headers) headers = self._update_headers( headers=_headers, refer_from_origin=refer_from_origin, url=parsed_url ) else: headers = headers or {} request_url = parsed_url.geturl() if not raw_url else url if name != "" and not disable_cache: cached = self.cache.get(name) if cached is not None: with responses.RequestsMock() as resp: resp.add( method=method, url=request_url, body=cached, ) return requests.request(method=method, url=url, timeout=timeout, headers=headers, **kwargs) if sleep_after_404 is None: sleep_after_404 = self.sleep_after_404 if try_count >= self.TRIES: return if timeout is None: timeout = self.TIMEOUT r = None connection_failed = False try: if self.lock:"Waiting for the heartbeat to finish.") while self.lock and not is_heartbeat: pass self.lock = True r: requests.Response = requests.request(method=method, url=url, timeout=timeout, headers=headers, **kwargs) if r.status_code in accepted_response_codes: if not disable_cache:, name, **kwargs) return r if self.SEMANTIC_NOT_FOUND and r.status_code == 404: self.LOGGER.warning(f"Couldn't find url (404): {request_url}") return None # the server rejected the request, or the internet is lacking except requests.exceptions.Timeout: self.LOGGER.warning(f"Request timed out at \"{request_url}\": ({try_count}-{self.TRIES})") connection_failed = True except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: self.LOGGER.warning(f"Couldn't connect to \"{request_url}\": ({try_count}-{self.TRIES})") connection_failed = True # this is important for thread safety finally: self.lock = False if not connection_failed: self.LOGGER.warning(f"{self.HOST.netloc} responded wit {r.status_code} at {url}. ({try_count}-{self.TRIES})") if r is not None: self.LOGGER.debug("request headers:\n\t"+ "\n\t".join(f"{k}\t=\t{v}" for k, v in r.request.headers.items())) self.LOGGER.debug("response headers:\n\t"+ "\n\t".join(f"{k}\t=\t{v}" for k, v in r.headers.items())) self.LOGGER.debug(r.content) if name != "":, name, error=True, **kwargs) if sleep_after_404 != 0: self.LOGGER.warning(f"Waiting for {sleep_after_404} seconds.") time.sleep(sleep_after_404) self.rotate() current_kwargs["try_count"] = current_kwargs.get("try_count", 0) + 1 return Connection.request(**current_kwargs) @merge_args(request) def get(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Optional[requests.Response]: return self.request( *args, method="GET", **kwargs ) @merge_args(request) def post( self, *args, json: dict = None, **kwargs ) -> Optional[requests.Response]: r = self.request( *args, method="POST", json=json, **kwargs ) if r is None: self.LOGGER.warning(f"payload: {json}") return r @merge_args(request) def stream_into( self, url: str, target: Target, name: str = "download", chunk_size: int = main_settings["chunk_size"], progress: int = 0, method: str = "GET", try_count: int = 0, accepted_response_codes: set = None, **kwargs ) -> DownloadResult: accepted_response_codes = self.ACCEPTED_RESPONSE_CODES if accepted_response_codes is None else accepted_response_codes stream_kwargs = copy.copy(locals()) stream_kwargs.update(stream_kwargs.pop("kwargs")) if "description" in kwargs: name = kwargs.pop("description") if progress > 0: headers = dict() if headers is None else headers headers["Range"] = f"bytes={target.size}-" r = self.request( url=url, name=name, method=method, stream=True, accepted_response_codes=accepted_response_codes, **kwargs ) if r is None: return DownloadResult(error_message=f"Could not establish a stream from: {url}") target.create_path() total_size = int(r.headers.get('content-length')) progress = 0 retry = False with"ab") as f: """ > The internationally recommended unit symbol for the kilobyte is kB. """ with tqdm(total=total_size, initial=target.size, unit='B', unit_scale=True, unit_divisor=1024, desc=name) as t: try: for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=chunk_size): size = f.write(chunk) progress += size t.update(size) except (requests.exceptions.ConnectionError, requests.exceptions.Timeout, requests.exceptions.ChunkedEncodingError): if try_count >= self.TRIES: self.LOGGER.warning(f"Stream timed out at \"{url}\": to many retries, aborting.") return DownloadResult(error_message=f"Stream timed out from {url}, reducing the chunk_size might help.") self.LOGGER.warning(f"Stream timed out at \"{url}\": ({try_count}-{self.TRIES})") retry = True try_count += 1 if total_size > progress: retry = True if retry: self.LOGGER.warning(f"Retrying stream...") accepted_response_codes.add(206) return Connection.stream_into(**stream_kwargs) return DownloadResult()