from typing import List, Optional import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import pycountry import time from ..utils.shared import ( ENCYCLOPAEDIA_METALLUM_LOGGER as LOGGER ) from .abstract import Page from ..objects import ( MusicObject, Artist, Source, SourcePages, Song, Album, ID3Timestamp, FormattedText, Label, Options ) from ..utils import ( string_processing, shared ) from ..utils.shared import ( MUSIFY_LOGGER as LOGGER ) class EncyclopaediaMetallum(Page): API_SESSION: requests.Session = requests.Session() API_SESSION.headers = { "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:106.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/106.0", "Connection": "keep-alive", "Referer": "" } API_SESSION.proxies = shared.proxies SOURCE_TYPE = SourcePages.MUSIFY @classmethod def search_by_query(cls, query: str) -> Options: query_obj = cls.Query(query) if query_obj.is_raw: return cls.plaintext_search(query_obj.query) return cls.plaintext_search(cls.get_plaintext_query(query_obj)) @classmethod def get_plaintext_query(cls, query: Page.Query) -> str: if query.album is None: return f"{query.artist or '*'} - { or '*'}" return f"{query.artist or '*'} - {query.album * '*'} - { or '*'}" @classmethod def get_soup_of_search(cls, query: str, trie=0) -> Optional[BeautifulSoup]: url = f"{query}" LOGGER.debug(f"Trying to get soup from {url}") try: r = cls.API_SESSION.get(url, timeout=15) except requests.exceptions.Timeout: return None if r.status_code != 200: if r.status_code in [503] and trie < cls.TRIES: LOGGER.warning(f"youtube blocked downloading. ({trie}-{cls.TRIES})") LOGGER.warning(f"retrying in {cls.TIMEOUT} seconds again") time.sleep(cls.TIMEOUT) return cls.get_soup_of_search(query, trie=trie + 1) LOGGER.warning("too many tries, returning") return None return BeautifulSoup(r.content, features="html.parser") @classmethod def parse_contact_container(cls,) @classmethod def plaintext_search(cls, query: str) -> List[MusicObject]: search_soup = cls.get_soup_of_search(query=query) if search_soup is None: return None # album and songs # child of div class: contacts row for contact_container_soup in search_soup.find_all("div", {"class": ["contacts", "row"]}): pass # song # div class: playlist__item for playlist_soup in search_soup.find_all("div", {"class": "playlist"}): pass # get the soup of the container with all track results tracklist_container_soup = search_soup.find_all("div", {"class": "playlist"}) if len(tracklist_container_soup) == 0: return [] if len(tracklist_container_soup) != 1: LOGGER.warning("HTML Layout of changed. (or bug)") tracklist_container_soup = tracklist_container_soup[0] tracklist_soup = tracklist_container_soup.find_all("div", {"class": "playlist__details"}) def parse_track_soup(_track_soup): anchor_soups = _track_soup.find_all("a") artist_ = anchor_soups[0].text.strip() track_ = anchor_soups[1].text.strip() url_ = anchor_soups[1]['href'] return artist_, track_, url_ # check each track in the container, if they match for track_soup in tracklist_soup: artist_option, title_option, track_url = parse_track_soup(track_soup) title_match, title_distance = phonetic_compares.match_titles(title, title_option) artist_match, artist_distance = phonetic_compares.match_artists(artist, artist_option) logging.debug(f"{(title, title_option, title_match, title_distance)}") logging.debug(f"{(artist, artist_option, artist_match, artist_distance)}") if not title_match and not artist_match: return cls.get_download_link(track_url) return [] @classmethod def fetch_album_details(cls, album: Album, flat: bool = False) -> Album: return album @classmethod def fetch_song_details(cls, song: Song, flat: bool = False) -> Song: source_list = song.source_collection.get_sources_from_page(cls.SOURCE_TYPE) if len(source_list) == 0: return song """ TODO lyrics """ return song