import sqlite3 import os import logging from typing import List, Tuple from pkg_resources import resource_string import datetime import pycountry from .objects.parents import Reference from .objects.source import Source from .objects import ( Song, Lyrics, Target, Artist, Album, ID3Timestamp, SourceTypes, SourcePages, SourceAttribute ) """ import peewee db = peewee.SqliteDatabase('music.db') class BaseModel(peewee.Model): class Meta: database = db class Artist(BaseModel): name = peewee.CharField() class Song(BaseModel): title = peewee.CharField() artist = peewee.ManyToManyField(Artist, backref='songs') db.connect() db.create_tables([Artist, Song, Song.artist.get_through_model()], safe=True) # Adding a song and its artists beatles = Artist.create(name='The Beatles') rolling_stones = Artist.create(name='The Rolling Stones') song = Song.create(title='Hey Jude') song.artist.add(beatles, rolling_stones) # Querying songs by artist songs = == 'The Beatles') for song in songs: print(song.title) """ logger = logging.getLogger("database") # Due to this not being deployed on a Server **HOPEFULLY** # I don't need to parameterize stuff like the where and # use complicated query builder SONG_QUERY = """ SELECT AS song_id, AS title, Song.isrc AS isrc, Song.length AS length, Song.album_id as album_id, Song.tracksort, AS target_id, Target.file AS file, Target.path AS path, Song.genre AS genre FROM Song LEFT JOIN Target ON WHERE {where}; """ SOURCE_QUERY = """ SELECT id, type, src, url, song_id FROM Source WHERE {where}; """ LYRICS_QUERY = """ SELECT id, text, language, song_id FROM Lyrics WHERE {where}; """ ALBUM_QUERY_UNJOINED = """ SELECT AS album_id, title, label, album_status, language, date, date_format, country, barcode, albumsort, is_split FROM Album WHERE {where}; """ ALBUM_QUERY_JOINED = """ SELECT AS album_id, a.title, a.label, a.album_status, a.language,, a.date_format,, a.barcode, a.albumsort, a.is_split FROM Song INNER JOIN Album a ON WHERE {where}; """ ARTIST_QUERY = """ SELECT id as artist_id, name as artist_name FROM Artist WHERE {where}; """ class Database: def __init__(self, database_file: str): self.database_file: str = database_file self.connection, self.cursor = self.reset_cursor() self.cursor = self.connection.cursor() def reset(self): """ Deletes all Data from the database if it exists and resets the schema defined in self.structure_file """"resetting the database") # deleting the database del self.connection del self.cursor os.remove(self.database_file) # newly creating the database self.reset_cursor() query = resource_string("music_kraken", "static_files/new_db.sql").decode('utf-8') # fill the database with the schematic self.cursor.executescript(query) self.connection.commit() def reset_cursor(self) -> Tuple[sqlite3.Connection, sqlite3.Cursor]: self.connection = sqlite3.connect(self.database_file) # This is necessary that fetching rows returns dicts instead of tuple self.connection.row_factory = sqlite3.Row self.cursor = self.connection.cursor() return self.connection, self.cursor def push_one(self, db_object: Song | Lyrics | Target | Artist | Source | Album): if db_object.dynamic: return if type(db_object) == Song: return self.push_song(song=db_object, pushed=set()) """ if type(db_object) == Lyrics: return self.push_lyrics(lyrics=db_object) if type(db_object) == Target: return self.push_target(target=db_object) """ if type(db_object) == Artist: return self.push_artist(artist=db_object, pushed=set()) """ if type(db_object) == Source: # needs to have the property type_enum or type_str set return self.push_source(source=db_object) """ if type(db_object) == Album: return self.push_album(album=db_object, pushed=set()) logger.warning(f"type {type(db_object)} isn't yet supported by the db") def push(self, db_object_list: List[Song | Lyrics | Target | Artist | Source | Album]): """ This function is used to Write the data of any db_object to the database It syncs a whole list of db_objects to the database and is meant as the primary method to add to the database. :param db_object_list: """ for db_object in db_object_list: self.push_one(db_object) def push_album(self, album: Album, pushed: set): table = "Album" query = f"INSERT OR REPLACE INTO {table} (id, title, label, album_status, language, date, date_format, country, barcode, albumsort, is_split) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);" if in pushed: return pushed.add( date_format, date = values = (, album.title, album.label, album.album_status, album.iso_639_2_language, date, date_format,, album.barcode, album.albumsort, album.is_split ) self.cursor.execute(query, values) self.connection.commit() for song in album.tracklist: self.push_song(song, pushed=pushed) for artist in album.artists: self.push_artist_album(artist_ref=artist.reference, album_ref=album.reference) self.push_artist(artist, pushed=pushed) for source in album.source_list: source.type_enum = SourceTypes.ALBUM source.add_song(album) self.push_source(source=source) def push_song(self, song: Song, pushed: set): if song.dynamic: return if in pushed: return pushed.add( # ADDING THE DATA FOR THE SONG OBJECT """ db_field - object attribute ------------------------------- id - id name - title """ table = "Song" values = (, song.title, song.isrc, song.length, song.get_album_id(), song.tracksort, song.genre ) query = f"INSERT OR REPLACE INTO {table} (id, name, isrc, length, album_id, tracksort, genre) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);" self.cursor.execute(query, values) self.connection.commit() # add sources for source in song.source_list: source.add_song(song) source.type_enum = SourceTypes.SONG self.push_source(source=source) # add lyrics for single_lyrics in song.lyrics: single_lyrics.add_song(song) self.push_lyrics(lyrics=single_lyrics) # add target self.push_target( for main_artist in song.main_artist_list: self.push_artist_song(artist_ref=Reference(, song_ref=Reference(, is_feature=False) self.push_artist(artist=main_artist, pushed=pushed) for feature_artist in song.feature_artist_list: self.push_artist_song(artist_ref=Reference(, song_ref=Reference(, is_feature=True) self.push_artist(artist=feature_artist, pushed=pushed) if song.album is not None: self.push_album(song.album, pushed=pushed) def push_lyrics(self, lyrics: Lyrics): if lyrics.dynamic: return table = "Lyrics" query = f"INSERT OR REPLACE INTO {table} (id, song_id, text, language) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?);" values = (, lyrics.song_ref_id, lyrics.text, lyrics.language ) self.cursor.execute(query, values) self.connection.commit() def push_source(self, source: Source): if source.dynamic: return table = "Source" query = f"INSERT OR REPLACE INTO {table} (id, type, song_id, src, url) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?);" values = (, source.type_str, source.song_ref_id, source.page_str, source.url ) self.cursor.execute(query, values) self.connection.commit() def push_target(self, target: Target): if target.dynamic: return table = "Target" query = f"INSERT OR REPLACE INTO {table} (id, song_id, file, path) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?);" values = (, target.song_ref_id, target.file, target.path ) self.cursor.execute(query, values) self.connection.commit() def push_artist_song(self, artist_ref: Reference, song_ref: Reference, is_feature: bool): table = "SongArtist" # checking if already exists query = f"SELECT * FROM {table} WHERE song_id=\"{}\" AND artist_id=\"{}\"" self.cursor.execute(query) if len(self.cursor.fetchall()) > 0: # join already exists return query = f"INSERT OR REPLACE INTO {table} (song_id, artist_id, is_feature) VALUES (?, ?, ?);" values = (,, is_feature ) self.cursor.execute(query, values) self.connection.commit() def push_artist_album(self, artist_ref: Reference, album_ref: Reference): table = "AlbumArtist" # checking if already exists query = f"SELECT * FROM {table} WHERE album_id=\"{}\" AND artist_id=\"{}\"" self.cursor.execute(query) if len(self.cursor.fetchall()) > 0: # join already exists return query = f"INSERT OR REPLACE INTO {table} (album_id, artist_id) VALUES (?, ?);" values = (, ) self.cursor.execute(query, values) self.connection.commit() def push_artist(self, artist: Artist, pushed: set): if artist.dynamic: return if in pushed: return pushed.add( table = "Artist" query = f"INSERT OR REPLACE INTO {table} (id, name) VALUES (?, ?);" values = (, ) self.cursor.execute(query, values) self.connection.commit() for song in artist.feature_songs: self.push_artist_song(artist_ref=artist.reference, song_ref=song.reference, is_feature=True) self.push_song(song=song, pushed=pushed) for song in artist.main_songs: self.push_artist_song(artist_ref=artist.reference, song_ref=song.reference, is_feature=False) self.push_song(song=song, pushed=pushed) for album in artist.main_albums: self.push_artist_album(artist_ref=artist.reference, album_ref=album.reference) for source in artist.source_list: source.type_enum = SourceTypes.ARTIST source.add_song(artist) self.push_source(source) def pull_lyrics(self, song_ref: Reference = None, lyrics_ref: Reference = None) -> List[Lyrics]: """ Gets a list of sources. if lyrics_ref is passed in the List will most likely only contain one Element if everything goes accordingly. **If neither song_ref nor lyrics_ref are passed in it will return ALL lyrics** :param song_ref: :param lyrics_ref: :return: """ where = "1=1" if song_ref is not None: where = f"song_id=\"{}\"" elif lyrics_ref is not None: where = f"id=\"{}\"" query = LYRICS_QUERY.format(where=where) self.cursor.execute(query) lyrics_rows = self.cursor.fetchall() return [Lyrics( id_=lyrics_row['id'], text=lyrics_row['text'], language=lyrics_row['language'] ) for lyrics_row in lyrics_rows] def pull_sources(self, artist_ref: Reference = None, song_ref: Reference = None, source_ref: Reference = None, album_ref: Reference = None) -> List[Source]: """ Gets a list of sources. if source_ref is passed in the List will most likely only contain one Element if everything goes accordingly. **If neither song_ref nor source_ref are passed in it will return ALL sources** :param artist_ref: :param song_ref: :param source_ref: :param type_str: the thing the source belongs to like eg. "song" or "album" :return: """ where = "1=1" if song_ref is not None: where = f"song_id=\"{}\"" elif source_ref is not None: where = f"id=\"{}\" AND type=\"{SourceTypes.SONG.value}\"" elif artist_ref is not None: where = f"song_id=\"{}\" AND type=\"{SourceTypes.ARTIST.value}\"" elif album_ref is not None: where = f"song_id=\"{}\" AND type=\"{SourceTypes.ALBUM.value}\"" query = SOURCE_QUERY.format(where=where) self.cursor.execute(query) source_rows = self.cursor.fetchall() return [ Source( page_enum=SourcePages(source_row['src']), type_enum=SourceTypes(source_row['type']), url=source_row['url'], id_=source_row['id'] ) for source_row in source_rows ] def pull_artist_song(self, song_ref: Reference = None, artist_ref: Reference = None) -> List[tuple]: table = "SongArtist" wheres = [] if song_ref is not None: wheres.append(f"song_id=\"{}\"") if artist_ref is not None: wheres.append(f"artist_id=\"{}\"") where_str = "" if len(wheres) > 0: where_str = "WHERE " + " AND ".join(wheres) query = f"SELECT * FROM {table} {where_str};" self.cursor.execute(query) joins = self.cursor.fetchall() return [( Reference(join["song_id"]), Reference(join["artist_id"]), bool(join["is_feature"]) ) for join in joins] def pull_artist_album(self, album_ref: Reference = None, artist_ref: Reference = None) -> List[tuple]: table = "AlbumArtist" wheres = [] if album_ref is not None: wheres.append(f"album_id=\"{}\"") if artist_ref is not None: wheres.append(f"artist_id=\"{}\"") where_str = "" if len(wheres) > 0: where_str = "WHERE " + " AND ".join(wheres) query = f"SELECT * FROM {table} {where_str};" self.cursor.execute(query) joins = self.cursor.fetchall() return [( Reference(join["album_id"]), Reference(join["artist_id"]) ) for join in joins] def get_artist_from_row(self, artist_row, exclude_relations: set = None, flat: bool = False) -> Artist: if exclude_relations is None: exclude_relations = set() new_exclude_relations: set = set(exclude_relations) new_exclude_relations.add(Artist) artist_id = artist_row['artist_id'] artist_obj = Artist( id_=artist_id, name=artist_row['artist_name'], source_list=self.pull_sources(artist_ref=Reference(id_=artist_id)) ) if flat: return artist_obj # fetch songs :D for song_ref, _, is_feature in self.pull_artist_song(artist_ref=Reference(id_=artist_id)): new_songs = self.pull_songs(song_ref=song_ref, exclude_relations=new_exclude_relations) if len(new_songs) < 1: continue new_song = new_songs[0] if is_feature: artist_obj.feature_songs.append(new_song) else: artist_obj.main_songs.append(new_song) # fetch albums for album_ref, _ in self.pull_artist_album(artist_ref=Reference(id_=artist_id)): new_albums = self.pull_albums(album_ref=album_ref, exclude_relations=new_exclude_relations) if len(new_albums) < 1: continue artist_obj.main_albums.append(new_albums[0]) return artist_obj def pull_artists(self, artist_ref: Reference = None, exclude_relations: set = None, flat: bool = False) -> List[Artist]: """ :param artist_ref: :param exclude_relations: :param flat: if it is true it ONLY fetches the artist data :return: """ where = "1=1" if artist_ref is not None: where = f"\"{}\"" query = ARTIST_QUERY.format(where=where) self.cursor.execute(query) artist_rows = self.cursor.fetchall() return [( self.get_artist_from_row(artist_row, exclude_relations=exclude_relations, flat=flat) ) for artist_row in artist_rows] def get_song_from_row(self, song_result, exclude_relations: set = None) -> Song: if exclude_relations is None: exclude_relations = set() new_exclude_relations: set = set(exclude_relations) new_exclude_relations.add(Song) song_id = song_result['song_id'] # maybee fetch album song_obj = Song( id_=song_id, title=song_result['title'], isrc=song_result['isrc'], length=song_result['length'], tracksort=song_result['tracksort'], genre=song_result['genre'], target=Target( id_=song_result['target_id'], file=song_result['file'], path=song_result['path'] ), source_list=self.pull_sources(song_ref=Reference(id_=song_id)), lyrics=self.pull_lyrics(song_ref=Reference(id_=song_id)), ) if Album not in exclude_relations and song_result['album_id'] is not None: album_obj = self.pull_albums(album_ref=Reference(song_result['album_id']), exclude_relations=new_exclude_relations) if len(album_obj) > 0: song_obj.album = album_obj[0] flat_artist = Artist in exclude_relations main_artists = [] feature_artists = [] for song_ref, artist_ref, is_feature in self.pull_artist_song(song_ref=Reference(song_id)): if is_feature: feature_artists.extend(self.pull_artists(artist_ref=artist_ref, flat=flat_artist)) else: main_artists.extend(self.pull_artists(artist_ref=artist_ref, flat=flat_artist)) song_obj.main_artist_list = main_artists song_obj.feature_artist_list = feature_artists return song_obj def pull_songs(self, song_ref: Reference = None, album_ref: Reference = None, exclude_relations: set = set()) -> \ List[Song]: """ This function is used to get one song (including its children like Sources etc) from one song id (a reference object) :param exclude_relations: By default all relations are pulled by this funktion. If the class object of for example the Artists is in the set it won't get fetched. This is done to prevent an infinite recursion. :param song_ref: :param album_ref: :return requested_song: """ where = "1=1" if song_ref is not None: where = f"\"{}\"" elif album_ref is not None: where = f"Song.album_id=\"{}\"" query = SONG_QUERY.format(where=where) self.cursor.execute(query) song_rows = self.cursor.fetchall() return [self.get_song_from_row( song_result=song_result, exclude_relations=exclude_relations ) for song_result in song_rows] def get_album_from_row(self, album_result, exclude_relations=None) -> Album: if exclude_relations is None: exclude_relations = set() new_exclude_relations: set = exclude_relations.copy() new_exclude_relations.add(Album) album_id = album_result['album_id'] language = album_result['language'] if language is not None: language = pycountry.languages.get(alpha_3=album_result['language']) album_obj = Album( id_=album_id, title=album_result['title'], label=album_result['label'], album_status=album_result['album_status'], language=language, date=ID3Timestamp.strptime(album_result['date'], album_result['date_format']), country=album_result['country'], barcode=album_result['barcode'], is_split=album_result['is_split'], albumsort=album_result['albumsort'], source_list=self.pull_sources(album_ref=Reference(id_=album_id)) ) if Song not in exclude_relations: # getting the tracklist tracklist: List[Song] = self.pull_songs( album_ref=Reference(id_=album_id), exclude_relations=new_exclude_relations ) album_obj.set_tracklist(tracklist=tracklist) flat_artist = Artist in exclude_relations for _, artist_ref in self.pull_artist_album(album_ref=Reference(id_=album_id)): artists = self.pull_artists(artist_ref, flat=flat_artist, exclude_relations=new_exclude_relations) if len(artists) < 1: continue album_obj.artists.append(artists[0]) return album_obj def pull_albums(self, album_ref: Reference = None, song_ref: Reference = None, exclude_relations: set = None) -> \ List[Album]: """ This function is used to get matching albums/releses from one song id (a reference object) :param exclude_relations: By default all relations are pulled by this funktion. If the class object of for example the Artists is in the set it won't get fetched. This is done to prevent an infinite recursion. :param album_ref: :return requested_album_list: """ if exclude_relations is None: exclude_relations = set() query = ALBUM_QUERY_UNJOINED where = "1=1" if album_ref is not None: query = ALBUM_QUERY_UNJOINED where = f"\"{}\"" elif song_ref is not None: query = ALBUM_QUERY_JOINED where = f"\"{}\"" query = query.format(where=where) self.cursor.execute(query) album_rows = self.cursor.fetchall() return [self.get_album_from_row( album_result=album_row, exclude_relations=exclude_relations ) for album_row in album_rows] if __name__ == "__main__": cache = Database("")