import unittest from music_kraken.objects import Song, Album, Artist, Collection, Country class TestCollection(unittest.TestCase): def test_song_contains_album(self): """ Tests that every song contains the album it is added to in its album_collection """ a_1 = Album( title="album", song_list= [ Song(title="song"), ] ) a_2 = a_1.song_collection[0].album_collection[0] self.assertTrue( == def test_album_contains_song(self): """ Tests that every album contains the song it is added to in its song_collection """ s_1 = Song( title="song", album_list=[ Album(title="album"), ] ) s_2 = s_1.album_collection[0].song_collection[0] self.assertTrue( == def test_auto_add_artist_to_album_feature_artist(self): """ Tests that every artist is added to the album's feature_artist_collection per default """ a_1 = Artist( name="artist", album_list=[ Album(title="album") ] ) a_2 = a_1.album_collection[0].feature_artist_collection[0] self.assertTrue( == def test_auto_add_artist_to_album_feature_artist_push(self): """ Tests that every artist is added to the album's feature_artist_collection per default but pulled into the album's artist_collection if a merge exitst """ a_1 = Artist( name="artist", album_list=[ Album( title="album", artist_list=[ Artist(name="artist"), ] ) ] ) a_2 = a_1.album_collection[0].artist_collection[0] self.assertTrue( == def test_artist_artist_relation(self): """ Tests the proper syncing between album.artist_collection and song.artist_collection """ album = Album( title="album", song_list=[ Song(title="song"), ], artist_list=[ Artist(name="artist"), ] ) a_1 = album.artist_collection[0] a_2 = album.song_collection[0].artist_collection[0] self.assertTrue( == def test_artist_collection_sync(self): """ tests the actual implementation of the test above """ album_1 = Album( title="album", song_list=[ Song(title="song", artist_list=[Artist(name="artist")]), ], artist_list=[ Artist(name="artist"), ] ) album_2 = Album( title="album", song_list=[ Song(title="song", artist_list=[Artist(name="artist")]), ], artist_list=[ Artist(name="artist"), ] ) album_1.merge(album_2) self.assertTrue(id(album_1.artist_collection) == id(album_1.artist_collection) == id(album_1.song_collection[0].artist_collection) == id(album_1.song_collection[0].artist_collection)) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()