from typing import Tuple, Union, Optional from pathlib import Path import string from functools import lru_cache from transliterate.exceptions import LanguageDetectionError from transliterate import translit from pathvalidate import sanitize_filename from urllib.parse import urlparse, ParseResult, parse_qs COMMON_TITLE_APPENDIX_LIST: Tuple[str, ...] = ( "(official video)", ) OPEN_BRACKETS = "([" CLOSE_BRACKETS = ")]" DISALLOWED_SUBSTRING_IN_BRACKETS = ("official", "video", "audio", "lyrics", "prod", "remix", "ft", "feat", "ft.", "feat.") @lru_cache def unify(string: str) -> str: """ returns a unified str, to make comparisons easy. a unified string has the following attributes: - is lowercase - is transliterated to Latin characters from e.g. Cyrillic """ if string is None: return None try: string = translit(string, reversed=True) except LanguageDetectionError: pass string = unify_punctuation(string) return string.lower().strip() def fit_to_file_system(string: Union[str, Path], hidden_ok: bool = False) -> Union[str, Path]: def fit_string(string: str) -> str: nonlocal hidden_ok if string == "/": return "/" string = string.strip() while string[0] == "." and not hidden_ok: if len(string) == 0: return string string = string[1:] string = string.replace("/", "_").replace("\\", "_") try: string = translit(string, reversed=True) except LanguageDetectionError: pass string = sanitize_filename(string) return string if isinstance(string, Path): return Path(*(fit_string(part) for part in else: return fit_string(string) @lru_cache(maxsize=128) def clean_song_title(raw_song_title: str, artist_name: Optional[str] = None) -> str: """ This function cleans common naming "conventions" for non clean song titles, like the title of youtube videos cleans: - `artist - song` -> `song` - `song (Official Video)` -> `song` - ` song` -> `song` - `song (prod. some producer)` """ raw_song_title = raw_song_title.strip() # Clean official Video appendix for dirty_appendix in COMMON_TITLE_APPENDIX_LIST: if raw_song_title.lower().endswith(dirty_appendix): raw_song_title = raw_song_title[:-len(dirty_appendix)].strip() # remove brackets and their content if they contain disallowed substrings for open_bracket, close_bracket in zip(OPEN_BRACKETS, CLOSE_BRACKETS): if open_bracket not in raw_song_title or close_bracket not in raw_song_title: continue start = 0 while True: try: open_bracket_index = raw_song_title.index(open_bracket, start) except ValueError: break try: close_bracket_index = raw_song_title.index(close_bracket, open_bracket_index + 1) except ValueError: break substring = raw_song_title[open_bracket_index + 1:close_bracket_index] if any(disallowed_substring in substring.lower() for disallowed_substring in DISALLOWED_SUBSTRING_IN_BRACKETS): raw_song_title = raw_song_title[:open_bracket_index] + raw_song_title[close_bracket_index + 1:] else: start = close_bracket_index + 1 # everything that requires the artist name if artist_name is not None: artist_name = artist_name.strip() # Remove artist from the start of the title if raw_song_title.lower().startswith(artist_name.lower()): possible_new_name = raw_song_title[len(artist_name):].strip() for char in ("-", "–", ":", "|"): if possible_new_name.startswith(char): raw_song_title = possible_new_name[1:].strip() break return raw_song_title.strip() def comment(uncommented_string: str) -> str: _fragments = uncommented_string.split("\n") _fragments = ["# " + frag for frag in _fragments] return "\n".join(_fragments) # comparisons TITLE_THRESHOLD_LEVENSHTEIN = 1 UNIFY_TO = " " ALLOWED_LENGTH_DISTANCE = 20 def unify_punctuation(to_unify: str, unify_to: str = UNIFY_TO) -> str: for char in string.punctuation: to_unify = to_unify.replace(char, unify_to) return to_unify @lru_cache(maxsize=128) def hash_url(url: Union[str, ParseResult]) -> str: if isinstance(url, str): url = urlparse(url) unify_to = "-" def unify_part(part: str) -> str: nonlocal unify_to return unify_punctuation(part.lower(), unify_to=unify_to).strip(unify_to) # netloc netloc = unify_part(url.netloc) if netloc.startswith("www" + unify_to): netloc = netloc[3 + len(unify_to):] # query query = url.query query_dict: Optional[dict] = None try: query_dict: dict = parse_qs(url.query, strict_parsing=True) except ValueError: # the query couldn't be parsed pass if isinstance(query_dict, dict): # sort keys alphabetically query = "" for key, value in sorted(query_dict.items(), key=lambda i: i[0]): query += f"{key.strip()}-{''.join(i.strip() for i in value)}" r = f"{netloc}_{unify_part(url.path)}_{unify_part(query)}" r = r.lower().strip() return r def remove_feature_part_from_track(title: str) -> str: if ")" != title[-1]: return title if "(" not in title: return title return title[:title.index("(")] def modify_title(to_modify: str) -> str: to_modify = to_modify.strip() to_modify = to_modify.lower() to_modify = remove_feature_part_from_track(to_modify) to_modify = unify_punctuation(to_modify) return to_modify def match_titles(title_1: str, title_2: str): title_1, title_2 = modify_title(title_1), modify_title(title_2) distance = jellyfish.levenshtein_distance(title_1, title_2) return distance > TITLE_THRESHOLD_LEVENSHTEIN, distance def match_artists(artist_1, artist_2: str): if type(artist_1) == list: distances = [] for artist_1_ in artist_1: match, distance = match_titles(artist_1_, artist_2) if not match: return match, distance distances.append(distance) return True, min(distances) return match_titles(artist_1, artist_2) def match_length(length_1: int | None, length_2: int | None) -> bool: # returning true if either one is Null, because if one value is not known, # then it shouldn't be an attribute which could reject an audio source if length_1 is None or length_2 is None: return True return abs(length_1 - length_2) <= ALLOWED_LENGTH_DISTANCE def shorten_display_url(url: str, max_length: int = 150, chars_at_end: int = 4, shorten_string: str = "[...]") -> str: if len(url) <= max_length + chars_at_end + len(shorten_string): return url return url[:max_length] + shorten_string + url[-chars_at_end:]