from collections import defaultdict from typing import List, Optional, Dict, Type, Union from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import pycountry from urllib.parse import urlparse, urlencode from ..connection import Connection from ..utils.config import logging_settings from .abstract import Page from ..utils.enums import SourceType, ALL_SOURCE_TYPES from ..utils.enums.album import AlbumType from ..utils.support_classes.query import Query from ..objects import ( Lyrics, Artist, Source, Song, Album, ID3Timestamp, FormattedText, Label, Options, DatabaseObject ) from ..utils.shared import DEBUG from ..utils import dump_to_file ALBUM_TYPE_MAP: Dict[str, AlbumType] = defaultdict(lambda: AlbumType.OTHER, { "Full-length": AlbumType.STUDIO_ALBUM, "Single": AlbumType.SINGLE, "EP": AlbumType.EP, "Demo": AlbumType.DEMO, "Video": AlbumType.OTHER, "Live album": AlbumType.LIVE_ALBUM, "Compilation": AlbumType.COMPILATION_ALBUM }) URL_SITE = '' URL_IMAGES = '' URL_CSS = '' def _song_from_json(artist_html=None, album_html=None, release_type=None, title=None, lyrics_html=None) -> Song: song_id = None if lyrics_html is not None: soup = BeautifulSoup(lyrics_html, 'html.parser') anchor = soup.find('a') raw_song_id = anchor.get('id') song_id = raw_song_id.replace("lyricsLink_", "") return Song( title=title, artist_list=[ _artist_from_json(artist_html=artist_html) ], album_list=[ _album_from_json(album_html=album_html, release_type=release_type, artist_html=artist_html) ], source_list=[ Source(ALL_SOURCE_TYPES.ENCYCLOPAEDIA_METALLUM, song_id) ] ) def _artist_from_json(artist_html=None, genre=None, country=None) -> Artist: """ TODO parse the country to a standard """ # parse the html # parse the html for the band name and link on metal-archives soup = BeautifulSoup(artist_html, 'html.parser') anchor = soup.find('a') artist_name = anchor.text artist_url = anchor.get('href') artist_id = artist_url.split("/")[-1] anchor.decompose() strong = soup.find('strong') if strong is not None: strong.decompose() akronyms_ = soup.text[2:-2].split(', ') return Artist( name=artist_name, source_list=[ Source(ALL_SOURCE_TYPES.ENCYCLOPAEDIA_METALLUM, artist_url) ] ) def _album_from_json(album_html=None, release_type=None, artist_html=None) -> Album: # parse the html # Self Loather' soup = BeautifulSoup(album_html, 'html.parser') anchor = soup.find('a') album_name = anchor.text.strip() album_url = anchor.get('href') album_id = album_url.split("/")[-1] album_type = ALBUM_TYPE_MAP[release_type.strip()] return Album( title=album_name, album_type=album_type, source_list=[ Source(ALL_SOURCE_TYPES.ENCYCLOPAEDIA_METALLUM, album_url) ], artist_list=[ _artist_from_json(artist_html=artist_html) ] ) def create_grid( tableOrId: str = "#searchResultsSong", nbrPerPage: int = 200, ajaxUrl: str = "search/ajax-advanced/searching/songs/?songTitle=high&bandName=&releaseTitle=&lyrics=&genre=", extraOptions: dict = None ): """ function createGrid(tableOrId, nbrPerPage, ajaxUrl, extraOptions) { var table = null; if (typeof tableOrId == "string") { table = $(tableOrId); } else { table = tableOrId; } if (ajaxUrl == undefined) { ajaxUrl = null; } var options = { bAutoWidth: false, bFilter: false, bLengthChange: false, bProcessing: true, bServerSide: ajaxUrl != null, iDisplayLength: nbrPerPage, sAjaxSource: URL_SITE + ajaxUrl, sPaginationType: 'full_numbers', sDom: 'ipl<"block_spacer_5"><"clear"r>frip', oLanguage: { sProcessing: 'Loading...', sEmptyTable: 'No records to display.', sZeroRecords: 'No records found.' }, "fnDrawCallback": autoScrollUp }; if (typeof extraOptions == "object") { for (var key in extraOptions) { options[key] = extraOptions[key]; if (key == 'fnDrawCallback') { var callback = options[key]; options[key] = function(o) { autoScrollUp(o); callback(o); } } } } return table.dataTable(options); } :return: """ def onDrawCallback(o): """ this gets executed once the ajax request is done :param o: :return: """ extraOptions = extraOptions or { "bSort": False, "oLanguage": { "sProcessing": 'Searching, please wait...', "sEmptyTable": 'No matches found. Please try with different search terms.' } } options = { "bAutoWidth": False, "bFilter": False, "bLengthChange": False, "bProcessing": True, "bServerSide": ajaxUrl is not None, "iDisplayLength": nbrPerPage, "sAjaxSource": URL_SITE + ajaxUrl, "sPaginationType": 'full_numbers', "sDom": 'ipl<"block_spacer_5"><"clear"r>frip', "oLanguage": { "sProcessing": 'Loading...', "sEmptyTable": 'No records to display.', "sZeroRecords": 'No records found.' }, "fnDrawCallback": onDrawCallback } for key, value in extraOptions.items(): options[key] = value if key == 'fnDrawCallback': callback = options[key] options[key] = lambda o: onDrawCallback(o) and callback(o) # implement jquery datatable class EncyclopaediaMetallum(Page): SOURCE_TYPE = ALL_SOURCE_TYPES.ENCYCLOPAEDIA_METALLUM LOGGER = logging_settings["metal_archives_logger"] def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.connection: Connection = Connection( host="", logger=self.LOGGER, module=type(self).__name__ ) super().__init__(**kwargs) def song_search(self, song: Song) -> List[Song]: endpoint = "" """ endpoint = "{song}&bandName={" \ "artist}&releaseTitle={album}&lyrics=&genre=&sEcho=1&iColumns=5&sColumns=&iDisplayStart=0" \ "&iDisplayLength=200&mDataProp_0=0&mDataProp_1=1&mDataProp_2=2&mDataProp_3=3&mDataProp_4=4&_" \ "=1674550595663" """ """ The difficult question I am facing is, that if I try every artist, with every song, with every album, I end up with a quadratic runtime complecety O(n^2), where every step means one web request. This. Is not good. """ search_params = { "songTitle": song.title, "bandName": "*", "releaseTitle": "*", "lyrics": "", "genre": "", "sEcho": 1, "iColumns": 5, "sColumns": "", "iDisplayStart": 0, "iDisplayLength": 200, "mDataProp_0": 0, "mDataProp_1": 1, "mDataProp_2": 2, "mDataProp_3": 3, "mDataProp_4": 4, "_": 1705946986092 } referer_params = { "songTitle": song.title, "bandName": "*", "releaseTitle": "*", "lyrics": "", "genre": "", } urlencode(search_params) song_title = song.title.strip() album_titles = ["*"] if song.album_collection.empty else [album.title.strip() for album in song.album_collection] artist_titles = ["*"] if song.artist_collection.empty else [ for artist in song.artist_collection] search_results = [] for artist in artist_titles: for album in album_titles: _search = search_params.copy() _referer_params = referer_params.copy() _search["bandName"] = _referer_params["bandName"] = artist _search["releaseTitle"] = _referer_params["releaseTitle"] = album r = self.connection.get(endpoint + urlencode(_search), headers={ "Referer": "" + urlencode(_referer_params), "Cache-Control": "no-cache", "Pragma": "no-cache", "X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest", }, name="song_search") if r is None: return [] search_results.extend(_song_from_json( artist_html=raw_song[0], album_html=raw_song[1], release_type=raw_song[2], title=raw_song[3], lyrics_html=raw_song[4] ) for raw_song in r.json()['aaData']) return search_results def album_search(self, album: Album) -> List[Album]: endpoint = "" search_params = { "bandName": "*", "releaseTitle": album.title.strip(), "releaseYearFrom": "", "releaseMonthFrom": "", "releaseYearTo": "", "releaseMonthTo": "", "country": "", "location": "", "releaseLabelName": "", "releaseCatalogNumber": "", "releaseIdentifiers": "", "releaseRecordingInfo": "", "releaseDescription": "", "releaseNotes": "", "genre": "", "sEcho": 1, "iColumns": 3, "sColumns": "", "iDisplayStart": 0, "iDisplayLength": 200, "mDataProp_0": 0, "mDataProp_1": 1, "mDataProp_2": 2, "_": 1705946986092 } referer_params = { "bandName": "*", "releaseTitle": album.title.strip(), } album_title = album.title artist_titles = ["*"] if album.artist_collection.empty else [ for artist in album.artist_collection] search_results = [] for artist in artist_titles: _search = search_params.copy() _referer_params = referer_params.copy() _search["bandName"] = _referer_params["bandName"] = artist r = self.connection.get(endpoint + urlencode(_search), headers={ "Referer": "" + urlencode(_referer_params), "Cache-Control": "no-cache", "Pragma": "no-cache", "X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest", "Accept": "application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01", }) #r = self.connection.get(endpoint.format(artist=artist, album=album_title)) if r is None: return [] search_results.extend(_album_from_json( artist_html=raw_album[0], album_html=raw_album[1], release_type=raw_album[2] ) for raw_album in r.json()['aaData']) def artist_search(self, artist: Artist) -> List[Artist]: endpoint = "" search_params = { "bandName":, "genre": "", "country": "", "yearCreationFrom": "", "yearCreationTo": "", "bandNotes": "", "status": "", "themes": "", "location": "", "bandLabelName": "", "sEcho": 1, "iColumns": 3, "sColumns": "", "iDisplayStart": 0, "iDisplayLength": 200, "mDataProp_0": 0, "mDataProp_1": 1, "mDataProp_2": 2, "_": 1705946986092 } r = self.connection.get(endpoint + urlencode(search_params), headers={ "Referer": "" + urlencode({"bandName":}), "Cache-Control": "no-cache", "Pragma": "no-cache", "X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest", "Accept": "application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01", }, name="artist_search.json") if r is None: return [] data_key = 'aaData' parsed_data = r.json() if data_key not in parsed_data: return [] return [ _artist_from_json(artist_html=raw_artist[0], genre=raw_artist[1], country=raw_artist[2]) for raw_artist in r.json()['aaData'] ] def general_search(self, query: str) -> List[DatabaseObject]: """ Searches the default endpoint from metal archives, which intern searches only for bands, but it is the default, thus I am rolling with it """ endpoint = "{query}&sEcho=1&iColumns=3&sColumns=&iDisplayStart=0&iDisplayLength=200&mDataProp_0=0&mDataProp_1=1&mDataProp_2=2" r = self.connection.get(endpoint.format(query=query)) if r is None: return [] return [ _artist_from_json(artist_html=raw_artist[0], genre=raw_artist[1], country=raw_artist[2]) for raw_artist in r.json()['aaData'] ] def _fetch_artist_discography(self, ma_artist_id: str) -> List[Album]: discography_url = "{}/tab/all" # make the request r = self.connection.get(discography_url.format(ma_artist_id)) if r is None: return [] soup = self.get_soup_from_response(r) discography = [] tbody_soup = soup.find('tbody') for tr_soup in tbody_soup.find_all('tr'): td_list = tr_soup.findChildren(recursive=False) album_soup = td_list[0] album_name = album_soup.text album_url = album_soup.find('a').get('href') album_id = album_url.split('/')[-1] raw_album_type = td_list[1].text album_year = td_list[2].text date_obj = None try: date_obj = ID3Timestamp(year=int(album_year)) except ValueError(): pass discography.append( Album( title=album_name, date=date_obj, album_type=ALBUM_TYPE_MAP[raw_album_type], source_list=[Source(self.SOURCE_TYPE, album_url)] ) ) return discography def _fetch_artist_sources(self, ma_artist_id: str) -> List[Source]: sources_url = "{}" r = self.connection.get(sources_url.format(ma_artist_id)) if r is None: return [] soup = self.get_soup_from_response(r) if DEBUG: dump_to_file(f"ma_artist_sources_{ma_artist_id}.html", soup.prettify(), exit_after_dump=False) if soup.find("span", {"id": "noLinks"}) is not None: return [] source_list = [] link_table: BeautifulSoup = soup.find("table", {"id": "linksTablemain"}) if link_table is not None: for tr in link_table.find_all("tr"): anchor: BeautifulSoup = tr.find("a") if anchor is None: continue href = anchor["href"] if href is not None: source_list.append(Source.match_url(href, referrer_page=self.SOURCE_TYPE)) # The following code is only legacy code, which I just kep because it doesn't harm. # The way ma returns sources changed. artist_source = soup.find("div", {"id": "band_links"}) merchandice_source = soup.find("div", {"id": "band_links_Official_merchandise"}) label_source = soup.find("div", {"id": "band_links_Labels"}) if artist_source is not None: for tr in artist_source.find_all("td"): a = tr.find("a") url = a.get("href") if url is None: continue source_list.append(Source.match_url(url, referrer_page=self.SOURCE_TYPE)) return source_list def _parse_artist_attributes(self, artist_soup: BeautifulSoup) -> Artist: name: str = None country: pycountry.Countrie = None formed_in_year: int = None genre: str = None lyrical_themes: List[str] = [] label_name: str = None label_url: str = None source_list: List[Source] = [] title_soup: BeautifulSoup = artist_soup.find("title") if title_soup is not None: bad_name_substring = " - Encyclopaedia Metallum: The Metal Archives" title_text = title_soup.get_text() if title_text.count(bad_name_substring) == 1: name = title_text.replace(bad_name_substring, "") else: self.LOGGER.debug(f"the title of the page is \"{title_text}\"") """ TODO Implement the bandpictures and logos that can be gotten with the elements Artist: r = self.connection.get(url) if r is None: return Artist() soup: BeautifulSoup = self.get_soup_from_response(r) return self._parse_artist_attributes(artist_soup=soup) def _fetch_band_notes(self, ma_artist_id: str) -> Optional[FormattedText]: endpoint = "{}" # make the request r = self.connection.get(endpoint.format(ma_artist_id)) if r is None: return FormattedText() return FormattedText(html=r.text) def fetch_artist(self, source: Source, stop_at_level: int = 1) -> Artist: """ What it could fetch, and what is implemented: [x] [x] [] reviews: [] simmilar: [x] sources: [x] band notes: """ artist = self._fetch_artist_attributes(source.url) artist_id = source.url.split("/")[-1] artist_sources = self._fetch_artist_sources(artist_id) artist.source_collection.extend(artist_sources) band_notes = self._fetch_band_notes(artist_id) if band_notes is not None: artist.notes = band_notes discography: List[Album] = self._fetch_artist_discography(artist_id) artist.album_collection.extend(discography) return artist def _parse_album_track_row(self, track_row: BeautifulSoup) -> Song: """ 1. # id and tracksort Convince Me to Bleed # name 03:40 # length   Show lyrics """ row_list = track_row.find_all(recursive=False) source_list: List[Source] = [] track_sort_soup = row_list[0] track_sort = int(track_sort_soup.text[:-1]) track_id = track_sort_soup.find("a").get("name").strip() if track_row.find("a", {"href": f"#{track_id}"}) is not None: source_list.append(Source(self.SOURCE_TYPE, track_id)) title = row_list[1].text.strip() length = None duration_stamp = row_list[2].text if ":" in duration_stamp: minutes, seconds = duration_stamp.split(":") length = (int(minutes) * 60 + int(seconds)) * 1000 # in milliseconds return Song( title=title, length=length, tracksort=track_sort, source_list=source_list ) def _parse_album_attributes(self, album_soup: BeautifulSoup, stop_at_level: int = 1) -> Album: tracklist: List[Song] = [] artist_list = [] album_name: str = None source_list: List[Source] = [] def _parse_album_info(album_info_soup: BeautifulSoup): nonlocal artist_list nonlocal album_name nonlocal source_list if album_info_soup is None: return album_soup_list = album_info_soup.find_all("h1", {"class": "album_name"}) if len(album_soup_list) == 1: anchor: BeautifulSoup = album_soup_list[0].find("a") href = anchor.get("href") if href is not None: source_list.append(Source(self.SOURCE_TYPE, href.strip())) album_name = anchor.get_text(strip=True) elif len(album_soup_list) > 1: self.LOGGER.debug("there are more than 1 album soups") artist_soup_list = album_info_soup.find_all("h2", {"class": "band_name"}) if len(artist_soup_list) == 1: for anchor in artist_soup_list[0].find_all("a"): artist_sources: List[Source] = [] href = anchor.get("href") if href is not None: artist_sources.append(Source(self.SOURCE_TYPE, href.strip())) artist_name = anchor.get_text(strip=True) artist_list.append(Artist( name=artist_name, source_list=artist_sources )) elif len(artist_soup_list) > 1: self.LOGGER.debug("there are more than 1 artist soups") _parse_album_info(album_info_soup=album_soup.find(id="album_info")) tracklist_soup = album_soup.find("table", {"class": "table_lyrics"}).find("tbody") for track_soup in tracklist_soup.find_all("tr", {"class": ["even", "odd"]}): tracklist.append(self._parse_album_track_row(track_row=track_soup)) return Album( title=album_name, source_list=source_list, artist_list=artist_list, song_list=tracklist ) def fetch_album(self, source: Source, stop_at_level: int = 1) -> Album: """ I am preeeety sure I can get way more data than... nothing from there :param source: :param stop_at_level: :return: """ # Song: song_id = source.url return Song( lyrics_list=[ self._fetch_lyrics(song_id=song_id) ] ) def get_source_type(self, source: Source): if self.SOURCE_TYPE != source.source_type: return None url = source.url if url is None: return None parsed_url = urlparse(url) path: List[str] = parsed_url.path.split("/") if "band" in path: return Artist if "bands" in path: return Artist if "albums" in path: return Album if "labels" in path: return Label return None