from __future__ import annotations import random from collections import defaultdict from typing import List, Optional, Dict, Tuple, Type, Union import copy import pycountry from ..utils.enums.album import AlbumType, AlbumStatus from .collection import Collection from .formatted_text import FormattedText from .lyrics import Lyrics from .contact import Contact from .artwork import Artwork from .metadata import ( Mapping as id3Mapping, ID3Timestamp, Metadata ) from .option import Options from .parents import OuterProxy, P from .source import Source, SourceCollection from .target import Target from .country import Language, Country from ..utils.shared import DEBUG_PRINT_ID from ..utils.string_processing import unify from .parents import OuterProxy as Base from ..utils.config import main_settings from ..utils.enums.colors import BColors """ All Objects dependent """ CountryTyping = type(list(pycountry.countries)[0]) OPTION_BACKGROUND = BColors.GREY OPTION_FOREGROUND = BColors.OKBLUE def get_collection_string( collection: Collection[Base], template: str, ignore_titles: Set[str] = None, background: BColors = OPTION_BACKGROUND, foreground: BColors = OPTION_FOREGROUND, add_id: bool = DEBUG_PRINT_ID, ) -> str: if collection.empty: return "" foreground = foreground.value background = background.value ignore_titles = ignore_titles or set() r = background def get_element_str(element) -> str: nonlocal add_id r = element.title_string.strip() if add_id and False: r += " " + str( return r element: Base titel_list: List[str] = [get_element_str(element) for element in collection if element.title_string not in ignore_titles] for i, titel in enumerate(titel_list): delimiter = ", " if i == len(collection) - 1: delimiter = "" elif i == len(collection) - 2: delimiter = " and " r += foreground + titel + BColors.ENDC.value + background + delimiter + BColors.ENDC.value r += BColors.ENDC.value return template.format(r) class Song(Base): title: str unified_title: str isrc: str length: int genre: str note: FormattedText tracksort: int artwork: Artwork source_collection: SourceCollection target_collection: Collection[Target] lyrics_collection: Collection[Lyrics] artist_collection: Collection[Artist] feature_artist_collection: Collection[Artist] album_collection: Collection[Album] _default_factories = { "note": FormattedText, "length": lambda: 0, "source_collection": SourceCollection, "target_collection": Collection, "lyrics_collection": Collection, "artwork": Artwork, "album_collection": Collection, "artist_collection": Collection, "feature_artist_collection": Collection, "title": lambda: None, "unified_title": lambda: None, "isrc": lambda: None, "genre": lambda: None, "tracksort": lambda: 0, } def __init__( self, title: str = None, isrc: str = None, length: int = None, genre: str = None, note: FormattedText = None, source_list: List[Source] = None, target_list: List[Target] = None, lyrics_list: List[Lyrics] = None, artist_list: List[Artist] = None, feature_artist_list: List[Artist] = None, album_list: List[Album] = None, tracksort: int = 0, artwork: Optional[Artwork] = None, **kwargs ) -> None: real_kwargs = copy.copy(locals()) real_kwargs.update(real_kwargs.pop("kwargs", {})) Base.__init__(**real_kwargs) UPWARDS_COLLECTION_STRING_ATTRIBUTES = ("artist_collection", "feature_artist_collection", "album_collection") TITEL = "title" def __init_collections__(self) -> None: self.feature_artist_collection.push_to = [self.artist_collection] self.artist_collection.pull_from = [self.feature_artist_collection] self.album_collection.sync_on_append = { "artist_collection": self.artist_collection, } self.album_collection.append_object_to_attribute = { "song_collection": self, } self.artist_collection.extend_object_to_attribute = { "album_collection": self.album_collection } self.feature_artist_collection.extend_object_to_attribute = { "album_collection": self.album_collection } def _add_other_db_objects(self, object_type: Type[OuterProxy], object_list: List[OuterProxy]): if object_type is Song: return if isinstance(object_list, Lyrics): self.lyrics_collection.extend(object_list) return if isinstance(object_list, Artist): self.feature_artist_collection.extend(object_list) return if isinstance(object_list, Album): self.album_collection.extend(object_list) return INDEX_DEPENDS_ON = ("title", "isrc", "source_collection") @property def indexing_values(self) -> List[Tuple[str, object]]: return [ ('title', unify(self.title)), ('isrc', self.isrc), *self.source_collection.indexing_values(), ] @property def metadata(self) -> Metadata: metadata = Metadata({ id3Mapping.TITLE: [self.title], id3Mapping.ISRC: [self.isrc], id3Mapping.LENGTH: [self.length], id3Mapping.GENRE: [self.genre], id3Mapping.TRACKNUMBER: [self.tracksort_str], id3Mapping.COMMENT: [self.note.markdown], id3Mapping.FILE_WEBPAGE_URL: self.source_collection.url_list, id3Mapping.SOURCE_WEBPAGE_URL: self.source_collection.homepage_list, }) # metadata.merge_many([s.get_song_metadata() for s in self.source_collection]) album sources have no relevant metadata for id3 metadata.merge_many([a.metadata for a in self.album_collection]) metadata.merge_many([a.metadata for a in self.artist_collection]) metadata.merge_many([a.metadata for a in self.feature_artist_collection]) metadata.merge_many([lyrics.metadata for lyrics in self.lyrics_collection]) return metadata def get_artist_credits(self) -> str: main_artists = ", ".join([ for artist in self.artist_collection]) feature_artists = ", ".join([ for artist in self.feature_artist_collection]) if len(feature_artists) == 0: return main_artists return f"{main_artists} feat. {feature_artists}" @property def option_string(self) -> str: r = "song " r += OPTION_FOREGROUND.value + self.title_string + BColors.ENDC.value + OPTION_BACKGROUND.value r += get_collection_string(self.album_collection, " from {}", ignore_titles={self.title}) r += get_collection_string(self.artist_collection, " by {}") r += get_collection_string(self.feature_artist_collection, " feat. {}" if len(self.artist_collection) > 0 else " by {}") return r @property def tracksort_str(self) -> str: """ if the album tracklist is empty, it sets it length to 1, this song has to be on the Album :returns id3_tracksort: {song_position}/{album.length_of_tracklist} """ if len(self.album_collection) == 0: return f"{self.tracksort}" return f"{self.tracksort}/{len(self.album_collection[0].song_collection) or 1}" class Album(Base): title: str unified_title: str album_status: AlbumStatus album_type: AlbumType language: Language date: ID3Timestamp barcode: str albumsort: int notes: FormattedText source_collection: SourceCollection song_collection: Collection[Song] artist_collection: Collection[Artist] feature_artist_collection: Collection[Artist] label_collection: Collection[Label] _default_factories = { "title": lambda: None, "unified_title": lambda: None, "album_status": lambda: None, "barcode": lambda: None, "albumsort": lambda: None, "album_type": lambda: AlbumType.OTHER, "language": lambda: Language.by_alpha_2("en"), "date": ID3Timestamp, "notes": FormattedText, "source_collection": SourceCollection, "song_collection": Collection, "artist_collection": Collection, "feature_artist_collection": Collection, "label_collection": Collection, } TITEL = "title" # This is automatically generated def __init__( self, title: str = None, unified_title: str = None, album_status: AlbumStatus = None, album_type: AlbumType = None, language: Language = None, date: ID3Timestamp = None, barcode: str = None, albumsort: int = None, notes: FormattedText = None, source_list: List[Source] = None, artist_list: List[Artist] = None, song_list: List[Song] = None, label_list: List[Label] = None, **kwargs ) -> None: real_kwargs = copy.copy(locals()) real_kwargs.update(real_kwargs.pop("kwargs", {})) Base.__init__(**real_kwargs) DOWNWARDS_COLLECTION_STRING_ATTRIBUTES = ("song_collection",) UPWARDS_COLLECTION_STRING_ATTRIBUTES = ("label_collection", "artist_collection") def __init_collections__(self): self.feature_artist_collection.push_to = [self.artist_collection] self.artist_collection.pull_from = [self.feature_artist_collection] self.song_collection.append_object_to_attribute = { "album_collection": self } self.song_collection.sync_on_append = { "artist_collection": self.artist_collection } self.artist_collection.append_object_to_attribute = { "album_collection": self } self.artist_collection.extend_object_to_attribute = { "label_collection": self.label_collection } def _add_other_db_objects(self, object_type: Type[OuterProxy], object_list: List[OuterProxy]): if object_type is Song: self.song_collection.extend(object_list) return if object_type is Artist: self.artist_collection.extend(object_list) return if object_type is Album: return if object_type is Label: self.label_collection.extend(object_list) return INDEX_DEPENDS_ON = ("title", "barcode", "source_collection") @property def indexing_values(self) -> List[Tuple[str, object]]: return [ ('title', unify(self.title)), ('barcode', self.barcode), *self.source_collection.indexing_values(), ] @property def metadata(self) -> Metadata: """ TODO - barcode :return: """ return Metadata({ id3Mapping.ALBUM: [self.title], id3Mapping.COPYRIGHT: [self.copyright], id3Mapping.LANGUAGE: [self.iso_639_2_lang], id3Mapping.ALBUM_ARTIST: [ for a in self.artist_collection], id3Mapping.DATE: ["%d%m")] if and else [], id3Mapping.TIME: ["%H%M"))] if and else [], id3Mapping.YEAR: [str(] if else [], id3Mapping.RELEASE_DATE: [], id3Mapping.ORIGINAL_RELEASE_DATE: [], id3Mapping.ALBUMSORTORDER: [str(self.albumsort)] if self.albumsort is not None else [] }) @property def option_string(self) -> str: r = "album " r += OPTION_FOREGROUND.value + self.title_string + BColors.ENDC.value + OPTION_BACKGROUND.value r += get_collection_string(self.artist_collection, " by {}") if len(self.artist_collection) <= 0: r += get_collection_string(self.feature_artist_collection, " by {}") r += get_collection_string(self.label_collection, " under {}") if len(self.song_collection) > 0: r += f" with {len(self.song_collection)} songs" return r def _compile(self): self.analyze_implied_album_type() self.update_tracksort() self.fix_artist_collection() def analyze_implied_album_type(self): # if the song collection has only one song, it is reasonable to assume that it is a single if len(self.song_collection) == 1: self.album_type = AlbumType.SINGLE return # if the album already has an album type, we don't need to do anything if self.album_type is not AlbumType.OTHER: return # for information on EP's I looked at if len(self.song_collection) < 9: self.album_type = AlbumType.EP return def update_tracksort(self): """ This updates the tracksort attributes, of the songs in `self.song_collection`, and sorts the songs, if possible. It is advised to only call this function, once all the tracks are added to the songs. :return: """ if self.song_collection.empty: return tracksort_map: Dict[int, Song] = { song.tracksort: song for song in self.song_collection if song.tracksort != 0 } existing_list = self.song_collection.shallow_list for i in range(1, len(existing_list) + 1): if i not in tracksort_map: tracksort_map[i] = existing_list.pop(0) tracksort_map[i].tracksort = i def fix_artist_collection(self): """ I add artists, that could only be feature artists to the feature artist collection. They get automatically moved to main artist collection, if a matching artist exists in the main artist collection or is appended to it later on. If I am not sure for any artist, I try to analyze the most common artist in the song collection of one album. """ # move all artists that are in all feature_artist_collections, of every song, to the artist_collection pass @property def copyright(self) -> str: if is None: return "" if or len(self.label_collection) == 0: return "" return f"{} {self.label_collection[0].name}" @property def iso_639_2_lang(self) -> Optional[str]: if self.language is None: return None return self.language.alpha_3 @property def is_split(self) -> bool: """ A split Album is an Album from more than one Artists usually half the songs are made by one Artist, the other half by the other one. In this case split means either that or one artist featured by all songs. :return: """ return len(self.artist_collection) > 1 @property def album_type_string(self) -> str: return self.album_type.value class Artist(Base): name: str country: Country formed_in: ID3Timestamp notes: FormattedText lyrical_themes: List[str] general_genre: str unformatted_location: str source_collection: SourceCollection contact_collection: Collection[Contact] album_collection: Collection[Album] label_collection: Collection[Label] _default_factories = { "name": lambda: None, "country": lambda: None, "unformatted_location": lambda: None, "formed_in": ID3Timestamp, "notes": FormattedText, "lyrical_themes": list, "general_genre": lambda: "", "source_collection": SourceCollection, "album_collection": Collection, "contact_collection": Collection, "label_collection": Collection, } TITEL = "name" # This is automatically generated def __init__( self, name: str = None, unified_name: str = None, country: Country = None, formed_in: ID3Timestamp = None, notes: FormattedText = None, lyrical_themes: List[str] = None, general_genre: str = None, unformatted_location: str = None, source_list: List[Source] = None, contact_list: List[Contact] = None, feature_song_list: List[Song] = None, album_list: List[Album] = None, label_list: List[Label] = None, **kwargs ) -> None: real_kwargs = copy.copy(locals()) real_kwargs.update(real_kwargs.pop("kwargs", {})) Base.__init__(**real_kwargs) DOWNWARDS_COLLECTION_STRING_ATTRIBUTES = ("album_collection",) UPWARDS_COLLECTION_STRING_ATTRIBUTES = ("label_collection",) def __init_collections__(self): self.album_collection.append_object_to_attribute = { "feature_artist_collection": self } self.label_collection.append_object_to_attribute = { "current_artist_collection": self } def _add_other_db_objects(self, object_type: Type[OuterProxy], object_list: List[OuterProxy]): if object_type is Song: # this doesn't really make sense return if object_type is Artist: return if object_type is Album: self.album_collection.extend(object_list) return if object_type is Label: self.label_collection.extend(object_list) return def _compile(self): self.update_albumsort() def update_albumsort(self): """ This updates the albumsort attributes, of the albums in `self.album_collection`, and sorts the albums, if possible. It is advised to only call this function, once all the albums are added to the artist. :return: """ type_section: Dict[AlbumType, int] = defaultdict(lambda: 2, { AlbumType.OTHER: 0, # if I don't know it, I add it to the first section AlbumType.STUDIO_ALBUM: 0, AlbumType.EP: 0, AlbumType.SINGLE: 1 }) if main_settings["sort_album_by_type"] else defaultdict(lambda: 0) sections = defaultdict(list) # order albums in the previously defined section album: Album for album in self.album_collection: sections[type_section[album.album_type]].append(album) def sort_section(_section: List[Album], last_albumsort: int) -> int: # album is just a value used in loops nonlocal album if main_settings["sort_by_date"]: _section.sort(key=lambda _album:, reverse=True) new_last_albumsort = last_albumsort for album_index, album in enumerate(_section): if album.albumsort is None: album.albumsort = new_last_albumsort = album_index + 1 + last_albumsort _section.sort(key=lambda _album: _album.albumsort) return new_last_albumsort # sort the sections individually _last_albumsort = 1 for section_index in sorted(sections): _last_albumsort = sort_section(sections[section_index], _last_albumsort) # merge all sections again album_list = [] for section_index in sorted(sections): album_list.extend(sections[section_index]) # replace the old collection with the new one self.album_collection._data = album_list INDEX_DEPENDS_ON = ("name", "source_collection", "contact_collection") @property def indexing_values(self) -> List[Tuple[str, object]]: return [ ('name', unify(, *[('contact', contact.value) for contact in self.contact_collection], *self.source_collection.indexing_values(), ] @property def metadata(self) -> Metadata: metadata = Metadata({ id3Mapping.ARTIST: [], id3Mapping.ARTIST_WEBPAGE_URL: self.source_collection.url_list, }) return metadata @property def option_string(self) -> str: r = "artist " r += OPTION_FOREGROUND.value + self.title_string + BColors.ENDC.value + OPTION_BACKGROUND.value r += get_collection_string(self.label_collection, " under {}") r += OPTION_BACKGROUND.value if len(self.album_collection) > 0: r += f" with {len(self.album_collection)} albums" r += BColors.ENDC.value return r class Label(Base): COLLECTION_STRING_ATTRIBUTES = ("album_collection", "current_artist_collection") DOWNWARDS_COLLECTION_STRING_ATTRIBUTES = COLLECTION_STRING_ATTRIBUTES name: str unified_name: str notes: FormattedText source_collection: SourceCollection contact_collection: Collection[Contact] album_collection: Collection[Album] current_artist_collection: Collection[Artist] _default_factories = { "notes": FormattedText, "album_collection": Collection, "current_artist_collection": Collection, "source_collection": SourceCollection, "contact_collection": Collection, "name": lambda: None, "unified_name": lambda: None, } TITEL = "name" def __init__( self, name: str = None, unified_name: str = None, notes: FormattedText = None, source_list: List[Source] = None, contact_list: List[Contact] = None, album_list: List[Album] = None, current_artist_list: List[Artist] = None, **kwargs ) -> None: real_kwargs = copy.copy(locals()) real_kwargs.update(real_kwargs.pop("kwargs", {})) Base.__init__(**real_kwargs) def __init_collections__(self): self.album_collection.append_object_to_attribute = { "label_collection": self } self.current_artist_collection.append_object_to_attribute = { "label_collection": self } @property def indexing_values(self) -> List[Tuple[str, object]]: return [ ('name', unify(, *[('url', source.url) for source in self.source_collection] ] def _add_other_db_objects(self, object_type: Type[OuterProxy], object_list: List[OuterProxy]): if object_type is Song: return if object_type is Artist: self.current_artist_collection.extend(object_list) return if object_type is Album: self.album_collection.extend(object_list) return @property def options(self) -> List[P]: options = [self] options.extend(self.current_artist_collection.shallow_list) options.extend(self.album_collection.shallow_list) return options @property def option_string(self): return "label " + OPTION_FOREGROUND.value + + BColors.ENDC.value