- LURE allows users to install software that may not be widely distributed through official
- repositories, while still maintaining the convenience of installation through repository
- sources. This includes features such as updates and simple uninstallation. Additionally,
- LURE provides developers with a central location for all their users to use to install
- their software.
How does it work?
- LURE operates by abstracting package formats and package managers, enabling the creation
- and installation of native packages automatically built from PKGBUILD-like bash scripts,
- using the package manager already present on the system. As a result, packages installed
- through LURE can be managed like any other package, without the need for additional
- intervention from LURE for most operations.
The community repository missing from your Linux distro
LURE can easily be installed by running its install script:
What does LURE do?
LURE allows you to:
Access a wide range of software beyond what's available in official repositories
Get new versions of software as they come out, before official repositories ship them
Install unofficial software without having to deal with a separate package manager
Release software for Linux without having to package it for different distributions
Install LURE
+ Paste this into your Linux terminal and the install script will set everything up for you