package fsproto import ( "bytes" "encoding/binary" "errors" "fmt" "io" "reflect" "" ) type FSReqOpcode uint8 const ( ReadFileHeaderOpcode FSReqOpcode = 0x10 ReadFileOpcode FSReqOpcode = 0x12 WriteFileHeaderOpcode FSReqOpcode = 0x20 WriteFileOpcode FSReqOpcode = 0x22 DeleteFileOpcode FSReqOpcode = 0x30 MakeDirectoryOpcode FSReqOpcode = 0x40 ListDirectoryOpcode FSReqOpcode = 0x50 MoveFileOpcode FSReqOpcode = 0x60 ) type FSRespOpcode uint8 const ( ReadFileResp FSRespOpcode = 0x11 WriteFileResp FSRespOpcode = 0x21 DeleteFileResp FSRespOpcode = 0x31 MakeDirectoryResp FSRespOpcode = 0x41 ListDirectoryResp FSRespOpcode = 0x51 MoveFileResp FSRespOpcode = 0x61 ) type ReadFileHeaderRequest struct { Padding byte PathLen uint16 Offset uint32 ReadLen uint32 Path string } type ReadFileRequest struct { Status uint8 Padding [2]byte Offset uint32 ReadLen uint32 } type ReadFileResponse struct { Status int8 Padding [2]byte Offset uint32 FileSize uint32 ChunkLen uint32 Data []byte } type WriteFileHeaderRequest struct { Padding byte PathLen uint16 Offset uint32 ModTime uint64 FileSize uint32 Path string } type WriteFileRequest struct { Status uint8 Padding [2]byte Offset uint32 ChunkLen uint32 Data []byte } type WriteFileResponse struct { Status int8 Padding [2]byte Offset uint32 ModTime uint64 FreeSpace uint32 } type DeleteFileRequest struct { Padding byte PathLen uint16 Path string } type DeleteFileResponse struct { Status int8 } type MkdirRequest struct { Padding byte PathLen uint16 Padding2 [4]byte Timestamp uint64 Path string } type MkdirResponse struct { Status int8 Padding [6]byte ModTime uint64 } type ListDirRequest struct { Padding byte PathLen uint16 Path string } type ListDirResponse struct { Status int8 PathLen uint16 EntryNum uint32 TotalEntries uint32 Flags uint32 ModTime uint64 FileSize uint32 Path []byte } type MoveFileRequest struct { Padding byte OldPathLen uint16 NewPathLen uint16 OldPath string Padding2 byte NewPath string } type MoveFileResponse struct { Status int8 } func WriteRequest(char *bluetooth.DeviceCharacteristic, opcode FSReqOpcode, req any) error { buf := &bytes.Buffer{} buf.WriteByte(byte(opcode)) rv := reflect.ValueOf(req) for rv.Kind() == reflect.Pointer { rv = rv.Elem() } for i := 0; i < rv.NumField(); i++ { switch field := rv.Field(i); field.Kind() { case reflect.String: io.WriteString(buf, field.String()) case reflect.Slice: if field.Type().Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8 { buf.Write(field.Bytes()) } default: binary.Write(buf, binary.LittleEndian, field.Interface()) } } _, err := char.WriteWithoutResponse(buf.Bytes()) return err } func ReadResponse(b []byte, expect FSRespOpcode, out interface{}) error { if len(b) == 0 { return errors.New("empty response packet") } if opcode := FSRespOpcode(b[0]); opcode != expect { return fmt.Errorf("unexpected response opcode: expected %x, got %x", expect, opcode) } r := bytes.NewReader(b[1:]) ot := reflect.TypeOf(out) if ot.Kind() != reflect.Ptr || ot.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Struct { return errors.New("out parameter must be a pointer to a struct") } ov := reflect.ValueOf(out).Elem() for i := 0; i < ot.Elem().NumField(); i++ { field := ot.Elem().Field(i) fieldValue := ov.Field(i) // If the last field is a byte slice, just read the remaining data into it and return. if i == ot.Elem().NumField()-1 { if field.Type.Kind() == reflect.Slice && field.Type.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8 { data, err := io.ReadAll(r) if err != nil { return err } fieldValue.SetBytes(data) return nil } } if err := binary.Read(r, binary.LittleEndian, fieldValue.Addr().Interface()); err != nil { return err } } if statusField := ov.FieldByName("Status"); !statusField.IsZero() { code := statusField.Interface().(int8) if code != 0x01 { return Error{code} } } return nil }