import logging import toml import platformdirs from . import PROGRAM_DATA_DIR, PROGRAM_NAME logger = logging.getLogger("config") _config: dict = { "active_feeds": [ "mastodon", "twitter", ], "ics_url": "", "mastodon": {}, "twitter": {}, "lemmy": {}, } CONFIG_FILE = PROGRAM_DATA_DIR / f"{PROGRAM_NAME}.toml""Config file: {CONFIG_FILE}") def read(): global _config, CONFIG_FILE if CONFIG_FILE.exists(): with"r", encoding="utf-8") as f: _config.update(toml.load(f)) def write(): global _config, CONFIG_FILE with"w", encoding="utf-8") as f: toml.dump(_config, f) def get_field(__name: str, default=None): global _config return _config.get(__name, default) def set_field(__name: str, __value, update_dict=False): global _config if update_dict and isinstance(__value, dict) and isinstance(_config.get(__name), dict): _config[__name].update(__value) else: _config[__name] = __value write() read()