I've rewritten the connect and reconnect code in 4c36144b0b. That should theoretically fix it. Please notify me if it doesn't.
Sorry that it took so long, I've had some mental health issues and…
I think what I will do for now, since InfiniTime has made pairing optional, is add a config option to disable pairing, and set the default to false until I can fix the code.
Not a real solution, but probably a workaround: Did you try adding your PT to the whitelist in the config file?
The whitelist is meant to be used if you have multiple PineTimes and need…
The general idea is that itd should stop reconnecting when it detects that
There is no way to detect the pin having been displayed. The way it works is that when you try to pair, and InfiniTime…
Yeah, I had to work around the fact that some DEs don't display the pin prompt properly by making my own bluez agent. The pairing code is currently not working very well. I am planning to work on…