const std = @import("std"); const gpio = @import("gpio"); pub fn main() !void { var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){}; defer std.debug.assert(gpa.deinit() == .ok); const alloc = gpa.allocator(); var dir = try std.fs.openDirAbsolute("/dev", .{}); defer dir.close(); var args = std.process.args(); _ = args.skip(); // Skip the program name // Iterate over each argument while ( |argument| { const hasGpiochip = hasPrefix(argument, "gpiochip"); // If the argument has the "gpiochip" prefix, // just use it unchanged. Otherwise, add the prefix. const filename: []const u8 = if (hasGpiochip) argument else try std.mem.concat(alloc, u8, &.{ "gpiochip", argument }); // We only need to free if we actually allocated, // which only happens if there was no prefix. defer if (!hasGpiochip); const fl = try dir.openFile(filename, .{}); var chip = try gpio.getChipByFd(fl.handle); defer chip.close(); // This will close the fd const stdout =; try stdout.print("{s} - {d} lines:\n", .{ chip.nameSlice(), chip.lines }); var offset: u32 = 0; while (offset < chip.lines) : (offset += 1) { const lineInfo = try chip.getLineInfo(offset); // Create an arraylist to store all the flag strings var flags = std.ArrayList([]const u8).init(alloc); defer flags.deinit(); // Appand any relevant flag strings to the array list if (lineInfo.flags.input) try flags.append("input"); if (lineInfo.flags.output) try flags.append("output"); if (lineInfo.flags.used) try flags.append("used"); if (lineInfo.flags.active_low) try flags.append("active_low"); if (lineInfo.flags.edge_rising) try flags.append("edge_rising"); if (lineInfo.flags.edge_falling) try flags.append("edge_falling"); if (lineInfo.flags.open_drain) try flags.append("open_drain"); if (lineInfo.flags.open_source) try flags.append("open_source"); if (lineInfo.flags.bias_pull_up) try flags.append("bias_pull_up"); if (lineInfo.flags.bias_pull_down) try flags.append("bias_pull_down"); // Join the array list into a string const flagStr = try std.mem.join(alloc, ", ", flags.items); defer; const name = if ([0] != 0) lineInfo.nameSlice() else ""; const consumer = if (lineInfo.flags.used) lineInfo.consumerSlice() else ""; try stdout.print(" line {d}: {s} {s} [{s}]\n", .{ offset, name, consumer, flagStr }); } } } fn hasPrefix(s: []const u8, prefix: []const u8) bool { if (s.len < prefix.len) return false; return (std.mem.eql(u8, s[0..prefix.len], prefix)); }