+++ title = "About" description = "About Me" showDate = false slug = "about" +++ Hello! I'm Elara Musayelyan, also sometimes known as Elara6331 or Heisenbug online. I'm very passionate about programming and open-source software. I really enjoy contributing to the community by creating open-source projects and contributing to existing projects. My favorite topics include embedded software, cryptography, automation, networking, and the Linux operating system. I also maintain a server cluster consisting mostly of various ARM single-board computers that I use to self-host various online services. I use Hashicorp's Nomad and Consul, as well as the Traefik reverse proxy, to automate that process. You can see my projects and contributions on my [Gitea instance](https://gitea.elara.ws/Elara6331), or mirrored to my [Github](https://github.com/Elara6331).