defaultName = "simpledash"
defaultTarget = "build"

def simpledash_build():
    # Check if node-sass is installed
    if shell.LookPath("node-sass") == -1:
        # Warn user if not
        log.Warn("node-sass must be installed to build bulma for simpledash")
        # Build bulma if node-sass installed
        cd bulma
        node-sass --output-style compressed --omit-source-map-url sass/custom-styles.scss css/custom-styles.min.css
        cp -v css/custom-styles.min.css ../resources/public/css/bulma.min.css
    # Check if go is installed
    if shell.LookPath("go") == -1:
        # Log fatally if not
        log.Fatal("go must be installed to compile simpledash")
    # Build simpledash
    shell.Exec("go build")

def simpledash_run():
    # If simpledash binary does not exist
    if not file.Exists("simpledash"):
        # Log fatally
        log.Fatal("simpledash should be built before running, run `advmake` to build")
    # Execute simpledash binary