2023-12-22 15:41:07 -08:00

269 lines
6.4 KiB

* Salix - Go templating engine
* Copyright (C) 2023 Elara Musayelyan
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
package parser
import (
func toAnySlice(v any) []any {
if v == nil {
return nil
return v.([]any)
func toNodeSlice(v any) []ast.Node {
if v == nil {
return nil
return v.([]ast.Node)
func getPos(c *current) ast.Position {
return ast.Position{
Name: c.globalStore["name"].(string),
Line: c.pos.line,
Col: c.pos.col,
func toExpr(c *current, first, rest any) ast.Node {
restSlice := toAnySlice(rest)
if len(restSlice) == 0 {
return first.(ast.Node)
out := ast.Expr{First: first.(ast.Node), Position: getPos(c)}
for _, restValue := range restSlice {
valueSlice := toAnySlice(restValue)
out.Rest = append(out.Rest, ast.Expr{
Operator: valueSlice[1].(ast.Operator),
First: valueSlice[3].(ast.Node),
Position: valueSlice[3].(ast.Node).Pos(),
return out
Root = items:(Tag / ExprTag / EndTag / Text)* {
itemSlice := toAnySlice(items)
out := make([]ast.Node, len(itemSlice))
for i, item := range itemSlice{
out[i] = item.(ast.Node)
return out, nil
Tag = '#' name:Ident params:ParamList? body:':'? {
return ast.Tag{
Name: name.(ast.Ident),
Params: toNodeSlice(params),
HasBody: body != nil,
Position: getPos(c),
}, nil
EndTag = "#!" name:Ident {
return ast.EndTag{
Name: name.(ast.Ident),
Position: getPos(c),
}, nil
ExprTag = "#(" item:Expr ')' {
return ast.ExprTag{
Value: item.(ast.Node),
Position: getPos(c),
}, nil
Expr = Ternary / Assignment / LogicalExpr
Assignable = Ternary / LogicalExpr
LogicalExpr = _ first:ComparisonExpr rest:(_ LogicalOp _ ComparisonExpr)* _ {
return toExpr(c, first, rest), nil
ComparisonExpr = _ first:ArithmeticExpr rest:(_ ComparisonOp _ ArithmeticExpr)* _ {
return toExpr(c, first, rest), nil
ArithmeticExpr = _ first:Value rest:(_ ArithmeticOp _ Value)* _ {
return toExpr(c, first, rest), nil
ParenExpr = '(' expr:Expr ')' {
return expr, nil
ParamList = '(' params:(Expr ( ',' _ Expr )* )? ')' {
paramSlice := toAnySlice(params)
if len(paramSlice) == 0 {
return []ast.Node{}, nil
out := []ast.Node{paramSlice[0].(ast.Node)}
restSlice := toAnySlice(paramSlice[1])
for _, value := range restSlice {
valueSlice := toAnySlice(value)
out = append(out, valueSlice[2].(ast.Node))
return out, nil
Value = not:"!"? node:(MethodCall / FieldAccess / Index / String / RawString / Float / Integer / Bool / FuncCall / VariableOr / Ident / ParenExpr) {
return ast.Value{
Node: node.(ast.Node),
Not: not != nil,
}, nil
VariableOr = variable:Ident _ '|' _ or:Assignable {
return ast.VariableOr{
Variable: variable.(ast.Ident),
Or: or.(ast.Node),
}, nil
Assignment = name:Ident _ '=' _ value:Assignable {
return ast.Assignment{
Name: name.(ast.Ident),
Value: value.(ast.Node),
Position: getPos(c),
}, nil
Ternary = cond:Assignable _ '?' _ ifTrue:Value _ ':' _ elseVal:Value {
return ast.Ternary{
Condition: cond.(ast.Node),
IfTrue: ifTrue.(ast.Node),
Else: elseVal.(ast.Node),
}, nil
MethodCall = value:Value '.' name:Ident params:ParamList {
return ast.MethodCall{
Value: value.(ast.Node),
Name: name.(ast.Ident),
Params: toNodeSlice(params),
Position: getPos(c),
}, nil
Index = value:Value '[' index:Value ']' {
return ast.Index{
Value: value.(ast.Node),
Index: index.(ast.Node),
Position: getPos(c),
}, nil
FieldAccess = value:Value '.' name:Ident {
return ast.FieldAccess{
Value: value.(ast.Node),
Name: name.(ast.Ident),
Position: getPos(c),
}, nil
Ident = [a-z]i [a-z0-9_]i* {
return ast.Ident{
Value: string(c.text),
Position: getPos(c),
}, nil
FuncCall = name:Ident params:ParamList {
return ast.FuncCall{
Name: name.(ast.Ident),
Params: toNodeSlice(params),
Position: getPos(c),
}, nil
Integer = '-'? ("0x" [0-9a-f]i+ / "0o" [0-7]+ / "0b" [01]+ / [0-9]+) {
i, err := strconv.ParseInt(string(c.text), 0, 64)
return ast.Integer{
Value: i,
Position: getPos(c),
}, err
Float = '-'? value:([0-9]+ '.' [0-9]+) {
f, err := strconv.ParseFloat(string(c.text), 64)
return ast.Float{
Value: f,
Position: getPos(c),
}, err
String = '"' value:[^"]* '"' {
s, err := strconv.Unquote(string(c.text))
return ast.String{
Value: s,
Position: getPos(c),
}, err
RawString = '`' value:[^`]* '`' {
s, err := strconv.Unquote(string(c.text))
return ast.String{
Value: s,
Position: getPos(c),
}, err
Bool = ("true"i / "false"i) {
b, err := strconv.ParseBool(string(c.text))
return ast.Bool{
Value: b,
Position: getPos(c),
}, err
LogicalOp = ("||" / "&&") {
return ast.Operator{
Value: string(c.text),
Position: getPos(c),
}, nil
ComparisonOp = ("==" / "!=" / "<=" / ">=" / '<' / '>' / "in"i) {
return ast.Operator{
Value: string(c.text),
Position: getPos(c),
}, nil
ArithmeticOp = ('+' / '-' / '/' / '*' / '%') {
return ast.Operator{
Value: string(c.text),
Position: getPos(c),
}, nil
Text = . [^#]* { return ast.Text{Data: c.text, Position: getPos(c)}, nil }
_ "whitespace" ← [ \t\r\n]*