package main import ( "bufio" "crypto/rand" "encoding/hex" "flag" "fmt" "" "" "io" "os" "os/signal" "strconv" "strings" "syscall" "time" ) var workDir *string func main() { // Use ConsoleWriter logger log.Logger = log.Output(zerolog.ConsoleWriter{Out: os.Stderr}).Hook(FatalHook{}) confPath := GetConfigPath() config := NewConfig(confPath) // Create --send-to flag to send to a specific IP sendTo := flag.String("send-to", "", "Use IP address of receiver instead of mDNS") // Create --dest-dir flag to save to a specified folder destDir := flag.String("dest-dir", "", "Destination directory for files or dirs sent over opensend") workDir = flag.String("work-dir", "", "Working directory for opensend") givenCfgPath := flag.String("config", "", "Opensend config to use") // Create --skip-mdns to skip service registration skipMdns := flag.Bool("skip-mdns", config.Receiver.SkipZeroconf, "Skip zeroconf service registration (use if mdns fails)") // Create -t flag for type actionType := flag.String("t", "", "Type of data being sent") // Create -d flag for data actionData := flag.String("d", "", "Data to send") // Create -s flag for sending sendFlag := flag.Bool("s", false, "Send data") // Create -r flag for receiving recvFlag := flag.Bool("r", false, "Receive data") // Parse flags flag.Parse() if *givenCfgPath != "" { config = NewConfig(*givenCfgPath) } if *workDir == "" { if *sendFlag { *workDir = ExpandPath(config.Sender.WorkDir) } else { *workDir = ExpandPath(config.Receiver.WorkDir) } } // Create channel for signals sig := make(chan os.Signal, 1) // Send message on channel upon reception of SIGINT or SIGTERM signal.Notify(sig, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM) // Intercept signal go func() { select { // Wait for sig to be written case <-sig: // Warn user that a signal has been received and that opensend is shutting down log.Warn().Msg("Signal received. Shutting down.") // Remove opensend directory to avoid future conflicts _ = os.RemoveAll(*workDir) // Exit with code 0 os.Exit(0) } }() // Create opensend dir ignoring errors _ = os.Mkdir(*workDir, 0755) // If -s given if *sendFlag { if *actionType == "" || *actionData == "" { log.Fatal().Msg("Valid action type and data is required to send") } // Create 32 byte buffer sharedKeyBytes := make([]byte, 32) // Read random bytes into buffer _, err := io.ReadFull(rand.Reader, sharedKeyBytes) if err != nil { log.Fatal().Err(err).Msg("Error generating random bytes") } // Encode random bytes to hexadecimal sharedKey := hex.EncodeToString(sharedKeyBytes) // Notify user a key has been created log.Info().Msg("Generated random shared key") // Create variable to store chosen IP var choiceIP string // If IP is provided via --send-to if *sendTo != "" { // Notify user that provided IP is being used log.Info().Msg("IP provided. Skipping discovery.") // Set chosen IP to provided choiceIP = *sendTo // Otherwise } else { // Notify user device discovery is beginning log.Info().Msg("Discovering opensend receivers") // Discover all _opensend._tcp.local. mDNS services discoveredReceivers, discoveredIPs := DiscoverReceivers() // Create reader for STDIN reader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin) // Print hostnames of each receiver for index, receiver := range discoveredReceivers { // Print hostname and index+1 fmt.Println("["+strconv.Itoa(index+1)+"]", receiver) } // Prompt user for choice fmt.Print("Choose a receiver: ") choiceStr, _ := reader.ReadString('\n') // Convert input to int after trimming spaces choiceInt, err := strconv.Atoi(strings.TrimSpace(choiceStr)) if err != nil { log.Fatal().Err(err).Msg("Error converting choice to int") } // Set choiceIndex to choiceInt-1 to allow for indexing choiceIndex := choiceInt - 1 // Get IP of chosen receiver choiceIP = discoveredIPs[choiceIndex] } // Instantiate Config object parameters := NewParameters(*actionType, *actionData) // Validate data in config struct parameters.Validate() // Collect any files that may be required for transaction into opensend directory parameters.CollectFiles(*workDir) // Create config file in opensend directory parameters.CreateFile(*workDir) // Notify user of key exchange log.Info().Msg("Performing key exchange") // Exchange RSA keys with receiver rawKey := SenderKeyExchange(choiceIP) // Inform user receiver key has been received log.Info().Msg("Receiver key received") // Encrypt shared key using RSA public key key := EncryptKey(sharedKey, rawKey) // Save encrypted key in opensend directory as key.aes SaveEncryptedKey(key, *workDir+"/key.aes") // Notify user file encryption is beginning log.Info().Msg("Encrypting files") // Encrypt all files in opensend directory using shared key EncryptFiles(*workDir, sharedKey) // Notify user server has started log.Info().Msg("Server started on port 9898") // Send all files in opensend directory using an HTTP server on port 9898 SendFiles(*workDir) // If -r given } else if *recvFlag { // If --skip-mdns is not given if !*skipMdns { // Register {hostname}._opensend._tcp.local. mDNS service and pass shutdown function zeroconfShutdown := RegisterService() // Shutdown zeroconf server at the end of main() defer zeroconfShutdown() } // Notify user keypair is being generated log.Info().Msg("Generating RSA keypair") // Generate keypair privateKey, publicKey := GenerateRSAKeypair() // Notify user opensend is waiting for key exchange log.Info().Msg("Waiting for sender key exchange") // Exchange keys with sender senderIP := ReceiverKeyExchange(publicKey) // Sleep 300ms to allow sender time to start HTTP server time.Sleep(300 * time.Millisecond) // Notify user files are being received log.Info().Msg("Receiving files from server (This may take a while)") // Connect to sender's TCP socket connection := ConnectToSender(senderIP) // Get files from sender and place them into the opensend directory RecvFiles(connection) // Get encrypted shared key from sender encryptedKey := GetKey(connection) // Send stop signal to sender's HTTP server SendSrvStopSignal(connection) // Decrypt shared key sharedKey := DecryptKey(encryptedKey, privateKey) // Notify user file decryption is beginning log.Info().Msg("Decrypting files") // Decrypt all files in opensend directory using shared key DecryptFiles(*workDir, sharedKey) // Instantiate Config parameters := &Parameters{} // Read config file in opensend directory parameters.ReadFile(*workDir + "/parameters.json") // Notify user that action is being executed log.Info().Msg("Executing JSON action") // Execute JSON action using files within opensend directory parameters.ExecuteAction(*workDir, *destDir) } else { flag.Usage() log.Fatal().Msg("You must choose sender or receiver mode using -s or -r") } // Remove opensend directory err := os.RemoveAll(*workDir) if err != nil { log.Fatal().Err(err).Msg("Error removing opensend directory") } }