Merge branch 'master' into public
ci/woodpecker/push/woodpecker Pipeline was successful Details

This commit is contained in:
Elara 2023-05-16 12:45:13 -07:00
commit dbe75ce5fd
3 changed files with 157 additions and 110 deletions

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ pipeline:
event: push
image: elara6331/drone-nomad
image: loq9/drone-nomad
secrets: [lure_api_github_secret]

View File

@ -1,123 +1,170 @@
import { page } from '$app/stores';
import { client } from 'twirpscript';
import { GetPkg } from '$lib/lure.pb';
import { LURE_WEB_API_URL } from '$env/static/public';
import { DoubleBounce } from 'svelte-loading-spinners';
import { page } from '$app/stores';
import { client } from 'twirpscript';
import { GetPkg } from '$lib/lure.pb';
import { LURE_WEB_API_URL } from '$env/static/public';
import { DoubleBounce } from 'svelte-loading-spinners';
import Header from "../../../header.svelte";
import Footer from "../../../footer.svelte";
import Header from '../../../header.svelte';
import Footer from '../../../footer.svelte';
import Icon from '@iconify/svelte';
import Icon from '@iconify/svelte';
import { onMount } from 'svelte';
client.baseURL = LURE_WEB_API_URL
client.prefix = ""
client.baseURL = LURE_WEB_API_URL;
client.prefix = '';
function fullVer(pkg) {
let ver = `${pkg.version}-${pkg.release}`;
if (pkg.epoch != 0) {
ver = `${pkg.epoch}:${ver}`
return ver
let currentURL = ``;
onMount(() => (currentURL = window.location.href));
function objToMap(o) {
return new Map(Object.entries(o))
function fullVer(pkg) {
let ver = `${pkg.version}-${pkg.release}`;
if (pkg.epoch != 0) {
ver = `${pkg.epoch}:${ver}`;
return ver;
function objToMap(o) {
return new Map(Object.entries(o));
let modalActive = false;
function showModal() {
modalActive = true;
function hideModal() {
modalActive = false;
<title>{$} Package | LURE Web</title>
<meta name="description" content="Information about the {$} LURE package.">
<title>{$} Package | LURE Web</title>
<meta name="description" content="Information about the {$} LURE package." />
<Header />
<section class="container">
<a href="/pkgs"><Icon icon="material-symbols:arrow-back-rounded" inline=true/> Back</a>
{#await GetPkg({name: $, repository: $page.params.repo})}
<center><DoubleBounce color="#375a7f" /></center>
{:then pkg}
<p class="title">{}</p>
<p class="subtitle mb-3">{fullVer(pkg)}</p>
<a href="/pkg/{pkg.repository}/{}/" class="button is-primary mb-5">View</a>
<div class="box">
<table class="table is-hoverable is-fullwidth">
{#if pkg.description != ""}
{#if pkg.homepage != ""}
<td><a href="{pkg.homepage}">{pkg.homepage}</a></td>
{#if pkg.maintainer != ""}
{#if pkg.licenses.length != 0}
{#each pkg.licenses as license, index}
{#if license.startsWith('custom')}
{license}{#if index+1 < pkg.licenses.length},&nbsp{/if}
<a href="{license}.html">{license}</a>{#if index+1 < pkg.licenses.length},&nbsp;{/if}
{#if pkg.architectures.length != 0}
<td>{pkg.architectures.join(', ')}</td>
{#if pkg.conflicts.length != 0}
<td>{pkg.conflicts.join(', ')}</td>
{#if pkg.provides.length != 0}
<td>{pkg.provides.join(', ')}</td>
{#each [...objToMap(pkg.depends)] as [override, pkgList]}
<th>Depends ({override == "" ? "default" : override}):</th>
<td>{pkgList.entries.join(', ')}</td>
{#each [...objToMap(pkg.buildDepends)] as [override, pkgList]}
<th>Build Depends ({override != "" ? override : "default"}):</th>
<td>{pkgList.entries.join(', ')}</td>
{:catch err}
<div class="notification is-danger my-3">
Error: {err.msg}
<a href="/pkgs"><Icon icon="material-symbols:arrow-back-rounded" inline="true" /> Back</a>
{#await GetPkg({ name: $, repository: $page.params.repo })}
<center><DoubleBounce color="#375a7f" /></center>
{:then pkg}
<div class="modal {modalActive ? 'is-active' : ''}">
<div class="modal-background"/>
<div class="modal-card">
<header class="modal-card-head">
<p class="modal-card-title">Badge</p>
<button class="delete" aria-label="close" on:click={hideModal}/>
<section class="modal-card-body">
alt="badge for {$} package"
value="[![LURE badge for {$} package]({LURE_WEB_API_URL}/badge/{$page.params.repo}/{$})]({currentURL})"
value='<a href="{currentURL}"><img src="{LURE_WEB_API_URL}/badge/{$page.params.repo}/{$}" alt="LURE badge for {$} package"></a>'
<footer class="modal-card-foot">
<button class="button is-primary" on:click={hideModal}>Close</button>
<p class="title">{}</p>
<p class="subtitle mb-3">{fullVer(pkg)}</p>
<a href="/pkg/{pkg.repository}/{}/" class="button is-primary mb-5">View</a>
<button href="/pkg/{pkg.repository}/{}/" class="button is-success mb-5 ml-1" on:click={showModal}>View badge</button>
<div class="box">
<table class="table is-hoverable is-fullwidth">
{#if pkg.description != ''}
{#if pkg.homepage != ''}
<td><a href={pkg.homepage}>{pkg.homepage}</a></td>
{#if pkg.maintainer != ''}
{#if pkg.licenses.length != 0}
{#each pkg.licenses as license, index}
{#if license.startsWith('custom')}
{license}{#if index + 1 < pkg.licenses.length},&nbsp{/if}
<a href="{license}.html">{license}</a
>{#if index + 1 < pkg.licenses.length},&nbsp;{/if}
{#if pkg.architectures.length != 0}
<td>{pkg.architectures.join(', ')}</td>
{#if pkg.conflicts.length != 0}
<td>{pkg.conflicts.join(', ')}</td>
{#if pkg.provides.length != 0}
<td>{pkg.provides.join(', ')}</td>
{#each [...objToMap(pkg.depends)] as [override, pkgList]}
<th>Depends ({override == '' ? 'default' : override}):</th>
<td>{pkgList.entries.join(', ')}</td>
{#each [...objToMap(pkg.buildDepends)] as [override, pkgList]}
<th>Build Depends ({override != '' ? override : 'default'}):</th>
<td>{pkgList.entries.join(', ')}</td>
{:catch err}
<div class="notification is-danger my-3">
Error: {err.msg}
<Footer />

View File

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ job "lure-web" {
config {
image = "arsen6331/lure-api-server:latest"
image = "elara6331/lure-api-server:latest"
ports = ["api"]