package reflectutil import ( "encoding" "fmt" "reflect" "" ) // Convert attempts to convert the given value to the given type func Convert(in reflect.Value, toType reflect.Type) (reflect.Value, error) { // Get input type inType := in.Type() // If input is already the desired type, return if inType == toType { return in, nil } // If input can be converted to desired type, convert and return if in.CanConvert(toType) { return in.Convert(toType), nil } // Create new value of desired type to := reflect.New(toType).Elem() // If type is a pointer if to.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { // Initialize value to.Set(reflect.New(to.Type().Elem())) } switch val := in.Interface().(type) { case string: // If desired type satisfies text unmarshaler if u, ok := to.Interface().(encoding.TextUnmarshaler); ok { // Use text unmarshaler to get value err := u.UnmarshalText([]byte(val)) if err != nil { return reflect.Value{}, err } // Return unmarshaled value return reflect.ValueOf(any(u)), nil } case []byte: // If desired type satisfies binary unmarshaler if u, ok := to.Interface().(encoding.BinaryUnmarshaler); ok { // Use binary unmarshaler to get value err := u.UnmarshalBinary(val) if err != nil { return reflect.Value{}, err } // Return unmarshaled value return reflect.ValueOf(any(u)), nil } } // If input is a map if in.Kind() == reflect.Map { // Use mapstructure to decode value err := mapstructure.Decode(in.Interface(), to.Addr().Interface()) if err == nil { return to, nil } } // If input is a slice of any, and output is an array or slice if in.Type() == reflect.TypeOf([]any{}) && to.Kind() == reflect.Slice || to.Kind() == reflect.Array { // Use ConvertSlice to convert value to.Set(reflect.ValueOf(ConvertSlice( in.Interface().([]any), toType, ))) } return to, fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %s to %s", inType, toType) } // ConvertSlice converts []any to an array or slice, as provided // in the "to" argument. func ConvertSlice(in []any, to reflect.Type) any { // Create new value for output out := reflect.New(to).Elem() // If output value is a slice if out.Kind() == reflect.Slice { // Get type of slice elements outType := out.Type().Elem() // For every value provided for i := 0; i < len(in); i++ { // Get value of input type inVal := reflect.ValueOf(in[i]) // Create new output type outVal := reflect.New(outType).Elem() // If types match if inVal.Type() == outType { // Set output value to input value outVal.Set(inVal) } else { // If input value can be converted to output type if inVal.CanConvert(outType) { // Convert and set output value to input value outVal.Set(inVal.Convert(outType)) } else { // Set output value to its zero value outVal.Set(reflect.Zero(outVal.Type())) } } // Append output value to slice out = reflect.Append(out, outVal) } } else if out.Kind() == reflect.Array && out.Len() == len(in) { //If output type is array and lengths match // For every input value for i := 0; i < len(in); i++ { // Get matching output index outVal := out.Index(i) // Get input value inVal := reflect.ValueOf(in[i]) // If types match if inVal.Type() == outVal.Type() { // Set output value to input value outVal.Set(inVal) } else { // If input value can be converted to output type if inVal.CanConvert(outVal.Type()) { // Convert and set output value to input value outVal.Set(inVal.Convert(outVal.Type())) } else { // Set output value to its zero value outVal.Set(reflect.Zero(outVal.Type())) } } } } // Return created value return out.Interface() }