Arsen Musayelyan b757af7fed
All checks were successful
ci/woodpecker/push/woodpecker Pipeline was successful
Switch to autogenerated DRPC framework
2023-01-02 22:30:17 -08:00

124 lines
2.5 KiB
Protocol Buffer

syntax = "proto3";
package rpc;
option go_package = "";
message Empty {};
message IntResponse {
uint32 value = 1;
message StringResponse {
string value = 1;
message MotionResponse {
int32 x = 1;
int32 y = 2;
int32 z = 3;
message NotifyRequest {
string title = 1;
string body = 2;
message SetTimeRequest {
int64 unix_nano = 1;
message FirmwareUpgradeRequest {
enum Type {
Archive = 0;
Files = 1;
Type type = 1;
repeated string files = 2;
message DFUProgress {
int64 sent = 1;
int64 recieved = 2;
int64 total = 3;
service ITD {
rpc HeartRate(Empty) returns (IntResponse);
rpc WatchHeartRate(Empty) returns (stream IntResponse);
rpc BatteryLevel(Empty) returns (IntResponse);
rpc WatchBatteryLevel(Empty) returns (stream IntResponse);
rpc Motion(Empty) returns (MotionResponse);
rpc WatchMotion(Empty) returns (stream MotionResponse);
rpc StepCount(Empty) returns (IntResponse);
rpc WatchStepCount(Empty) returns (stream IntResponse);
rpc Version(Empty) returns (StringResponse);
rpc Address(Empty) returns (StringResponse);
rpc Notify(NotifyRequest) returns (Empty);
rpc SetTime(SetTimeRequest) returns (Empty);
rpc WeatherUpdate(Empty) returns (Empty);
rpc FirmwareUpgrade(FirmwareUpgradeRequest) returns (stream DFUProgress);
message PathRequest {
string path = 1;
message PathsRequest {
repeated string paths = 1;
message RenameRequest {
string from = 1;
string to = 2;
message TransferRequest {
string source = 1;
string destination = 2;
message FileInfo {
string name = 1;
int64 size = 2;
bool is_dir = 3;
message DirResponse {
repeated FileInfo entries = 1;
message TransferProgress {
uint32 sent = 1;
uint32 total = 2;
message ResourceLoadProgress {
enum Operation {
Upload = 0;
RemoveObsolete = 1;
string name = 1;
int64 total = 2;
int64 sent = 3;
Operation operation = 4;
service FS {
rpc RemoveAll(PathsRequest) returns (Empty);
rpc Remove(PathsRequest) returns (Empty);
rpc Rename(RenameRequest) returns (Empty);
rpc MkdirAll(PathsRequest) returns (Empty);
rpc Mkdir(PathsRequest) returns (Empty);
rpc ReadDir(PathRequest) returns (DirResponse);
rpc Upload(TransferRequest) returns (stream TransferProgress);
rpc Download(TransferRequest) returns (stream TransferProgress);
rpc LoadResources(PathRequest) returns (stream ResourceLoadProgress);