207 lines
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207 lines
10 KiB
from . import ast
from . import parser
import typing
import io
__all__ = ['OperandError', 'Block', 'Interp']
class OperandError(Exception):
def __init__(self, pos: ast.Position, action: str, issue: str, val: typing.Any):
super().__init__(f'{pos}: cannot perform {action} on {issue} operand ({type(val).__name__})')
class Block(dict):
def __init__(self, labels: list[str]):
self.labels = labels
class Interp:
def __init__(self, stream: typing.TextIO, name: str):
self.vars: dict[str, typing.Any] = {}
self.parser = parser.Parser(stream, name)
def __setitem__(self, key, val):
self.vars[key] = val
def __getitem__(self, key) -> typing.Any:
return self.vars[key]
def __delitem__(self, key):
del self.vars[key]
def update(self, vars: dict[str, typing.Any]):
def _eval_index(self, index: ast.Index) -> typing.Any:
val = self._convert_value(index.value)
if not hasattr(val, '__getitem__'):
raise ValueError(f'{index.value.pos}: value is not indexable ({type(val).__name__})')
index_val = self._convert_value(index.index)
if type(index_val) is int and hasattr(val, '__len__') and index_val >= len(val):
raise IndexError(f'{index.index.pos}: index out of range ({index_val} with length {len(val)})')
elif type(index_val) is not int:
if isinstance(val, list) or isinstance(val, tuple) or isinstance(val, str):
raise TypeError(f'{index.index.pos}: {type(val).__name__} indices must be integers, not {type(index_val).__name__}')
elif hasattr(val, '__contains__') and index_val not in val:
raise IndexError(f'{index.index.pos}: index {repr(index_val)} does not exist in value')
return val[index_val]
def _convert_value(self, val: ast.Value) -> typing.Any:
if isinstance(val, ast.VariableRef):
if val.name not in self.vars:
raise KeyError(f'{val.pos}: no such variable: {repr(val.name)}')
return self.vars[val.name]
elif isinstance(val, ast.FunctionCall):
return self._exec_func_call(val)
elif isinstance(val, ast.Literal):
return val.value
elif isinstance(val, ast.Tuple):
return [self._convert_value(item) for item in val.items]
elif isinstance(val, ast.Object):
return {self._convert_value(key): self._convert_value(value) for key, value in val.items}
elif isinstance(val, ast.BinaryExpression):
return self._eval_binary_expr(val)
elif isinstance(val, ast.UnaryExpression):
return self._eval_unary_expr(val)
elif isinstance(val, ast.Index):
return self._eval_index(val)
elif isinstance(val, ast.GetAttr):
obj = self._convert_value(val.value)
if not hasattr(obj, val.attr):
raise AttributeError(f'{val.pos}: no such attribute {repr(val.attr)} in object of type {type(obj).__name__}')
return getattr(obj, val.attr)
elif isinstance(val, ast.Expansion):
raise ValueError(f'{val.pos}: cannot use expansion operator outside of a function call')
def _is_numerical(self, val: typing.Any) -> bool:
return isinstance(val, float | int) and type(val) is not bool
def _is_comparable(self, val: typing.Any) -> bool:
return self._is_numerical(val) or isinstance(val, str)
def _exec_func_call(self, call: ast.FunctionCall) -> typing.Any:
val = self._convert_value(call.value)
if not callable(val):
raise ValueError(f'{call.pos}: cannot call non-callable object')
args = []
for arg in call.args:
if isinstance(arg, ast.Expansion):
arg_val = self._convert_value(arg.value)
if not isinstance(arg_val, typing.Iterable):
raise ValueError(f"{arg.pos}: cannot perform expansion on non-iterable value ({type(arg_val).__name__})")
return val(*args)
def _eval_unary_expr(self, expr: ast.UnaryExpression) -> float | int | bool:
val = self._convert_value(expr.value)
match expr.op.value:
case '!':
if type(val) is not bool:
raise OperandError(expr.value.pos, 'NOT operation', 'non-boolean', val)
return not val
case '-':
if not self._is_numerical(val):
raise OperandError(expr.value.pos, 'negation', 'non-numerical', val)
return -val
case _:
raise ValueError(f'{expr.op.pos}: unknown unary operation: {repr(expr.op.value)}')
def _eval_binary_expr(self, expr: ast.BinaryExpression) -> float | int | bool:
left = self._convert_value(expr.left)
right = self._convert_value(expr.right)
match expr.op.value:
case '==':
return left == right
case '!=':
return left != right
case '+':
if not self._is_numerical(left):
raise OperandError(expr.left.pos, 'addition operation', 'non-numerical', left)
elif not self._is_numerical(right):
raise OperandError(expr.right.pos, 'addition operation', 'non-numerical', right)
return left + right
case '-':
if not self._is_numerical(left):
raise OperandError(expr.left.pos, 'subtraction operation', 'non-numerical', left)
elif not self._is_numerical(right):
raise OperandError(expr.right.pos, 'subtraction operation', 'non-numerical', right)
return left - right
case '*':
if not self._is_numerical(left):
raise OperandError(expr.left.pos, 'multiplication operation', 'non-numerical', left)
elif not self._is_numerical(right):
raise OperandError(expr.right.pos, 'multiplication operation', 'non-numerical', right)
return left * right
case '/':
if not self._is_numerical(left):
raise OperandError(expr.left.pos, 'division operation', 'non-numerical', left)
elif not self._is_numerical(right):
raise OperandError(expr.right.pos, 'division operation', 'non-numerical', right)
return left / right
case '%':
if not self._is_numerical(left):
raise OperandError(expr.left.pos, 'modulo operation', 'non-numerical', left)
elif not self._is_numerical(right):
raise OperandError(expr.right.pos, 'modulo operation', 'non-numerical', right)
return left % right
case '>':
if not self._is_comparable(left):
raise OperandError(expr.left.pos, 'comparison', 'non-comparable', left)
elif not self._is_comparable(right):
raise OperandError(expr.right.pos, 'comparison', 'non-comparable', right)
return left > right
case '<':
if not self._is_comparable(left):
raise OperandError(expr.left.pos, 'comparison', 'non-comparable', left)
elif not self._is_comparable(right):
raise OperandError(expr.right.pos, 'comparison', 'non-comparable', right)
return left < right
case '<=':
if not self._is_comparable(left):
raise OperandError(expr.left.pos, 'comparison', 'non-comparable', left)
elif not self._is_comparable(right):
raise OperandError(expr.right.pos, 'comparison', 'non-comparable', right)
return left <= right
case '>=':
if not self._is_comparable(left):
raise OperandError(expr.left.pos, 'comparison', 'non-comparable', left)
elif not self._is_comparable(right):
raise OperandError(expr.right.pos, 'comparison', 'non-comparable', right)
return left >= right
case '||':
if type(left) is not bool:
raise OperandError(expr.left.pos, 'OR operation', 'non-boolean', left)
elif type(right) is not bool:
raise OperandError(expr.right.pos, 'OR operation', 'non-boolean', right)
return left or right
case '&&':
if type(left) is not bool:
raise OperandError(expr.left.pos, 'AND operation', 'non-boolean', left)
elif type(right) is not bool:
raise OperandError(expr.right.pos, 'AND operation', 'non-boolean', right)
return left and right
case _:
raise ValueError(f'{expr.op.pos}: unknown binary operation: {repr(expr.op.value)}')
def _run(self, tree: ast.AST, cfg: dict[typing.Any, typing.Any]):
for stmt in tree:
if isinstance(stmt, ast.Assignment):
if stmt.name in cfg:
raise KeyError(f'{stmt.pos}: {repr(stmt.name)} is already defined')
cfg[stmt.name] = self._convert_value(stmt.value)
elif isinstance(stmt, ast.Block):
if stmt.name in cfg and (not isinstance(cfg[stmt.name], list) or type(cfg[stmt.name][0]) is not Block):
raise KeyError(f'{stmt.pos}: {repr(stmt.name)} is already defined')
elif stmt.name not in cfg:
cfg[stmt.name] = []
block = Block(stmt.labels)
self._run(stmt.children, block)
def run(self) -> dict[typing.Any, typing.Any]:
cfg = {}
self._run(self.parser.parse(), cfg)
return cfg |