--- title: "Usage" draft: false description: "Using kbdemu" --- {{< appveyor-ci project="kbdemu" projectID="km2f1wiy7enuh6il" >}} {{< minio-s3 project="kbdemu" >}} This page assumes you have already installed KbdEmu. If not, follow the installation instructions on the installation page. {{< button text="Installation" link="../installation" color="blue">}} ### Configs KbdEmu uses TOML configs to tell it what to do. This is the example config which contains all supported features: ```toml [[action]] type = "var" action = "set key to z" [[action]] type = "kbd" action = "hold key @key@" [[action]] type = "misc" action = "wait 1 second" [[action]] type = "kbd" action = "release key @key@" [[action]] type = "kbd" action = "press space" [[action]] type = "kbd" action = "type AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz" [[action]] type = "mse" action = "scroll up 5" [[action]] type = "mse" action= "right click" [[action]] type = "mse" action = "move to {0,0}" [[action]] type = "misc" action = "show message Actions complete!" ``` As you can see, the configs are pretty simple. Here is a list of all the currently supported features: {{}} | Var Type | Misc Type | Kbd Type | Mse Type | |-------------------|-------------------|--------------|----------------| | Setting Variables | Delays | Hold Keys | Scrolling | | | Showing Messages | Release Keys | Mouse Clicks | | | | Type Strings | Mouse Movement | {{