2021-04-02 16:01:07 -07:00
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< a class = btn style = color:#fff;background-color:OrangeRed href = https://www.gitlab.com/moussaelianarsen/advmake > < span class = iconify data-icon = fa-brands:gitlab > < / span > AdvMake< / a > < / p > < h2 id = building-from-source > Building from source< a href = #building-from-source class = anchor aria-hidden = true > #< / a > < / h2 > < h3 id = downloading > Downloading< a href = #downloading class = anchor aria-hidden = true > #< / a > < / h3 > < p > AdvMake is hosted on my Gitea instance. If that is down, it is also mirrored on Gitlab.< / p > < p > To download AdvMake, you can either use the download button on Gitea or Gitlab, or
you can use the git CLI< / p > < p > To clone AdvMake using the CLI, run one of the following commands:< / p > < div class = highlight > < pre class = chroma > < code class = language-bash data-lang = bash > git clone https://gitea.arsenm.dev/Arsen6331/advmake.git
git clone https://gitlab.com/moussaelianarsen/advmake.git
< / code > < / pre > < / div > < h3 id = building > Building< a href = #building class = anchor aria-hidden = true > #< / a > < / h3 > < p > AdvMake is written in Go. This means go must be installed on your computer. Most
linux distros call the package that provides it either < code > go< / code > or < code > golang< / code > .< / p > < p > Once go is installed, you can check that it runs by running< / p > < div class = highlight > < pre class = chroma > < code class = language-bash data-lang = bash > go version
< / code > < / pre > < / div > < p > To compile AdvMake, run< / p > < div class = highlight > < pre class = chroma > < code class = language-bash data-lang = bash > go build
< / code > < / pre > < / div > < h3 id = installing > Installing< a href = #installing class = anchor aria-hidden = true > #< / a > < / h3 > < p > To install AdvMake, run:< / p > < div class = highlight > < pre class = chroma > < code class = language-bash data-lang = bash > sudo install -Dm755 advmake /usr/bin
< / code > < / pre > < / div > < p > Once the command completes, AdvMake should be ready and you can run the following to make sure it works:< / p > < div class = highlight > < pre class = chroma > < code class = language-bash data-lang = bash > advmake -h
2021-04-02 16:11:42 -07:00
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